Blogforum 2

About three years ago about 60 dan­ish blog­gers united to dis­cuss every­thing related to the specifics of blog­ging and every­thing related to fig­ur­ing out what it is that’s really going on.
We’re a cou­ple of blog­gers who are tak­ing the ini­tia­tive to do another blog­fo­rum gath­er­ing this time Sun­day Octo­ber the 8th in Islands Brygge Kul­turhus, Copen­hagen. To unite blog­gers, to unite the think­ing, to have a good time.

In the spirit of shar­ing and open­ness all of the plan­ning will hap­pen in a cou­ple of open meet­ings — every­one that meets up co-creates the event. The first meet­ing will take place this com­ing sun­day at 11am in down­town copen­hagen. Com­ment on the post over at Thomas (where this text orig­i­nated) if you wanna join.

Look­ing for­ward to the com­mu­nity think­ing about the com­mu­nity and the possibilities…

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