What’s the speed of the phone? I tested a pre-release one a 2 months ago and it had considerable 1–2 secound lags in normal interaction patterns.
(And where did you “source” it from?)
It’s relatively speedy as it’s still a virgin. It still lags here and there and I guess it’ll self-destruct in 6 months time as any other SYmbian/Nokia I’ve ever owned… But for now it’s tolerable.
I found it at the second floor of Frederiksberg-centeret — Nokia Instant Service. Bought his last one. They’re imported from Germany, I think.
Hvor er Jesper Bernt? Hvordan har I filmet på Bang & Jensen uden at filme Jesper Bernt? Hvordan kan jeg vide, at det hele ikke er optaget i et studie på månen?
What’s the speed of the phone? I tested a pre-release one a 2 months ago and it had considerable 1–2 secound lags in normal interaction patterns.
(And where did you “source” it from?)
Hvor har du fået din n93?
It’s relatively speedy as it’s still a virgin. It still lags here and there and I guess it’ll self-destruct in 6 months time as any other SYmbian/Nokia I’ve ever owned… But for now it’s tolerable.
I found it at the second floor of Frederiksberg-centeret — Nokia Instant Service. Bought his last one. They’re imported from Germany, I think.
Jeg synes bare det er vildt strengt du filmer dem, når de tydeligvis ikke har lyst til at blive filmet (:
Hvor er Jesper Bernt? Hvordan har I filmet på Bang & Jensen uden at filme Jesper Bernt? Hvordan kan jeg vide, at det hele ikke er optaget i et studie på månen?