
This was just brought to my atten­tion again: BILD­blog — a BILD Zeitung-watchdog blog (watchblog?).

Was heute in der “Bild”-Zeitung steht, steht mor­gen über­all. Vielle­icht sollte man sich also mal genauer anschauen, was sie schreibt. Die kleinen Merk­würdigkeiten und das große Schlimme.

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ich fühl’ mich gut, ich steh’ auf Berlin!

Liv­ing is…

…find­ing Fehlfarben’s Monar­chie und All­tag in your iTunes library while look­ing for Ideal’s Berlin and Malaria’s Kaltes Klares Wasser.

You can buy all albums in the iTMS!

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Berlin Digital

While try­ing to dig into the Berlin elec­tron­ica scene, the good record stores etc., I came across Berlin Dig­i­tal as I was brows­ing the shelves of Dense (which is also an excel­lent record store — lots of Mille Pla­teux, Staub­gold, dub, breakcore).

It’s an 2004 DVD (175 min­utes) shot in ten days, high­light­ing some of the Berlin elec­tro scene, fea­tur­ing labels like !K7, Shitkat­a­pult, Sonar and Hard:Edged, clubs like Water­gate, peo­ple like Gudrun Gut and much more. It gives a good pic­ture of what you’ll be able to find if you dig a little.

As extras there are a 5 minute run-down of good record stores, list­ing their genre, loca­tion the vinyl/cd-ratio etc. Prob­a­bly hope­lessly out of date, but very use­ful nev­er­the­less. And a look behind the scenes at a dub-plate pro­duc­tion plate. Nice imagery of peo­ple tak­ing cut­ting foil seri­ous — and a lit­tle the­ory of the game of dub-plating as well. Interesting.

It’s all well-produced and the inter­views take place all over Berlin, giv­ing the artists an excel­lent oppor­tu­nity to tell a bit about the city, their neigh­bor­hood, the best places to eat.

It got me think­ing about an idea I’ve had for years; try­ing to por­tray cities from the point of view of peers. I’d like to have, not only a city guide, but a city guide made for peo­ple like me — by peo­ple like me. I couldn’t care less, say, if some bridge was built dur­ing the thir­ties or fourties — but I would thor­oughly enjoy like-minded peo­ple shar­ing their knowl­edge of good places to eat, catch a good per­for­mance, good the­ater, good clubs, the best wifi-cafes etc. If it makes sense for this par­tic­u­lar scene, make it look pretty as well. I’m sick of lists on old web­sites and cheap ‘in the city’-magazines with focus on main­stream entertainment.

I’d rather know about the afore­men­tioned things as well as places in the city where you nor­mally wouldn’t go as a tourist. A Copen­hagen guide of this type would high­light the outer parts of Hol­men, pro­vide direc­tions to the area behind the rails, list the best places to catch a cheap break­fast etc.

The record store part of the DVD should be online some­where and get updated every sum­mer, it should be hooked up to Flickr, Plazes or what­ever. I know about 43places, but some­how that doesn’t cut it.

I’m think­ing of doing soemthing about it as soon a sI return home, in the mean­while, thoughts and ideas are very welcome.

Berlin Dig­i­tal in Berliner Mor­gen­post.

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Flickr: underachievers tag

In an ongo­ing attempt to come across as an arro­gant, know-it-all, bad-apple-of-the-creative-class prick, I’ll hereby point you to: Flickr, Pho­tos tagged with under­achiev­ers.

(also known as the ‘come on, you can do bet­ter than that and avoid being a pain, no really’-group).

Misc., People
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Wifi Berlin

Spent a lit­tle time yes­ter­day look­ing for wifi around Kreuzberg using the nifty lit­tle Canary Wire­less — not much luck. To lit­tle, too secure.

Morena to the res­cue. It’s lit­er­ally across the road from where we live. The wifi’s free (and slow), the break­fast great, the music cheesy, the peo­ple seem nice — and they’ve got a wifi-policy: Wifi is avail­able between 9am and 7pm — and not on Sun­days. And half the place is a no laptop-zone. Noone’s sit­ting over there now, though; it’s the usual mix of lots of Macs and a few hard­core PCs with wifi cards stick­ing out the side.

Oh, and MAKE is now avail­able for down­load, so I can read it while I’m here. Great.

But: Ger­man coffee-making sucks. What is it with Ger­mans and UHF-milk? And just keep cheap cocoa-powder from the top of my lattes, ok? If any­one sees Ricco, send him down here.

