Stencil election posters

The Dan­ish elec­tion isn’t really around the cor­ner, but you might as well be pre­pared. We don’t want these guys to have to fight too hard for their seats, now do we. brings to you: Sten­cil elec­tion posters. Grab’em while they’re hot. Well, for now, there’s only one, but there are more to come — sug­ges­tions are wel­come.

Down­load .PDF
(this also marks the open­ing of the “Stuff” sec­tion of this site)

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Wrap that laptop

Ater see­ing Cory’s wrap­ping for his Power­book, I’ve been search­ing the net for it but so far with­out any luck. But now he blogged the Road­Wired link him­self. Nice one. seems to be the best shot at a retailer ship­ping to Europe…



Meg­nut on the low use of the word Foxy — I totally agree. Last used when McJob­bing in Lon­don, Foxy where did you go…

After brief dis­cus­sion, it has been deter­mined that the adjec­tive “foxy” is not used enough. It will be added into the adjec­tive rota­tion and hence­forth, work dis­cus­sions will take advan­tage of its saucy, crafty, and ani­mal­is­tic meanings.

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Blur, Think Tank tip

Got a tip regard­ing a recent pur­chase, Blur’s Think Tank. When insert­ing the CD, do a 6:50 min. rewind — that 90’s style “we’ve hid­den a track 20 min. after you thought the album was over” just got reversed. And it’s an excel­lent track too. Which also goes for the rest of the album. Which doesn’t go for the copy pro­tec­tion crap on the CD at all. I like to lis­ten to my pur­chased albums whereever I damn well please, thank you very much. And Radio­head’s Hail to the thief (which, of course, is also bril­liant) got it to, the copy pro­tec­tion plague. A bit dis­a­pointed, I am…

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TypePad is here

Type­Pad News: Reg­is­tra­tion opens August 4th.. While not hav­ing tested it myself, I’m con­fi­dent that Type­Pad will prove to be way cool. I’ve been more than happy with Mov­able­Type and think a feature-rich, hosted solu­tion is just what we need. While well-documented and not that hard to set up, quite some peo­ple still won’t be able to set up any­thing harder than Blog­ger. Which is great too, but lacks some of the fea­tures I value the most. So I’ll be look­ing for­ward to watch the impact on the gen­eral feature-level in the blog­ging com­mu­nity, includ­ing moblogs — it’s all in there, all you have to do is sign up, and you’re all set. As men­tioned in a pre­vi­ous post, they’re doing all this stan­dard com­pli­ant, which is neat too. It’ll be inter­est­ing to see, how fea­tures will spread between Mov­able­Type and TypePad.

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Amazon RSS Feed Builder

So Amazon’s got RSS, you say. But how do I add a feed to my news aggre­ga­tor? Easy peasy, Paul Bausch at OnFo­cus has put together a nice, lit­tle Ama­zon RSS Feed Builder. A lit­tle rough round the edges, but very nifty indeed.

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Anil Dash on the Windows font dialog box

This is so true — and quite funny. How the hell does Microsoft man­age to hang on to stu­pid user inter­faces for ages? And a good point is in the com­ments for the posts: When teach­ing senior cit­i­zens about com­put­ers (which is a truly great tool for this spe­cific group of peo­ple), actu­ally you should insist on using Macs. Only thing is, loads of web pages, appli­ca­tions etc. only work prop­erly on Win­dows and old peo­ple haven’t really got the time to go all polit­i­cal in choos­ing an OS, have they…

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Quality agent’s lack of quality

When­ever that Netscape qual­ity feed­back agent is pop­ping up from Mizilla Fire­bird it crashes the Fire­bird, closes all win­dows and it then takes for­ever to reopen. But how do I pro­vide the feed­back explain­ing that…hmmm…


[DK] Tablet tegning

Spændende pointe: Tablet PC vil være oplagte til at ændre vores mÃ¥de at formi­dle teg­ninger pÃ¥…

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Apple, the tool of Satan

This arti­cle, Evo­lu­tion­ism Pro­pa­ganda (which isn’t exactly new, but only came to my atten­tion today), sums up how Apple is a tool of Satan and that Open Source is just another word for com­mu­nism — just to name a few. And while not actu­ally being fun­nay at all, there’s some pretty inter­est­ing amus­ing in there; the great enemy is, of course, the evolution…oh oh…
And from the front page:

For the safety of your soul, do not be tempted by the lure of impulse rock chip repair from strangers in park­ing lots. It may say free, but it could cost you your soul! If you need your wind­shield fixed, go to a qual­i­fied Chris­t­ian repair shop.


