Usability Smeagol

Finally got around to see LOTR / Return of The King. Quite all­right, a bit long at the end, but that was sort of expected. One qes­tion remains, though: How did Peter Jack­son per­suade Jakob Nielsen to play the part as Smeagul?
jakobnielsen - smeagol
(I couldn’t find a proper Smeagul pic­ture — Jakob Nielsen on the other hand, has more than plenty.…Geee…)


Mail is down

I’m pretty tired of this but it has hap­pened again: My Imap account seems to be messed up, not allow­ing me to receive my mail, and gen­er­ally fuck­ing things up.

So if you mailed me the last cou­ple of days and haven’t heard from me, I sug­gest you check up on it by giv­ing me a ring. Apologies.

Related: Does any­one know a bad ass mail host (I don’t need web host­ing) doing Imap with heaps of space at a rea­son­able price?

Update: oi(at) seems to be work­ing — hit me.

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Salling Clicker now supports Nokia 3650

Good news: Salling Clicker now sup­ports Nokia 3650 and other Sym­bian based smart­phones.

We heard you! Salling Clicker now sup­ports Symbian-based smart­phones, and in a big way. Salling Clicker v.2.1 takes advan­tage of this platform’s unique capa­bil­i­ties, so iTunes art­work is dis­played in color, and your computer’s mouse pointer can be moved in a new inno­v­a­tive fash­ion with pen-based smartphones.

[via 3650 and a 12-inch]

And even though I really want a 6600 or maybe a P900 (or at least a firmware-upgrade to my buggy-as-hell 3650), it’s nice to know. Now, if Apple would just update those damn Power­books. Tune in soon, where I’ll buy a 12″ any­way just to do a post two days later announc­ing how sad is is that Power­books just went G5 to half the price…

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[DK] Hr. og Fru Danmark

Nyt fra fron­ten — skræmmende detail­han­delvirke­lighed pÃ¥ og kække rÃ¥d om dette og hint pÃ¥ Kendere af fel­tet vil ogsÃ¥ ihukomme alle gode læserrÃ¥ds moder, IdeNyt. (der har en fin fea­ture til cus­tomized titler og top­grafik, sÃ¥ man kan browse, mens man er pÃ¥ arbe­jde — Prevn, ring a bell?), har afs­nit­tet ‘Top Trættende’ (kan man lave block level (sic)s?):

  • ¥r man spørger om kun­den vil have bonen med siger mange : ” ¦h jeg kan ikke trækken det fra i skat alligevel !
  • (Man spørger om han/hende vil have bonen) Nej, den mÃ¥ du fÃ¥!
  • Sid­der du bare her og ven­ter pÃ¥ mig? Nu skal du fÃ¥ noget at lave!
  • I/du elsker smÃ¥penge ikÂ’ ?
  • Du fejer da skidt med den kost, hva?
  • Eks­pe­di­ent: “Ellers andet?” Kun­den: “Ja, dit tlf.nummer, hø hø”.
  • Hvis jeg kørte MIT firma sÃ¥dan…(gerne sagt af narkoman-type)
  • Ja det er godt, men hvad er MIN pris?
  • jamen, hvis der ikke er pris pÃ¥, sÃ¥ er varen da gratis! (hørt ved kassen)
  • En af de sædvanlige kun­der der drikker meget; “Jeg har en kasse Wibroe…PLU-koden er.…”
  • Jeg kender A.P.¸ller” ¸rt i ¸tex. Ja sikkert , han har været død i mange Ã¥r. Og havde han mødt havde du fÃ¥et røvfuld, fordi du ikke opfører dig ordentlig i hans butik
  • Hver eneste dag som post: “Hvis du har reg­ninger, sÃ¥ kan du godt tage dem med igen”
  • En mand kom­mer gÃ¥ende hen mod mig med sin hund, jeg hilser pÃ¥ ham, hvoreft han skriger ind i hov­edet pÃ¥ sin hund “BID HAM FOR FANDEN BID HAM” jeg kig­ger pÃ¥ ham og smiler fal­skt man­den gÃ¥r videre og snakker med sig selv… Spasser gør gode forsøg:

Hvis kat­ten ikke vil tage sin med­i­cin, kan du dryppe lidt pÃ¥ det ene ben eller pote. Ren­lig som kat­ten er, sÃ¥ slikker den straks pÃ¥ poten, som er snavset til.

En kødhammer kan ofte være besværlig at få gjort ordentlig ren efter brug.
Put kødhammeren i en plas­tik­pose inden kødet bear­be­jdes.
Efter brug fjernes plas­tik­posen, og kødhammeren kan retuners til skuf­fen efter en let aftøring.

