links for 2008-10-13

  • “Aliens Vote: here’s the deal — at least one out of every ten peo­ple liv­ing in the U.S. today is an alien. That’s approx­i­mately 29.1 mil­lion peo­ple; equal to the entire pop­u­la­tion of New York & New Jer­sey com­bined. They own homes & busi­nesses, pay taxes and go to pub­lic schools. While these peo­ple play a huge role in the U.S., they can’t voice their opin­ion in gov­ern­ment elections.”

    Because of this we decided to cre­ate Aliens Vote to see how this silent minor­ity could sway the upcom­ing pres­i­den­tial election.

    (tags: )
Links. URL.

One Response to links for 2008-10-13

  1. Rasmus says:

    Hey, det er jo mig! Stem­men er sat.