[DK] ¸dby Puttgarden med ordentlig info

For ganske kort tid siden, glædede jeg mig over udgivelsen af ¸dby-Puttgarden af Helle Helle.

Desværre var et kækt citat afsenderløst. For­fat­terinden selv to the res­cue; har netop fÃ¥et denne her:

Det var ikke Poul Borum, der skrev sÃ¥dan om mig. Det var Hans Ander­sen i Jyl­land­sposten: “Hun hed­der Helle Helle, og hun kan skrive skrive. Desværre har hun ikke noget at skrive skrive om”.
De bed­ste hilsner
Helle Helle

Opklaret (og en del mere sandsyn­ligt). The power of weblogs, I tell you…

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[DK] Margrethe

¦re B.T. og Ekstra­bladet, hvis topmÃ¥let af jounal­is­tisk arbe­jde er at bringe tilfældige uddrag af en bog om lan­dets født-til-mere-end-andre regent som nyheder, gÃ¥r I efter alt at dømme en hÃ¥rd tid i møde. Hvad er det I kan tilbyde? ¸jtlæsning klarer vi fint selv, alter­na­tivt skal jeg gerne købe bogen og blogge en side om dagen. Men selvfølgelig, jeg er ikke journalist.

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Holocaust-fornægtelse explained

Øv, bedst som man troede man havde kram­met, forklaringsmæssigt forstÃ¥s, pÃ¥ holocaust-fornægterne, kom­mer Dansk Sel­skab for Fri His­torisk Forskn­ing med denne perle:

¦ste gang, du møder en per­son, der siger, at han eller hun for alvor tror, at der blev gas­set jøder, da skal du blot spørge: Er det rigtigt, som billed­erne viser, at dørene gik indad? Lav et print af vort logo. Gerne i stor størrelse. Det pyn­ter pÃ¥ enhver opslagstavle.

Pokkers. Sat til vægs af patri­oter med børnetegninger. Tysk effek­tivitet kan selvk­lart ikke holde til døde jøder, der blok­erer dørene. ¥ er den sat pÃ¥ plads. Gad vide, hvor de sÃ¥ er henne… Bud er velkomne. Dog kan man ikke byde ind med “de har i stjÃ¥lne biler begivet sig af sted med sorte bøsser til et land, hvor de kan fÃ¥ livs­lang overførselsindkomst, snyde med moms i kiosker og mas­sevold­tage skræmte, hvide kvin­der mens de tiljubles af hætteklædte, piercede kom­mu­nis­ter” — den er taget.

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[DK] ¸dby Puttgarden

Og sÃ¥ var det da vist ogsÃ¥ pÃ¥ tide en bog om mit barndomslokalomrÃ¥de kom ud: Helle Helle: ¸dby Puttgar­den. Noget tilsvarende overgik Viborg for nogle Ã¥r siden (findes i fiks hypertekst-udgave hos Dalager), og der var skrig og skrÃ¥l og sager. En hur­tig gen­nem­bladring gav ikke anled­ning til at tro man vil kunne genk­ende virke­lige per­soner, og ærindet er vist et lidt andet, men sjovt er det. Det var pÃ¥ den cykel­sti, i den bager­for­ret­ning, i det kvarter, pÃ¥ den færge min barn­dom og tidlige ung­dom udspillede sig. ¥ en ø, hvor en tur pÃ¥ knallert til Hun­seby ikke er noget prob­lem. “Der er med­vind og kun 19,5 kilo­met”, hvor alle man kender lader til at arbe­jde i par­fumeriet pÃ¥ en af færgerne, hvor soda­vand ikke er noget man køber told­frit, men noget man tager med til

færgen, sÃ¥ man har noget at blande i sin ¤germeister. Byture starter i Østersøen, med pit­stop og tis­sep­a­use, nÃ¥r 23’eren holder i Holeby, og ender pÃ¥ et lidt øde torv i Maribo, i en kø til diskotek Mona Lisa. Oh, the horror.

Har som sagt kun bladret hur­tigt gen­nem bogen, men gÃ¥r stadig og smÃ¥griner over “¥ bly­wer der rÃ¥d til en tur med Con­cor­den, rÃ¥bte Bo” — det er sÃ¥dan, og sÃ¥dan noget, man siger, dernede pÃ¥ sydhavsøerne. Og ja, der er vist noget med Helle Helle “ikke [kan] skrive skrive”, men hun fÃ¥r i den grad en chance. Foor hælve-de man er nys­ger­rig jo.

Update (er blevet bedt om at uddybe): Ovennævnte “skrive skrive” ref­er­erer til, tror jeg, salig Poul Borum, der — har jeg fÃ¥et for­t­alt — engang skulle have skrevet en anmeldelse af Helle Helle, der blot lød “Helle Helle kan ikke skrive skrive”. Men: Jeg har ikke selv læst det, sÃ¥ det kan forholde sig ganske anderledes i virke­lighe­den. ¥ske han ude­lod ‘ikke’, mÃ¥ske det slet ikke var ham, mÃ¥ske er det pure opspind. ¥ske en bedre belæst læser af denne weblog kan assistere?

