Lowepro Stealth Reporter D300 AW

Time for another bag review, this time the Lowe­pro Stealth Reporter D300 AW.

lowepro d300 aw

I don’t know a lot about cam­era bags, but Lowe­pro is well known for their qual­ity and I’ve only had good expe­ri­ences using their bags. They’re rugged, well equipped and divided prop­erly with easy access.

This one is quite soft, there­fore com­fort­able to wear with a big, padded part against the back. It holds a sin­gle body and between three and four lenses or a cou­ple of lenses and a flash. I’ve suc­cess­fully loaded a DSLR with a mounted lens, a tele lens, a small DV-camcorder, a mini tri­pod and a Speed­light — and some cables, fil­ters etc. Basi­cally all I need… It gets quite heavy, but the shoul­der strap is rea­son­ably padded.

In case of bad weather, its All Weather Cover keeps the rain out. Rel­a­tively easy to oper­ate, although it makes it a bit dif­fi­cult get­ting to your gear. Dur­ing daily use, a zip­per across the top gives you access to the cam­era in the mid­dle of the bag with­out the need to actu­ally hav­ing to open it.

There are all the usual pock­ets and a few places to drop a book, a map or some­thing like that. And here’s the thing: Though offi­cially not a laptop/camera-bag, a 12″ Power­book fits per­fectly in the big pocket at the back of the bag, mak­ing it the per­fect com­pan­ion for a day out. It obvi­ously takes up some of the space, but a DSLR, a Power­book, a DV-cam and a charger, some cables, a set of head­phones and a book eas­ily fits. You don’t want to carry that around all day, it’s heavy as hell, but com­pared to car­ry­ing two bags all day…

Stuff , . URL.

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