Did Warchalking die?

Mov­ing Web­Word — How War­chalk­ing Died claims War­chalk­ing has died. A bit too provoca­tive too my lik­ing, as I think it’s uncon­struc­tive to look at it this way. What relly mat­ters is the public’s need for wire­less inter­net access — and the will­ing­ness to share resources in the process of achiev­ing this everywhere.

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Russian Avantgarde

Finally went to Louisiana to see MOMAs exhi­bi­tion of Russ­ian avant­garde Books. Truly mag­nif­i­cent — can’t rec­om­mend it enough if you’re into con­struc­tivist graphic design. A prior knowl­edge of the sub­ject or a good tour guide won’t harm though, as the exhi­bi­tion is a bit short of thor­ough infor­ma­tion. But hurry up: The exhi­bi­tion closes Sun­day 19th.

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Print addiction

Just got JPG. JAPAN GRAPHICS as a present, fresh from Barcelona (thanx, Merete) — really nice graph­ics in a funky rub­ber cover. And she brought back some addi­tional good­ies: The “Toys and Games” issue from Belio, the Robot issue by Fase Super­fanzine, Open Here (in Span­ish, though) and Intanto by Paul Cox — some weird lit­tle embroi­deries that are really funny. Bot­tom line: Yum, yum prints. Could eas­ily spend every penny I own on mag­a­zines, small col­lec­tions of graph­ics and stuff like that. For­tu­nately, some­one else just did :)

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Richard Giles has found a nice com­ment on that Whuffie busi­ness that Cory Doc­torov’s Down and Out in the Magic King­dom has caused every­where on the net.

I haven’t fin­ished it yet, but got off to a good start with the PDF ver­sion on my Palm on my way to IKEA ear­lier today. Some­how I feel that setup matched the tone of the first cou­ple of chap­ters pretty well… Maybe not… At least I don’t wear GAP or own any­thing Dis­ney



The UnaBlog­ger’s got some­thing going… Noticed the spe­cial blog name at blo.gs but the con­tent proved even more funny. Maybe it would be a nice idea for netluder.dk to have a pimp rss feed… Must.get.site.done.soon.

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Got Ammo?

And while on the sub­ject of streams mak­ing work a great deal more pleas­ant, AMMOCITY LONDON got their stream back on (or maybe I just missed some­thing a while back). Any­way, they’ve been gone for a while now which is a shame as they had some really nice stuff on their site. Hop­ing they’ll return.

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Drum&Bass Arena — gotta love’em

Just received one of the almost daily newslet­ters from Drum & Bass Arena. An excel­lent exam­ple of a good, to-the-point, con­tent dri­ven web­site with all you need to know about the scene — includ­ing fre­quent newslet­ters to keep you up to speed with the lat­est streams, dub plates etc. Since voted Best Music Busi­ness Web­site at the UK Music New Media Awards 1999 they defi­nately haven’t been slow­ing down the devel­op­ment. Can’t rec­om­mend the site enough if you’re into drum’n’bass.

Oh, and the recently added Red One & Shi­mon @ The Ram Christ­mas Party recorded at one of my favourite Lon­don venues, The End, is play­ing at my sec­ondary mon­i­tor as I write this; peo­ple danc­ing on the video to wicked tunes… It’s All Good…

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Oh, more nonsense…

This is a promise to cut down on the non­sense and start being more selec­tive — proper infor­ma­tion ahead. In the mean­time: What robot are you?
Click here to find out what robot you really are

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Wearing those gadgets

Apple’s got a nice new jacket for you — with a pocket for your Ipod, and con­trols included in one of the sleeves. Reminds me of a range of ‘Urban Wear’ I spot­ted at Har­vey Nics a cou­ple of years ago; gas mask, assault alarm etc. sewn into the clothes. Can’t remem­ber the brand, though.

Tech, Uncategorized
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Clever bastards, eh

It only took RIIA about three years and a bunch of stu­pid law­suits to aknowl­edge the need for legal ser­vices dis­trib­ut­ing music. Nice going, con­grat­u­la­tions on get­ting your vision back as well as the abil­ity of hear­ing. Prac­ti­cally every­one has been telling you exactly that for a pretty long time…

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Grafitti can be stopped

It seems grafitti’s no longer going to be a part of using my Palm (link via Slash­Dot). Won­der what these guys have to say about that…

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Digital distribution

Finally a rea­son­ably sim­ple overview of what’s allowed and what’s not [in danish].

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Greetings, you horny bastards

Yesterday’s deci­sion to track http_referers turned out to be pretty bad. I some­how for­got what my name — and domain name — means to the span­ish audi­ence, and this is pretty much why every­body come here… So now I don’t have a list­ing of blog­gers pass­ing by — I have a fre­quently updated list of the level of horny­ness in south­ern Europe.