Update II: Helle Helle kor­rigerer.

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Greenpeace.org is live

Lars Pind: We’re live!

Greenpeace.org is in the air

I was the CSS guy, and it is indeed a plea­sure to work with smart and moti­vated peo­ple. Lars is both. Con­grats, Lars.

Web Development
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Einstürzende Neubauten

Joel man­ages to do the writeup I never did when Ein­stürzende Neubauten played in Copen­hagen last year. This Sun­day they’re at it again. Can’t wait. At time of writ­ing, tick­ets are still avail­able — you should really go. No, really.

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¦se til APG

En efterhÃ¥nden gam­mel sag fÃ¥r omsider sin afs­lut­ning: Advokatnævnets afgørelse: en næse til APG.

Tak til Keld Bach for at holde ved. Og til Antipi­rat­grup­pen for ikke at nuancere billedet af plade­sel­sk­aberne som onde og gam­meldags — det er ogsÃ¥ meget nem­mere pÃ¥ den mÃ¥de.

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Actual Weather Podcast

So, DMI is doing their thing as men­tioned before — I’ll just do mine: Intro­duc­ing “The Actual Weather Pod­cast”, giv­ing DMI a run for their money. So far it’s just been put in its own cat­e­gory on this site — if I decide to go Adam Curry on you, I’ll sort some­thing decent out with regards to feeds etc.


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Politiken on podcasting

So, Poli­tiken has a lit­tle piece on pod­cast­ing. The sta­tis­tics are nice, if true, how­ever they’ve left out what seems to me to be the most impor­tant part of pod­cast­ing: The dis­tri­b­u­tion model. MP3 audio blog posts are just that — pod­cast­ing is a dif­fer­ent thing as you’re able to sub­scribe which should be the inter­est­ing bit; audio on the web isn’t all that new. And, while you’re at it, it should be pos­si­ble to throw in a few links. ‘Search engines’ doesn’t cut it; there are pod­cast direc­to­ries out there and the few Dan­ish pod­cast­ers shouldn’t be hard to find — why not link’em up? And while ‘amat­uer’ as in ‘not the national Dan­ish radio’ is true, it misses another impor­tant point: There are a lot of extremely well-produced, to-the-point talk-radio out there — which should make you trem­ble in fear if you’re a tra­di­tional broad­cast­ing busi­ness. Come on, Poli­tiken — you can do bet­ter than that.

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Swinging wifi

As always, I’m at the local water­ing hole, try­ing to wake up, sip­ping some lattes (yes, I vote as a latte-drinker too), get­ting up to speed on emails etc.

The cou­ple across from me though, have a dif­fer­ent agenda. They’re chat­ting on scor.dk, try­ing to pick up other swingers.

These peo­ple obvi­ously aren’t the most dis­crete (oth­er­wise I wouldn’t know what they’re doing, right), but I imag­ine that for some, it could be just a bit impor­tant, hav­ing a secure net­work. I haven’t got a clue about how to sniff wire­less traf­fic, but my guess is it isn’t that hard (as you can learn how to do a lot of stuff — and bombs — off the internet).

This wifi has got­ten funky, I tell you.

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Got an office?

Geezer needs a new office

We’ve grown out of our old office and we’re now look­ing for a new one. We are Bum­bech, Umbraco and my own one-man-army, Geezer. Ide­ally, our new home is around 100m2, located in nice sur­round­ings with plenty of cof­fee shops.

If you think you can help, please give us a shout: anders(at)geezer.dk

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[DK] Lyt til vejrudsigten pÃ¥ din iPod

DMI pod­caster: Lyt til vejrudsigten pÃ¥ din iPod, iPaq eller Mp3-afspiller. Det var heller ikke gÃ¥et op for, at de et stykke tid har serveret nyheder og mÃ¥nedens vejr som RSS. Ganske fint. Eneste prob­lem: Jeg hører gerne pod­casts ifm. trans­port — altsÃ¥ nÃ¥r jeg har for­ladt mit hjem og er ude i vejret.

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Morrissey Wants Jon Stewart For President

Mor­ris­sey Wants Jon Stew­art For Pres­i­dent:

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I Park Like An Idiot — You suck at parking! Let the world know it!

I Park Like An Idiot — You suck at park­ing! Let the world know it!

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Hey you, in the red truck, shave your mustache

Hey you, in the red truck, shave your mus­tache.:

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MAKE magazine
Finally received my pre­miere issue of MAKE, O’Reilly’s DIY/hacking/remix mag­a­zine. Like the lay­out, like the stuff they put in. I’m not sure if I think the bits on ecto and other lit­tle software-thingies add that much to the DIY vibe but all in all it’s a plea­sure see­ing a mag­a­zine tar­geted to this excact, grow­ing com­mu­nity of peo­ple deter­mined to hack everything.

