Social web media recommendations my a**

Yeah, yeah. Free down­loads, rec­om­men­da­tion sys­tems etc. is the bomb. It exposes peo­ple to music they wouldn’t oth­er­wise have come across. And I believe that. Some­times I even write I believe it. To make it more true.

But so far noth­ing beats hav­ing iTunes run­ning in a crowded cafe. I can browse other people’s music and the per­sonal aspect (remem­ber blog­ging?), hav­ing dif­fer­ent stuff in the same loca­tion with the knowl­edge that this music belongs to the same per­son, is so very useful.

Thanks to Lars Pet­tersen, I’m get­ting a wakeup dose of elec­tron­ica end alectro-clash. Sweet.

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