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More of that yummy RSS

Just found this — dan­ish news in rss — at outlog.org. Most useful!

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Feeding RSS to…

Added a RSS feed to the small news col­umn at DANSKSTUDERENDE.DK — the site for stu­dents at Nordisk Filologi at the Uni­ver­sity of Copen­hagen. Next chal­lenge is get­ting peo­ple to update the col­umn — and start using RSS read­ers :o

Web Development
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Winter Webcam

The nice snowy view from my apart­ment deserved a bit of a link, so now the old web­cam is plugged into the com­puter near the win­dow point­ing at the park where I intend to set up my mobile office as soon as spring sets in. I’m think­ing camp­ing fur­ni­ture, san­dals, sum­mer hats, chilled bev­er­ages and all the geear I can pack. Sum­mer Wi-Fi ahead — web­cam link on your left.

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GZR1 back up

Oh, and GZR1 is back up. My ISP sorted out the details, so now I just have to fight my old one some more, then everything’s up and running…

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DVD-kid wins battle

Finally some fairly good news. It’s amaz­ing how the indus­try con­tin­ues to fight their own cus­tomers over copy­right instead of sup­ply­ing up-to-date dig­i­tal ser­vices. The debate is get­ting still more bor­ing as no progress seems to take place, but in short: Artists and the com­pa­nies behind them should ben­e­fit ecom­i­cally from their work as it is what they do — and we all like to get paid for what we do. So I under­stand why ille­gal copy­ing is a prob­lem. But as in all other busi­nesses, the respon­si­bil­ity to sup­ply their ser­vices in a rea­son­ably man­ner lies on the com­pa­nies them­selves, mean­ing that if they can’t keep up with how peo­ple of the mod­ern world do things, buy music and movies etc. they should start work­ing on it instead of blindly pur­su­ing out­dated ways of mak­ing their money. What if the inven­tor of the wheel had been try­ing to stall the use of it because of dif­fi­cul­ties with how to fig­ure out how to make profit from it? Would any­one have waited even though it could change their world, sav­ing them loads of time? Same thing with dig­i­tal dis­tri­b­u­tion; the tech­nol­ogy is there, the ben­e­fits are enor­mous and — in my opin­ion — it actu­ally offers the indus­try a great oppor­tu­nity to pin­point their sales. But cus­tomers demand this now — not when some hobo record compny feels safe enough to get online.

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Tiny updates

Being slightly hand­i­capped, tak­ing painkillers due to a sore back, I got round to do some minor stylesheet updates on the site. The com­ments and the archive pages now look a bit more decent, even though they could be bet­ter. Need a bit of extra time to imple­ment some new fea­tures I have wanted to try out for some time, and the same goes for strict XHTML 1.0. Oh, but the back­ground and the top image changed…frosty win­ter edition…sort of…

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Tiscali’s going down

Just spent 35 min­utes on the phone try­ing to get rid of my Tis­cali DSL con­nec­tion. Their total lack of sup­port com­bined with the most messed up account­ing sys­tem ever (mak­ing them believe bills hadn’t been payed etc.) made me quit in the first place, but not to any­ones sur­prise they tried to extend the notice I had to give. Basi­cally they throw away your let­ter, send out the con­fir­ma­tion 2 weeks late — and inform you that you have to pay 2 extra months…without any expla­na­tion. So I just spent 35 min­utes get­ting explained that…well, er..basiclly that they screwed up…which I already knew… Now I just have to wait for another con­fir­ma­tion let­ter, and the poor guy at the hot­line didn’t even dis­agree that I prob­a­bly haven’t heard the last of them… They’re sooo in the wrong track and it’s just a mat­ter of time before they crash to the ground. Words of wis­dom: Don’t go there!

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Happy new year!

Happy new year every­one! Best wishes for 2003…

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Software wishes for 2003

Maybe I should do more polit­i­cal graphics…

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christ­mas every­body — off to greasy food and loads of candy. Yo ho ho … Greet­ings from Lolland.

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Electronic church

Went to see txture the other day at the church in ¸llegade, ¸rrebro. Really good indeed, so was the other djs and artists per­form­ing that night in the strange set­ting of a small church in the mid­dle of Copenhagen.

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New ISP — server down

It appears my new ISP is finally get­ting their act together. I bailed on Tis­cali (actu­ally the bat­tle isn’t quite over yet as it’s unbe­liev­ably hard to get a con­fir­ma­tion of the ter­mi­na­tion of my sub­scrip­tion, but hey — them messin’ about made me quit in the first place…) but even­though TDC (yes, back with the enemy) promised me my con­nec­tion on the 12th, the lights hadn’t come on until 5 min­utes ago. So expect server down on GZR1 (for those who know what that is) as I’m chang­ing my router as well…Wi-Fi ahead, yeah!

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