New design

As those of you who actu­ally browse sites will already know, I’m doing some design adjust­ments to this site.

I wanted to cut things a lit­tle sharper, clean up the side­bar, widen the blog post area to bump up the font size and see if I could get over my fear of color. Fea­tures include leather and a color scheme that would make John Deere proud.

I’m nowhere near being done with it, but it’s start­ing to take shape. I still need to style the dif­fer­ent sec­tions, clean up the code and make sure every­thing is aligned and adjusted.

Apart from the pho­to­stream and links to var­i­ous involve­ments that are moved to the footer, every­thing is pretty much the same as before. But if you find some­thing bro­ken, please let me know…, Web Development , , , . URL.

5 Responses to New design

  1. JensC says:

    Very nice. I have a strong urge to steal this design…

  2. pollas says:


    Jens, you’re doing pretty nice your­self, if I remem­ber cor­rectly. I might even have taken a quick look at your stuff before doing mine ;-) Although your site seems to be down at time of writing?

    And steal away. You might want to wait til I fin­ish up and clean the code… ;-)

  3. Rasmus says:

    Superduper cool. Very orig­i­nal, yet eas­ily nav­i­gated. Love it.

  4. pollas says:

    Thnx. Still work­ing on bet­ter nav­i­ga­tion etc. though.…