Tag Archives: upgrade

WordPress upgrade

If you’re read­ing this, I’m on Word­Press 2.6.2. I hadn’t upgraded for ages, got the famous footer spam hack (which means I’m cur­rently banned from Google) (thanks, , for remind­ing me) and ran into both con­nec­tion and FTP-trouble dur­ing the … Con­tinue read­ing

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Don’t call me

The short ver­sion: My phone’s dead, so if you want to con­tact me, choose another medium (I would like that any­way, but…you know…)The slightly longer ver­sion would go some­thing like: I like Nokia phones, I like the Sym­bian stuff. And I’ve never owned a Nokia that wouldn’t self­de­struct, slowly but steadily within about a year. Con­tinue read­ing

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