RSS feeds on Amazon searches and categories announces RSS feeds on cat­e­gories and searches. A great idea, of course, allow­ing cus­tomers to sub­scribe to their areas of inter­est, mak­ing it pos­si­ble for Ama­zon to ‘adver­tise’ new prod­ucts and the cus­tomers to buy them as soon as they see it. Now I’m just wait­ing for to do the same… Hmm, maybe you could sub­scribe to people’s wish lists…

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What’s your favourite colour? MMS it…

Inter­con­nected is try­ing to fig­ure out, what the web’s favourite colour is — MMS a pic­ture of yours or watch the result.

[Lis­ten­ing to: Deep In Vel­vet (Aphex Twin Turnips Mix) — Aphex Twin — 26 Mixes For Cash]
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Digital Patina

Inter­est­ing The­Fea­ture arti­cle fea­tur­ing Eric Pau­los and his idea to leave RFID tags on pub­lic places.

Pau­los wants to add an addi­tional layer of wire­less dig­i­tal infor­ma­tion over this exist­ing layer of phys­i­cal mark­ers. This is what he calls the Dig­i­tal Patina. One of the first exam­ples of this, he thinks, will be the use of RFID tags to leave mes­sages for other peo­ple who visit a pub­lic space.

A step on the way to apply­ing URIs to every­thing, an inter­est­ing way of track­ing and enhanc­ing the user expe­ri­ence of dif­fer­ent pub­lic places, and what’s best: He plans on just devel­op­ing a dig­i­tal tag­ging sys­tem and hand out tags to peo­ple and see what uses they cre­ate for them. “Build it and they will play with it.” Which is a phi­los­o­phy that goes for a lot of things… [via Purse Lip Square Jaw]

[Lis­ten­ing to: Shake Your Head — Adult. — Anx­i­ety Always (04:23)]

Carrying files

Nilesh on some­thing I too thought of the other day: At the moment I actu­ally got more mem­ory in my phone than on the CF card I use in my cam­era and on the mem­ory bird I’ve get­ting used to car­ry­ing around, just in case. And to top that off, the phone’s got Blue­tooth which is more than I can say of the cam­era and the mem­ory bird; they’re sooo old skool, demand­ing wires and stuff. So if that cam­era could just do some proper shots, then I wouldn’t really need the bird, the cam­era and my Palm. And then, all of a sud­den, I can actu­ally live with the fact, that the phone is bulky and pretty damn ugly… Quite nice when you think about it, always hav­ing the oppor­tu­nity to wire­lessly trans­fer­some doc­u­ments, some mp3s and some videos to your pocket.

[Lis­ten­ing to: dublab — Allen & frosty — Cel­sius Bag Tag]
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The Single Bitter Announcement Weblog

This blog speeds the usual stuff up a bit: I quit. [via Pix­el­sur­geon]

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Wanna buy a friend?

Marc Can­ter (reboot6 crooner) wraps up some of all the Friend­ster fun going on, partly as a result of these guys sell­ing their Frined­ster net­work on eBay. Some inter­est­ing thoughts in the dif­fer­ent dis­cu­sions linked.


Careful: The FB-eye may be watching

Read­ing print­outs? Have a beard? Care­ful, you might end up talk­ing to the FBI

Trippi’s part­ner speaks up: “Any read­ing mate­r­ial? Papers?” I don’t think so. Then Trippi decides to level with me: “I’ll tell you what, Marc. Some­one in the shop that day saw you read­ing some­thing, and thought it looked sus­pi­cious enough to call us about. So that’s why we’re here, just check­ing it out. Like I said, there’s no prob­lem. We’d just like to get to the bot­tom of this. Now if we can’t, then you may have a prob­lem. And you don’t want that.”

You don’t want that? Have I just been threat­ened by the FBI? Con­fu­sion and a light dust­ing of panic con­spire to keep me speech­less. Was I read­ing some­thing that morn­ing? Some­thing that would con­sti­tute a problem?

Come on, if you really were a ter­ror­ist, would you read your attack plans while wait­ing in line?” X marks where we’re gonna do the bomb­ing”… I’m hav­ing a strange feel­ing, that the FBI might search the web for that exact phrase hop­ing to strike gold, so maybe now I’m in trouble.…Uh uh.…

And on a more pos­i­tive note: George Bush is excel­lent sam­pling mate­r­ial; Dead or Alive, Take Aim and my per­sonal favourite Let’s roll.

Oh, nearly for­got: The miss­ing proof is here, Satel­lite pho­tos.

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Banksy exhibition

Just came back from the small but cool Banksy exhibiton at V1 (Absa­lon­gade 21B — about 20m up, on your right if you are com­ing from Ist­edgade). Also check out the fine stuff here.

[Lis­ten­ing to: Hype @ Accel­er­ated Cul­ture 31/MAY/03 (01:52:22)]
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I some­how missed the release of Zempt , a multi-platform post­ing tool for Mov­able Type. But it sure looks fine, a sim­ple inter­face and a per­sonal favourite: A ‘Zempt this’ book­marklet. Oh, and remem­ber to get the WMPam­plog plu­gin for Winamp 3.

