Lumiere Manifesto on

Videoblog­ging mae­stro (and Hoist deck­hand) Andreas Haugstrup updates his site,

Lumiere video arises from the tra­di­tion of the French Lumiere broth­ers. Cred­ited with some of the first footage cap­tured, in 1895, the Lumieres are also rec­og­nized for hold­ing the first pub­lic film screen­ing, show­ing ten shorts that lasted only twenty min­utes total. At the time, Louis Lumiere stated, “The cin­ema is an inven­tion with­out a future,” believ­ing that every­day pho­tog­ra­phy and video was ulti­mately non­sen­si­cal. Yet, we stand firm that Lumiere prin­ci­ples are essen­tial to our exis­tence as artists, media pro­duc­ers, visual crea­tures, and world citizens.

I’ve been fol­low­ing his Lumiere videos (with the nice cap­tion “This is a Lumiere video. The video con­tains no audio. Feel free to leave your own music run­ning”) since the begin­ning. Good stuff, have a look.

Video , , , , . URL.

One Response to Lumiere Manifesto on

  1. Equal credit goes to Brit­tany Shoot. There’d be no writ­ing at all with­out her involvement.