While you were looking at the sky…

While con­cerned with the explo­sion of the Colom­bia space shut­tle, please bear in mind that about 24,000 peo­ple die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. News from our own part of the world will always be rel­e­vant, mak­ing us think of the costs of mod­ern soci­ety. And I am per­fectly aware of the fact that I am more likely to die of a space shut­tle explod­ing or ter­ror­ists tar­get­ing my build­ing than of star­va­tion — strange but true. I am liv­ing in the west and these prob­lems are just all to real here. And, no, I haven’t exactly closed this site down so I could donate the money I spend on host­ing on food for the third world. But I’m really hav­ing trou­ble fig­ur­ing out how train acci­dents killing, say 3 peo­ple in the Nether­lands, can make it to national tele­vi­sion in prime time. Or how the tragic death of 7 astro­nauts can cause thou­sands of blog­gers to go mad with respect and thoughts con­cern­ing loss of lives. On a global scale this just doesn’t make sense.

Misc.. URL.

One Response to While you were looking at the sky…

  1. roor says:

    sad but true