File access

Every­one is get­ting more mobile, but what to do with all your files? Dan­ish Amitech just announced Home­Cen­ter, an easy-to-use file server for your home. Var­i­ous wifi-enabled hard dri­ves exist on the mar­ket as well. Or how about Tune­sAt­Work, OS X soft­ware for access­ing your iTunes music col­lec­tion from any­where. I guess some­thing sim­i­lar but not demand­ing either OS X or iTunes must exist. Seems as if it needs eg. WinAmp to stream files anyway.

I’m think­ing of build­ing my own litle server using a Mini-ITX board and cus­tom cas­ing. I’ll let you know how I get along. Any must-have soft­ware for a per­sonal file/web-server?

Update: Hartvig reminds me of Samba — and Matt Croy­don of post­neo posts a link to The Guide to a Linux iTunes Server

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