Visitor wifi

So we’re in this lovely flat in Friedrichshain. We didn’t specif­i­cally go for a wifi-enabled flat, but I’m happy to see a wire­less router in the hall as I enter.

WPA pass­word reqired. Ok, I text the owner of the flat, she never heard of a pass­word, “it just works” from her desk­top machine. Of course, I’m at a hacker con­fer­ence so in the­ory I could get this to work one way or the other with a lit­tle help, but my point is this: When peo­ple visit you, if you’re there your­self or not doesn’t mat­ter, they want to get online. The beauty of wifi is that it’s so easy to share. If you have pass­words at hand.

I’m doing a pass­word paint­ing once I get home in case I for­get to leave the nec­es­sary details.

(I got it to work with­out break­ing any laws, don’t ask.)

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One Response to Visitor wifi

  1. Hartvig says:

    > don’t ask.
    How do you do that :)