Chrome messenger bag

Ok, so I’m a bag fetishist. Or rather, I like what­ever I’m car­ry­ing to be well pro­tected while not caus­ing me any unnec­ces­sary pain. And you know, the right tool for the job and all that. And with the whole being mobile and car­ry­ing lots of gad­gets around-era going on, why not share this over­looked part of full blown con­sumerism as well. In any case, I like bags and have quite a few…

First, a quick look on my most trusted friend, the always-on-my-bag Chrome Cit­i­zen mes­sen­ger bag. I’ve had it for almost two years and apart from gen­eral wear and tear and the beat­i­ful camo pat­tern going a bit pale where it touches the back, I have to say it’s still as good as new. It doesn’t do any­thing fancy; one big com­part­ment, a small pocket on the front for keys and other small items and the usual place to put your pens — as if any­one ever had the need for that. It’s water­proof; the big com­part­ment is sur­rounded by some rub­bery fancy mate­r­ial I’m sure has a classy name I can’t remem­ber and is flow­ing freely within the Cor­dura outer shell.

The strap is heav­ily padded and has an extra strap for hold­ing it in place — a fea­ture that can func­tion as extra secu­rity as well, should some­one decide to push the big trade­mark buckle on the front. It’s incred­i­bly con­ve­nient not hav­ing to take the bag over the head all the time, so if you just get to unbuckle it your­self, it’s kinda clever.

I’ve had my hands on a lot of other mes­sen­ger bags that of course is the obvi­ous choice when you go around by bike a lot (go Copen­hagen) but this is by far the most com­fort­able. One thing it doesn’t do, how­ever, is being the usual shoul­derbag. The strap sim­ply isn’t long enough and is shaped in a way that doesn’t make that an option — which is fine by me; it’s not healthy any­way. The adjust­ment of the strap (which by the way is seat belt-ish) is pull-in-one-end, release-by-pulling-the-metal-ring-at-the-other-end which works fine but maybe isn’t as smooth as the Timbuk2 heavy-duty plas­tic buckle. A mat­ter of taste, I guess.

It’s big enough to hold a 15″ lap­top (I’m car­ry­ing a 12″) but isn’t padded enough for that use — you’ll need a seper­ate lap­top sleeve for that (more on that later). Due to it’s shape, it holds quite some stuff but quickly gets uncom­fort­able if you don’t pack it right. Ide­ally you should always have a lap­top or sim­i­larly flat against your back, which is pretty much the only thing I can think of that woudl go against rec­om­mend­ing this rugged piece of equip­ment. So it’s hereby recommended.

(I’m think­ing of doing more reviews / rec­om­men­da­tions. If you think that’s a stu­pid idea or just con­sumerism at its worst, leave a comment.)

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