
Yes­ter­day Urbanblog.dk launched. It’s a col­lab­o­ra­tion between Urban and Blogtid which orig­i­nally started as an alter­na­tive to Avis­tid, then despite good inten­tions went a bit dead and now serve as the plat­form from which Anger­mann, ¸tter, Bal­slev and myself work on the urban­blog project. We still plan on sup­ply­ing views on tra­di­tional media enter­ing a new era using social media with posts from clever peo­ple work­ing in the field. For the past months, how­ever, we’ve been busy build­ing a Word­Press MU–pow­ered blog for Urban’s read­ers to play with.

Dis­claimer first: We’ve swal­lowed the beta pill, mean­ing that we still fid­dle with var­i­ous parts of the site. We’ve got some things to improve and a few lit­tle fea­tures up our sleeves, but wanted to let peo­ple in and see what they came up with. We fig­ured that we knew what had to be done, but that Urban’s new blog­gers knew in particular.

So far it seems the site will be pretty lively; there’s a lot going on already — sup­port­ing our feel­ing that if you pro­vide con­text (it’s about con­text pro­vid­ing, not con­tent pro­vid­ing!), sto­ries and thoughts will emerge.

These are just some of them:

I can’t wait to see what peo­ple will do. So many things going on, so many sto­ries wait­ing to be told. I’m sit­ting at a cafe, next to a guy read­ing Urban — I have the feel­ing he’s only get­ting half.…

Update: Jes­per Bal­slev posts his thoughts (in Dan­ish), out­lin­ing the pro­ces.

Media , , , . URL.

5 Responses to Urbanblog.dk

  1. Agent Angelo says:

    Con­grats. BTW, I like what you’ve done with your page.

  2. pollas says:

    Thanks ;-)

  3. Jonas says:

    Damn, your nice lay­out is really nice Pol­las! You beat me to the restyling (:

    Regard­ing urbanblog.dk, very inter­est­ing indeed, what a project, look­ing for­ward to see what hap­pens there.

    BTW, maybe the beta pill con­tains strip­slashes() for the ‘Nyeste blogs’ and ‘Alle opret­tede blogs’ entries on the front page? Apart from that, pretty sweet for a beta ver­sion I’d say! Good luck.

  4. pollas says:

    Thanks — loads of things still need to be done.

    …which obvi­ously goes for Urban­blog as well — thanks for the tip!

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