Feeding customer relations

Just came to think of the time spent on inform­ing clients of project devel­op­ment, usu­ally a triv­ial task of email­ing them that this and that have hap­pened to the beta site, and get them to approve it. How about just putting these infor­ma­tions in RSS feeds and get clients to install desk­top feed read­ers? Of course, it would prob­a­bly be a good idea hav­ing access to this infor­ma­tion from the client area of the devel­oper web­site as well, but the basic idea — more detailed updates along the way — might just save some time recod­ing– and design­ing. They just might feel more part of the process, too… Think I’ll con­sider build­ing it into the com­ing redesign of geezer.dk.

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