Schmap: Morena, Berlin

Just as I booked tick­ets for Berlin, I’m informed that my 22C3 (pho­tos here) break­fast at Morena got included in the Schmap Berlin.

I’ve being rewarded a free copy, only usable on a PC run­ning Win­dows XP. Yay.

Update: Found my PCSchmap looks like this.

Photography , , . URL.

2 Responses to Schmap: Morena, Berlin

  1. Agent Angelo says:

    Sweet. I got crappy mob photo short­listed for the upcom­ing Copen­hagen Schmap.

  2. pollas says:

    That VEGA shot isn’t too bad, actu­ally. Obvi­ously lacks light — but that’s just authen­tic and nightlife-ish. Cool.