The future of Trackbacks

Phil Ring­nalda has a good piece on autodis­cov­ery and track­backs: Autodis­cov­ery and the death of Track­Back. Bot­tom line: Not all track­backs are of equal value to the read­ers. This post for exam­ple would nor­mally auto­mat­i­cally trig­ger a link-up on Phil’s blog. This post, how­ever, doesn’t add any real value to his post, but is intended to lead read­ers of this blog to his. And post­ing this through MT actu­ally allowed me to untick the box ping­ing his entry. So I did…

Update: For some rea­son the un-ticking didn’t work, so basi­cally, I have just pinged a post about wish­ing not to be pinged… Damnit…

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