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Rasta surprise

rasta surprise


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To those attend­ing Code­gar­den, it will come as no sur­prise that I totally saw this com­ing: Spe­jdere beredte til cyber­space (arti­cle in Danish).

I did a pre­sen­ta­tion enti­tled “How to fas­ten your Umbraco imple­men­ta­tions using web­stan­dards and css — and save the scouts in the process” (cor­rect title to be added later when I get to my Powerpoint-machine).

Might not make that much sense, but I’m telling ya: Cor­po­rate remix­ing is the next big thing.

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DVD-ripping software?

Any­body know any good DVD-ripping soft­ware for Mac?

I’m sup­posed to rip a few min­utes off a DVD for a client to go on a site in an inte­grated player.

I’ve already seen the var­i­ous ‘how to steal the lat­est stuff from Hollywood’-software, intended for rip­ping com­plete DVDs and burn­ing them to CDs, but they all seem to focus on tak­ing every sin­gle bit — which takes pretty much forever.

I’m look­ing for some way of grab­bing a spe­cific 3-minute part of a DVD, drag it into iMovie (or some­thing along those lines) for trim­ming the bits, do a decent fade or what­ever. After that, it’s export for web using iMovie, Quick­time Pro or what­ever turns out to be the best choice (it should be clear now that I don’t know what the f**k I’m talk­ing about.

Any help would be greatly appre­ci­ated. And as my com­ments aren’t work­ing (and won’t be before I go on vaca­tion — which I won’t be able to until I solve this DVD-problem — I’d be thank­ful for an email.

Update: C.K. Sam­ple, III from the great blog TUAW picks it up. I’m already look­ing into the first answer in the com­ments — and answers seem to be poor­ing in. I wouldn’t be sur­prised if they got more read­ers than me over there ;-) Thanks a lot!

Update II: Prob­lem solved — in a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent ways. Check the post over at TUAW for some excel­lent point­ers to solv­ing your clip-ripping prob­lems.

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Radio Khartoum : The Cat Box Quartet

Friend of the house and elec­tron­ica wiz Marc Kell­away recently released Run­ning Uphill on Radio Khar­toum under the alias The Cat Box Quar­tet.

Exquisite Russian Brides

The Cat Box Quar­tet is the alias used for his pop­pier acoustic-oriented elec­tron­ica. As opposed to the rock/noise he makes with Vinyl Dog Joy, the drone stuff with Exquis­ite Russ­ian Brides, the folky Ten­der But­tons, or improv out­fit 75 Magic Tricks..

Catched a most excel­lent per­for­mance by pic­tures over at 23people ear­lier this month; pic­tures over at 23people. Oh, and the Ten­der But­tons — inter­pre­ta­tions of Gertrude Stein, recorded in a for­est — is pretty damn beau­ti­ful if you ask me.

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Got arty sound?


A cou­ple of months ago we launched, the online pres­ence of our sond/sound art group.

We’re pas­sion­ate about sound; music, radio, sound art etc. and towards the end of the year we’re doing an online exhi­bi­tion accom­pa­nied by lis­ten­ing sta­tions on dif­fer­ent loca­tions in Copenhagen.

I’ve been mean­ing to blog this way ear­lier, but reboot and Code­gar­den and clients and sum­mer and… got in the way. And the site isn’t even fin­ished. Major over­haul com­ing up. Includ­ing an Eng­lish version.

But for now: Check out the open call. If you got some great stuff in your drawer (or whereever you keep your stuff), let us have a listen.

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End of an era


LOUD is clos­ing at the end of August after 12 years of vinyl push­ing. Gotta respect their wishes to move on, but I’ll miss their stock vari­ety — espe­cially as a few of the other water­ing holes have closed down in recent years.

I’ll skip the thanks for all the music-bit and just note that I’ll have a few hours to spare each Sat­ur­day from now on … just in case you wanna hook up and go hunt­ing for records somewhere.

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Goth ventilation

I’m dis­ap­pointed. To say the least.

I was expect­ing dis­heart­ened teens with painted faces, dri­ving beat up old Cadil­lac Coupe de Villes with chan­de­liers for head­lights, Sis­ters of Mercy blast­ing from a cheap japan­ese ghet­to­blaster, lay­ing the per­fect sound­track for peo­ple devoted to ven­ti­la­tion despite of their black hearts. And all I get is this?


Gothic Babe of the Week
The Goth F.A.Q:

Q: Does it have to be black?
A: …
All black is bor­ing. And some­times, depend­ing on your skin col­orations, black is not a color for you. It might even make you look sallow.