… men kan altsÃ¥ ikke vinde kam­pen over IdeNyt-perler som:

Her i efterÃ¥ret skulle jeg male vores plankeværk, men man­glede det rigtige malertøj. Det tøj, jeg havde, var for pænt. Jeg tog en ny, sort affaldssæk af den type, man køber pÃ¥ ruller med 10 eller 25 stk. i. Jeg klippede hul i bun­den af sækken til hov­edet og i siderne til armene. ¥ var den klaret.
Anker Andresen, Toftlund

¦g en gam­mel tele­fon­bog under køkkenvasken. Siderne er fine til at samle skidt op fra vasken, og det sparer køkkenrullen.
Grethe Jensen, ¸llested

Til hverdag sætter vi ofte gry­den med sovs ind pÃ¥ bor­det. For at undgÃ¥, at sovs­es­keen “forsvinder” ned i gry­den, sætter jeg en elastik om skeen. ¥ bliver den, hvor den skal, og jeg slip­per for at rode efter den nede i gry­den!
Kirsten Lech-Rasmussen, ¸ge

Det plan­lagte pro­gram vil nu fortsætte…


Steriogram / Walkie Talkie Man — Knit wear rock video

Ste­ri­ogram / Walkie Talkie Man — Knit wear rock video

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Geo: Naked exit moblogging

Geo: Naked exit moblogging

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[DK] WiFi, Odense og Ã…rhus?

Skal til Odense og Ã…rhus i de næste uger, men er ikke videre wifi-cafe-kendt. Kan godt finde en del betalings-steder, men jeg vil hellere betale for noget ekstra kaffe, end rode mig ud i abon­nem­n­ter osv. ¥r alt galt mÃ¥ jeg jo ty til “en time for en pris”-løsningen, men der skulle vel ikke være glade cafe-ejere i det fynske og jyske, der lige­som Kassen, Eugene etc. i Kbh. har fanget forde­len i at lokke kun­derne til at blive hængende lidt længere? Anyone?


Had to happen: Engineering geek names son version 2.0

Had to hap­pen: Engi­neer­ing geek names son ver­sion 2.0

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Tune Recycler — or how to do a little good with Pepsi money

Tune Recy­cler — Sup­port Indie Music with the iTunes Pepsi Super Bowl Pro­mo­tion. It’s a step in the right direc­tion… iTMS defi­nately does what users have been crav­ing for years; deliv­ers music dig­i­tally. But while the record labels don’t miss out on rev­enue that way, the hope that the actual artists have a bet­ter way of sur­viv­ing is a bit so so. Down­hill­batte even got iTMS to remove the “fair to the artists” claim from their web­site… As it is now, you can’t ignore major record labels, and maybe you shouldn’t. But the main objec­tive should be to get a big a cut as pos­si­ble into the artists’ pock­ets which isn’t really hap­pen­ing now. Don’t get me wrong, I think the iTMS is cool and I feel good about pay­ing for my music. But wouldn’t it be even cooler if the low-cost ways of dis­trib­ut­ing on the net could some­how ben­e­fit the peo­ple pro­duc­ing the music? I think so… iTMS and sim­i­lar ser­vices have all the poten­tial to do some­thing more than just another way for a big indus­try to cre­ate income. It’s all about activism it seems…

Btw: Isn’t that Pepsi Super Bowl video embar­ras­ing in every way?

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Despite the typo in this arti­cle (Dan­ish only), they might just have hit some­thing: Teenage­Tal­iban — such a nice word… If it wasn’t because I would get instantly jailed for just try­ing to pur­chase the domain name, I would. Actu­ally, the nice peo­ple of Amer­ica might just be mon­i­tor­ing the domain name search itself…uuhh. (Psst…it’s avail­able. If you don’t hear from me again, then maybe I should have wifi’ed into somone else’s ip).

Reminds me of a site I once found; the home of “Mil­i­tante DAMP-børn” — a mil­i­tant group of chil­dren with DAMP (Decreased Atten­tion Motor­con­trol Per­cep­tion) dis­or­der (I won­der if DAMP is on the MT Acronym plu­gin list? No, it’s not really funny, and peo­ple with DAMP aren’t bad peo­ple — it’s a word-thing, ok).

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Geezer name challenge: GEEZA — them dirty beats

Geezer name chal­lenge: GEEZA — them dirty beats

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Symbian Wiki

Sym­bian­Wiki : Use­ful 3650 Tips. Could become an excel­lent ressource. Cov­ers Sym­bian in generel — on the page linked I finally found out how to shut down run­ning pro­grams with­out extra soft­ware. Which I recently strug­gled with when try­ing to get Opera installed…

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Texas Chainsaw Poster with a twist

Texas Chain­saw Poster with a twist

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iTunes Music Store RSS Generator

iTunes Music Store RSS Gen­er­a­tor: Make your own cus­tomized feeds from iTunes Music Store. The feeds include cover art, links etc. Nice, nice…

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Amazing sidewalk chalk-drawins. Somewhat scary.

Amaz­ing side­walk chalk-drawins. Some­what scary.

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Small type kerning

Mezzoblue’s Dave Shea on kern­ing: Type: the Extra Mile. Good lit­tle hints on get­ting that small type just right. Nice1.

