Email tics

Mer­lin Mann; Five email tics I’d love for you to lose. A good 5ive on how some­one should get evolv­ing. Soon. My favourite:

The 18-line sig about all the Bad Things that will hap­pen to me if I ever reveal the con­tents of your priv­i­leged, con­fi­den­tial (and unen­crypted) message.

Some­times I won­der if most peo­ple wouldn’t be quite impressed with the state of the dig­i­tal age and all the things that would work more than well if they just got into the habit of behav­ing well online. Most prob­lems are cul­tural — how do we train peo­ple with­out flam­ing them, help­ing them off the hin­ter­web [pdf]?

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2 Responses to Email tics

  1. Jeg kunne ogsÃ¥ godt tænke mig, hvis folk holdt op med at sende mig de der store under­hold­ende Pow­er­Point filer med banale sand­heder om livet!

  2. pollas says:

    Heh, ved desværre alt for godt hvilke du tænker pÃ¥.…