Diller Trans A/S

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[DK] Vold…kvalificeret

Nyt til indkøbslisten hos de latte-drikkende ‘smart-pÃ¥-Vesterbro-hvis-jeg-skal-have-en-bil-skal-det-være-en-gammel-Mercer-mine-børn-gÃ¥r-i-designer-tøj’: Kval­i­fi­ceret vold.

¥r man sÃ¥dan lige er pÃ¥ Blom­sten (brun bar med aut­en­tisk retro-feel) og læner sig lidt op ad nogle øretæver, sÃ¥ gÃ¥ ikke pÃ¥ kom­pro­mis med din kvalitets-søgende livsstil i den kul­turelle over­hal­ings­bane: Kræv kval­i­fi­ceret vold!

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Design clichés

Much needed post about design clichés:

The Light­bulb
It’s burned out. Should not be used to indi­cate ideas, inno­va­tion, intel­li­gence …
If this is your bright idea, you’re not very bright.
Could be used to indi­cate: light

Web Development
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I love Boing Boing

…or rather: I find it rather amus­ing (and strangely com­fort­ing), that when you trip over some­thing like this, you can be pretty sure, that it’s already fea­tured on Boing Boing and you just didn’t pay atten­tion at the time.

Yup, here it is: Inflat­able, taste­less Titanic-themed water-slide

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Safety cards

Gallery of plane safety cards. Goes along well with a nice book I got; Design for Impact.

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Little underground birds

From an inter­view with 43 Fold­ers’ Mer­lin Mann (actu­ally most about GTD, his blog etc.):

My writ­ing part­ner, Danny O’Brien likes to say that geeks are the canaries in the coalmine for the prob­lems that will even­tu­ally affect most nor­mal people.

Spot on. Some­what hooks into Ben Hammersley’s talk on reboot on the respon­si­bil­ity of all the non-hinterweb members.

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Comments are still broken

To my sur­prise, I’ve been get­ting quite some mails and real-life com­ments lately, telling me that peo­ple have tried to com­ment on my blog but couldn’t because of some tech­ni­cal fuckup. I know, I know — I even posted a note on the front page some time ago.

So while I am already aware of my com­ment trou­ble (I’ll try and fix that soon, hol­i­day is get­ting closer), it seems I’m miss­ing out on good com­ments. Damn. Who would’ve guessed…

Also com­ing up (hope­fully): Tag­ging and clouds and fun…
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Cirkusartister springer køen over

Cirkusartis­ter springer køen over. De springer over alt, fak­tisk. Det er det de gør…

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Know your enemy: Amazon & PostDanmark

I know they mean well over at, but when they split up my pack­ages (even­though they do it for free), they also put my money directly in the pock­ets of Post­Dan­mark. My stuff gets picked up by cus­toms a lot. Tough shit, but still — the dol­lar is weak, what do I care.

But: Post­Dan­mark insists on charg­ing me DKK 50,- plus VAT for doing the dirty-work of col­lect­ing the cus­toms duty, mean­ing that the sin­gle book I just got ended up cost­ing more in var­i­ous taxes and han­dling charges than I actu­ally payed for the book. Might as well write’em myself then…

Note to self: See if there’s an option to force all books in a sin­gle order together in one package.

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Her dør respekten for E.B. — igen!

Det er gerne noget med blot at efter­leve læsernes ønsker, fortælle den men­neske­lige his­to­rie, yada yada.

Fal­bert, oh du redaktør af hykler-white trash media: Fork­lar os, hvor­dan denne her ikke er sen­sa­tion­slysten dødsporno. Jeg er sikker pÃ¥ der er et sub­tilt link til ter­ror, krig og mas­sakrer. Noget med at fÃ¥ det tæt pÃ¥…eller mÃ¥ske bare noget med fly. Giv et bud.

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London: We Love The City

hefner - we love the city

Love Lon­don. Don’t for­get Hefner’s bril­liant album We Love The City, a bit­ter­sweet dec­la­ra­tion of love to Lon­don. Details and lyrics.

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Cloud tagging

Tag­ging is all the rage. Sten­cils are all the race. Com­bine. Tag. Think clouds.


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We Are Not Afraid Beau­ti­ful (and well-linked, I know) con­cept. Peo­ple post­ing pic­tures say­ing they’re not afraid. A nice detail: Peo­ple hold­ing their travel cards for the pub­lic trans­port on the photos.

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[DK] Piger i provinsen…

…ligner alle frisørelever.

¥dan er det bare.

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