Great tips on kite aer­ial pho­tog­ra­phy, decent sol­der­ing, cam­ou­flag­ing your SUV to look off­cial, thereby avoid­ing park­ing tick­ets, pick­ing tools to unscrew screws not meant to be unscrewed etc.

Oh, and it seems to be a bit Mac-centric. Nice1.

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Aaaand I’m back up

Greet­ings. I’ve been away for a good month now, not on pur­pose though. The server host­ing this blog started crash­ing when­ver I tried to post some­thing. First track­back spam got to it, then when post­ing, it would save the post but choke on the rebuild. When you get a call on your mobile from your host when you try to post, you know it’s time to switch blog­ging plat­form, some­thing I’ve been try­ing des­per­ately to avoid as I fig­ured it would take ages to migrate all the stuff, get­ting into the new plat­form etc.

How­ever, I’ve recently had pleas­ant expe­ri­ences set­ting up Word­Press for friends so I gave it a shot — and here we are.

Still lots of things to do, con­tent to migrate, design to, well, do (I’m not to happy with the stan­dard tem­plate, so I made it look worse on pur­pose — at least it’s a bit more mine now) — and lots and lots of tweaks.

So, bye bye MT. It’s been nice all in all, but that rebuild may­hem got to me in the end (I know, I know, dynamic tem­plates and stuff, but I like to make the shift with­out being forced to do it) and they’re pretty damn cor­po­rate any­way these days (and yes, I payed for it, that’s not the point).

I’m back at one sin­gle feed for now; all my stuff get spliced; the cam­blog is run via Flickr any­way, the side­blog is reduced to a cat­e­gory (very poorly I might add, I’ll post a bit about the con­ver­sion process later) — so I’ve 301’ed my pre­vi­ous feeds to the mas­ter feed. I’ll try and fig­ure some­thing out with regards to the old cam­blog archives.

Expect any­thing — and a bit of blog­ging on that very sub­ject — for the next cou­ple of weeks.

Pollas.dk, Web Development
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Great notes by Cory Doc­torow from Emerg­ing Tech. What’s even bet­ter, I stum­bled across a nice word: Tech­ni­cally Inex­pe­ri­enced Peo­ple (TIP­pies). Gotta love it.

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The state of wifi

I’m doing a tour through the out­skirts of Den­mark again. At time of writ­ing I’m sit­ting at a cafe in Kold­ing. I’ve been here before and even though I don’t like the place all that much (the music’s loud and hor­ri­ble and the cof­fee over­priced) they’ve done some­thing nice: The wifi’s no longer pro­vided by the evil empire — it’s free. I asked if that was on pur­pose and was told that it’s been free for quite some time now. Nice move! Usu­ally, it’s the other way round…

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Superheroes of BMX

Just pur­chased Mogwai’s Gov­ern­ment Com­mi­sions, a col­lec­tion of all their BBC ses­sions in hon­our of the late John Peel. Great band, great man.

Go buy. Lis­ten. Enjoy.

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I am boring and I don’t know anything about you, so here is a cliché.

I am bor­ing and I don’t know any­thing about you, so here is a cliché.:

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Umbraco 2.0

Umbraco 2.0 is out — go down­load! Hartvig and Bum­bech put in some great work and Umbraco is now bet­ter than ever.

Dis­claimer: I share office and a bit of Umbraco com­mit­ment with these guys, but I’ve been using Umbraco for a while now and I’m really happy with it! The new ver­sion is more stream­lined, a lot of stuff has been fixed and the UI has been adjusted. I’m look­ing for­ward to using the new ver­sion for new sites and to — hope­fully — help get­ting struc­ture on the doc­u­men­ta­tion process.

Good job, guys.

Web Development
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Transmit / Textmate

Trans­mit 3 is out and now sup­ports Text­mate which is worth the $18 upgrade alone. Yay.

Web Development
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So, Microsoft appa­rantly — almost by them­selves — fig­ured out that wait­ing for Long­horn won’t cut it; IE7 is coming.

The guy talks most about secu­rity, though. And while impor­tant, that part mostly has to do with not hav­ing done a decent job in the first place, not com­mit­ting to deliv­er­ing a prod­uct that sup­port web stan­dards prop­erly. How they think they can turn pub­lic bug fix­ing into “we lis­ten to our cus­tomers, you may now clap your hands”, I just don’t understand.

But let’s see. Maybe they’ll just do some iframe-magic and load up Fire­fox inside…

Web Development
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boxtalks.com, greet­ing cards are so flat.

Yo. what you did… it ain’t right… Say you’re sorry!

I sug­gest we send a shit­load of these babies to Ven­stre, Dansk Folkeparti and Kon­ser­v­a­tive. Part ’ I could do with an apol­ogy’, part pretty boxed greet­ing — a bit of love will prob­a­bly con­fuse ‘em.

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