Converting to Mac

I’ve been play­ing with a Power­Book for about a day now, and while most pro­grams (office tools, graphic soft­ware, browsers and mail clients etc.) basi­cally are the same on both plat­forms (usu­ally I’m on PC), some of all the tools that make life good doesn’t exist in cross plat­form ver­sions. But, hey — that’s what make con­vert­ing a good thing, get­ting to try out some of the soft­ware Mac users talk about. I solved my Jab­bing (?!) by installing PSI on both machines. I haven’t really fig­ured out whether it’s any bet­ter or worse than Exo­dus, but at least they’re the same. BBe­dit is going to take some getting-used-to — the lack of PC style tool bars feels funny — but I’ll defi­nately give it a try. If I under­stand things cor­rectly, everybody’s using it. Haven’t checked out the FTP func­tion­al­ity though, so when I found myself need­ing to down­load a lot of files this morn­ing, I found Cap­tain FTP. It’s free­ware and besides the tacky iden­tity they’ve got going, its like most other FTP clients, so that’s prob­a­bly fine. Import­ing my sub­scrip­tions exported from SharpReader into Net­NewsWire proved to cause the most trou­ble. As it turns out, their OPML isn’t exactly the same, so it took some search-and-replace (using BBe­dit, of course) to get Net­NewsWire to accept the import. Didn’t bother to find out exa­cly what caused it, though.

But every­hing else is run­ning smoothly and the OS X is a treat. Nice to expe­ri­ence a less tech­ni­cal approach to com­put­ing, and visu­ally it’s just more slick… I look for­ward to try out some of the Mac-only soft­ware out there, that I haven’t had a chance to try out yet (already found some stuff in my own cod­ing that make Safari fuck up even though it ren­ders fine in all other browsers) and learn­ing those lit­tle tricks that make every­thing easier.

Recom­man­da­tions on must-haves as well as tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated.

[Lis­ten­ing to: Grooverider @ Accel­er­ated Cul­ture 01/MAR/03 [250k video] — Grooverider — (01:04:31)]
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