Tag Archives: wifi

[DK] DSB 0 — Lollandsbanen 1

Mens DSB fjum­rer rundt med TDC og wifi og betal­ing og test­pe­ri­oder og… sÃ¥ er der snart gratis wifi pÃ¥ (trom­me­hvirvel) Lol­lands­ba­nens tog mellem Nakskov og Nykøbing Fal­ster. Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Sløve nomader

Vil nogen ikke stikke denne entre­pre­neur en kaffe og nogle links? Con­tinue read­ing


Giving up on FON

to give away a bunch of routers for free instead of spend­ing too much money on tra­di­tional marketing.So I ordered one way before christ­mas and waited.… And waited some more. Con­tinue read­ing

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Visitor wifi

We didn’t specif­i­cally go for a wifi-enabled flat, but I’m happy to see a wire­less router in the hall as I enter.WPA pass­word reqired. Ok, I text the owner of the flat, she never heard of a pass­word, “it just works” from her desk­top machine. Con­tinue read­ing

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OS X wifi connection trouble

While catch­ing break­fast at Kreuzberg hang­out Morena, I wanted to use my laptop…online. But con­nect­ing to the AP didn’t work, I just got an error say­ing that I well, couldn’t… Con­tinue read­ing

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