Web Development
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SimCity Classic Live — online and free

Sim­C­ity Clas­sic Live — online and free

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Dean goes RSS

Can­di­date Dean (being bashed world­wide at the moment for shout­ing) now has an RSS feed, Chan­nel Dean. What­ever your polit­i­cal flavour, you have to love his net-supported cam­paign. Much has been writ­ten already — it’s all good. The rea­son for this post, how­ever, is the nice FAQ intro­duc­ing the feed — and a lot of peo­ple to their first syn­di­ca­tion expe­ri­ence. Show all the good peo­ple some real pur­poses for look­ing into RSS and you’re there… We believe that a more informed elec­torate is more likely to sup­port our can­di­date. Damn, Clue­train is all happening…

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Apple’s Rendezvous with Windows


The Win­dows ver­sion of iTunes has tremen­dous strate­gic value for Apple. iTunes for Win­dows pro­motes the iPod, pro­vides com­pat­i­bil­ity with AAC audio files, invites Win­dows users to buy from the iTunes Music Store, and installs the lat­est ver­sion of Quick­Time.

But that’s not all. As John Markoff notes in his lat­est col­umn, iTunes for Win­dows also includes Ren­dezvous — Apple’s brand name for zero-configuration IP net­work­ing technology.

[Apple Mat­ters ]

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Mesh Standard coming up

Mesh Stan­dard on the Start­ing Block:

At the interim meet­ing of the IEEE 802.11 Work­ing Group this week in Van­cou­ver, British Colum­bia, a study group was formed to begin look­ing into even­tu­ally cre­at­ing an industry-recognized stan­dard for wire­less mesh networking.

[via Wi-Fi Net­work­ing News]

I’m quite excited about this. Guess the full poten­tial of wifi is about to be unleased by a real mesh net­work­ing stan­dard… Last year’s CphIn­ter­po­la­tion had a bit on the sub­ject with a visit from Locust­World and a good discussion.

I want to be part of the mesh, yes. Came to think about the magic bike and sim­i­lar projects. How about sell­ing these won­der­ful bikes, built by the Chris­tia­nia Smedje in the Chris­tia­nia — the per­ma­nent autonomous zone in Copen­hagen, with a wifi mesh optional add-on?

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Belle de Jour, cool quote: KosherSex are selling a Ron Jeremy dildo. They just don’t understand — what I really want is a Ron Jeremy strap-on.

Belle de Jour, cool quote: Kosher­Sex are sell­ing a Ron Jeremy dildo. They just don’t under­stand — what I really want is a Ron Jeremy strap-on.

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Music from 1992

Fri­day night we did a lit­tle con­cept: All the good peo­ple par­tic­i­pat­ing had to bring music from par­tic­u­lar year — the won­der­ful year of 1992. This is the music we lis­tened to:

Poly­gon Win­dow / Surfin on Sine Waves
Prince / The Love Sym­bol Album
Leonard Cohen / The Future
The Sand­men / Sleepy­head
The The / Dusk
Babes in Toy­land / Fontanelle
L7 / Brick are heavy
Ein­stürzende Neubauten / “Sala­man­d­rina“
Sonic Youth / Dirty
Twin Peaks Sound­track
Lars Hug / Blidt over dig
Pri­mal Scream / Screa­madel­ica
Rage Against The Machine / Rage Against The Machine
Adorable / “Sun­shine Smile“
The Cure / Wish
Nick Cave / Henry’s Dream
Stereo MC’s / “Con­nected“
Mid­night Oil / Scream in Blue Live
D:A:D / “Bad Crazy­ness“
Spir­i­t­ulized / Lazer Guided Melodies
Gang Starr / Daily Oper­a­tion
Vaya Con Dios / Time Flies
Alice in Chains / Dirt
Sucar­cubes / Stick Around for Joy
Manic Street Preach­ers / Gen­er­a­tion Ter­ror­ists
Love Shop / DK
Faith No More / Angel Dust
Madonna / Erot­ica
Suede / The Drown­ers
Lisa Nils­son / Himlen Runt ¶rnet
Beastie Boys / Check your Head
22 Pis­tepir­rko / Big Lupu
Brian Eno / Nerve Net
Dr. Dre / The Chronic
Stone Tem­ple Pilots / Core
Ther­apy? / Nurse
Atomic Swing / Stone me into the groove
R.E.M. / Auto­matic for the Peo­ple
Pave­ment / Slanted & Enchanted
How Do I / Pluto
PJ Har­vey / Dry
Brand Nubian / God We Trust

As expected, not all of them qual­ify when dou­ble checked in var­i­ous online data­bases. But hey, this isn’t fascism.

Some of the stuff that didn’t make it due to lack of time, excess of alco­hol etc. include Kris Kross, Ace of Base, Billy Ray Cyrus (Achy-breaky-bad-mistakey), Tech­notronic, Right Said Fred, Bobby Brown and many others.


Feed me caffeine

Oh, yes — Cof­feeGeek now has an RSS feed.. Go on, you know you want it…




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Investigation ‘clears’ Vicious of his girlfriend’s murder

Inves­ti­ga­tion ‘clears’ Vicious of his girlfriend’s mur­der

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