Merlin Mann; Five email tics I’d love for you to lose. A good 5ive on how someone should get evolving. Soon. My favourite:
The 18-line sig about all the Bad Things that will happen to me if I ever reveal the contents of your privileged, confidential (and unencrypted) message.
Sometimes I wonder if most people wouldn’t be quite impressed with the state of the digital age and all the things that would work more than well if they just got into the habit of behaving well online. Most problems are cultural — how do we train people without flaming them, helping them off the hinterweb [pdf]?
Jeg kunne også godt tænke mig, hvis folk holdt op med at sende mig de der store underholdende PowerPoint filer med banale sandheder om livet!
Heh, ved desværre alt for godt hvilke du tænker pÃ¥.…