Acme — the slim

When not in use, my 12″ Power­book lives in its padded home aka the Acme ‘the slim’ lap­top sleeve/bag. It’s a tight-fit sleeve-ish lap­top bag with room for noth­ing than the lap­top itself and a few slim items in the front pocket. Apart from its sim­ple design, the advan­tage of the Acme is its small form fac­tor, which makes it the per­fect hybrid between a lap­top sleeve and an actual bag. I use it as a sleeve inside my Chrome bag deep for­est iii com­parsa down­load mp3 but every once in a while, I head off to a meet­ing with­out the need for any­thing than my lap­top. And while it’s actu­ally a bit too metro for my lik­ing, it is kinda handy that it has a shoul­der­strap and a set of leather han­dles for carrying.

All in all, it looks a bit too slick, but is incred­i­bly prac­ti­cal com­pared to its fel­low sleeves.

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