[Lis­ten­ing to: Drive — Raunchy — Vel­vet Noise © 2001 Drug[s] (03:41)]
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Ejected for wearing “Suspected Terrorist” button

John Gilmore: I was ejected from a plane for wear­ing “Sus­pected Ter­ror­ist” but­ton [via Boing­Bo­ing].

Sud­denly a flight stew­ard, Cabin Ser­vice
Direc­tor Khaleel Miyan, loomed in front of me and demanded that I
remove a small 1″ but­ton pinned to my left lapel. I declined, say­ing
that it was a polit­i­cal state­ment and that he had no right to cen­sor
pas­sen­gers’ polit­i­cal speech. The but­ton, which was cre­ated by
polit­i­cal activist Emi Koyama, says “Sus­pected Terrorist”.


The stew­ard returned with Capt. Peter Hughes. The cap­tain requested,
and then demanded, that I remove the but­ton (they called it a “badge”). He said that I would endan­ger the air­craft and com­mit a fed­eral crime if I did not take it off. I told him that it was a polit­i­cal state­ment and declined to remove it.

They turned the plane around and brought it back to the gate, delay­ing 300 pas­sen­gers on a full flight.


I asked whether I would be per­mit­ted to fly if I wore other but­tons,
per­haps one say­ing “Hooray for Tony Blair”. She said she thought that
would be OK. I said, how about “Ter­ror­ism is Evil”. She said that I
prob­a­bly wouldn’t get on. I started to dis­cuss other pos­si­ble but­tons, like “Oppose Ter­ror­ism”, try­ing to fig­ure out what kinds of polit­i­cal speech I would be per­mit­ted to express in a BA plane, but she said that we could stand there mak­ing hypo­thet­i­cals all night and she wasn’t inter­ested. Ulti­mately, I was refused pas­sage because I would not cen­sor myself at her command.

Why am I not sur­prised… It’s hard to add any­thing, guess it speaks for itself. But I’m hav­ing great trou­ble accept­ing this whole “we’re so damn scared of some­thing we can’t really fig­ure out what is, so if we just behave like crazy cow­boys and for­get about basic human rights, going for zero tol­er­ance towards those eggheads try­ing to add just a lit­tle bit of thought to it all, we’ll be ok”-thing. Damn, peo­ple act­ing aggres­sively based on fear don’t do it for me.

Reminded me of a story with a guy try­ing to order cus­tom made Nike-shoes with the word “Sweat­shop” writ­ten on them. Guess if he succeeded.


Forgotten Places

Beau­ti­ful pic­tures at For­got­ten Places [via Pat Pitiée].

Update: Anger­mann sug­gests a dan­ish equiv­a­lent — I’m game…

[Lis­ten­ing to: Red One @ The End 04/JUL/03 — (01:08:24)]
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KABLOG 2.0b2 out

Long awaited beta of KABLOG is out. Mean­ing my moblog is now — more or less — up and run­ning. Haven’t really had time to play with fea­tures or to set the moblog site up prop­erly (now I have two unfin­ished sites…), so it lacks enlarge­ments etc. But the KABLOG soft­ware is cool: press ‘new entry’, take the pic­ture (you can choose dif­fer­ent res­o­lu­tions), select a title and tick the dif­fer­ent Mov­able­Type options. And off you go.…

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[DK] Lynsupport

Det ser ud til, at Azero har løst et prob­lem vi alle kender; at fÃ¥ timerne pÃ¥ døgnet til at slÃ¥ til… “¸gnsupport pÃ¥ 1 time” — Gad vide, hvad de bruger resten af tiden til i supporten…


Updating, part II

Updates con­tinue. Most of the tem­plates are now get­ting there, only need all code to val­i­date, seper­at­ing it into includes etc. The blog roll is back, just need to upload my cur­rent OPML file — no point in dis­play­ing an out­dated roll con­tain­ing blogs I donÂ’t really read any more. ’ve deleted all old .asp-based archives, break­ing a lot of links, but ’m in a san­i­tiz­ing mood and will try to do some cos­tu­mized 404s to get a lit­tle usabil­ity in there to make it up. Still quite a lot of sec­tions miss­ing as well as some of the func­tion­al­ity I set out to include, but donÂ’t worry, ’ll get there. If you find any­thing strange, please let me know.

Branding issues

From Sig­nal vs. Noise:

If you were an energy com­pany called POWERGEN & you had a sub­sidiary that oper­ated in Italy, what would you call the company’s web­site? prob­a­bly not www.powergen­i­, but… they did:

The words con­tin­gency and brand­ing spring to mind…

Update: Appa­rantly, Pow­er­gen isn’t to blame.

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