Connection status worldwide

Came to think of the giant pos­si­bil­i­ties regard­ing global mobil­ity. If I can afford the plane ticket, the work I do doesn’t really require any­thing else than a plug for my lap­top, mak­ing it pos­si­ble to move prac­ti­cally any­where for a shorter or longer period of time. If it wasn’t for inter­net access, that is. Can’t really do any­thing with­out it. Does any­one know of good ressources for find­ing out how to get con­nected in dif­fer­ent coun­tries around the globe? If pos­si­ble includ­ing aver­age pric­ing, type of con­nec­tion and national cov­er­age. It’s rel­a­tively easy to find hotspot place­ments, but while wi-fi is basi­cally a ques­tion of bring­ing your own per­sonal hard­ware, the need for a decent con­nec­tion is still there. anyone?

Tech. URL.

5 Responses to Connection status worldwide

  1. Since half the plan­ets pop­u­la­tion has never used an ordi­nary tele­phone, I sus­pect you will have dif­fi­cul­ties find­ing in some parts of the world

  2. Anders says:

    You’re right, of course… Guess I’ll just have to go to the other half :)

  3. Tomas says:

    The “half-the-worlds-population” quote is not nec­es­sar­ily true. it was quote 4 or 5 years ago orig­i­nally by some­one at the world bank. no updated study exists, and the ori­gins of his orig­i­nal quote are vague as well. oh well, time to be pedan­tic ;-

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