Belly up for DAGEN?

If these peo­ple don’t suc­ceed, I’m sure DAGEN them­selves will. I’ve been think­ing for a while now about what to think of DAGEN and despite my exite­ment about a new paper (any new papers) which is always nice, I have found the ones I have read so utterly and com­pletely bor­ing (yes, sim­ple as that) that I’m hav­ing trou­ble fig­ur­ing out who would actaully want to read this on a daily basis. As much as I find their dis­like for the com­mon point of view and the way every­thing gets turned into a two-sided con­tro­versy refresh­ing and necce­sary, it might be a view­point more fit­ting for a mag­a­zine as their search for sto­ries able to deliver a new way of see­ing things pro­duces page after page with­out any impor­tance or rel­e­vance what­so­ever. It’s all good writ­ten, the pic­tures are nice and in some way it’s nice not hav­ing to stare at really cheap com­mer­cials. On the other hand, I am not going to read a paper who adjust their writ­ing to fit buy­ers of cer­tain cars and hand­bags. It just might be that the large news­pa­pers have to recon­sider their own polit­i­cal plat­form and the effect it has on deliv­er­ing news, but DAGEN’s approach is defi­nately not the answer either…

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Pretty geeky

Today I did it… Went all geek by spend­ing all after­noon dri­ving around town buy­ing var­i­ous tools, fit­tings and acces­sories to start mod­i­fy­ing my com­puter. I did a nice 120mm. blow­hole, and that’s just the begin­ning. Hope­fully my com­puter will start run­ning smoother some­where ahead…guess I’m sort of a case­mod­der now.

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Insert coin in …

Finally — tem­po­rary desk­top edi­tion up at The pixel per­fec­tion of both desk­top and site images went a bit fast so the large desk­top are by far the best. That’s what you get for hav­ing crappy lit­tle mon­i­tors… Get down­load­ing, lube up your android escort — it’s ll about bits and bytes, dol­lars and love…

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This is damn nice… Get that WinaMP3 fired up with a funky skin and an Elek­tro playlist…


Fit for … whatever

This sort of make me regret hav­ing pur­chased GranTurismo3 and wipEout…on the other hand, it just might work…

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Digital love

Hav­ing trou­ble get­ting time to fin­ish Netluder, I decided to make a few dig­i­tal good­ies to down­load. They’ll be up within the next week — con­sider it the pimp christ­mas present…

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Nik & Jay — again, again

I think I’ve lis­tened to Nik&Jay’s ‘Hot’ at least 60 times since my last post — and I refuse to tell you why. But who knows…maybe it’s gonna be a lit­tle Decem­ber spe­cial for you…

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Nik & Not Ok

[Dan­ish rant] nik & jay er nogle pæne drenge, og virke­lig irriterende — det er en ting. I virke­lighe­den er jeg ikke i tvivl om, at de nok skal forsvinde sÃ¥ hur­tigt som de kom. Men det her tager prisen. Hvis man nu alligevel har fÃ¥et sine forældre til at spon­sorere en plade og en lys buks, kunne man sÃ¥ ikke have brugt de ekstra kro­ner pÃ¥ en tek­st­for­fat­ter, der lyver bedre? “dette danske svar pÃ¥ pro­duk­tion­skollek­tiver som Wu Tang Clan og So Solid Crew” har tilsyneladende det helt rigtige crew bag sig, omend de ikke er sÃ¥ meget for at nævne, hvad det nu er de har lavet, som er sÃ¥ fan­tastisk… Og det sædvanlige non­sens med “Der er ingen regler — bare det er fedt!” — vi er jo baaare sÃ¥ nysk­abende og anderledes, tror de vel ikke pÃ¥ nogen køber? Og trum­fen: “Fem drenge, i alderen 21 — 25, der har kendt hinan­den siden teenage-Ã¥rene.” — well, jeg har skam ogsÃ¥ kendt min kioskmand i hele to Ã¥r…


WipeOut and work

While hard at work on var­i­ous projects, I got the first Wipe­Out in the mail today. Haven’t got time to play, but hey — it’s a classic…and still an inter­est­ing mix­ture of graphic design, club­bing music and great game­play. Also strug­gling with some dynamic con­tent flash pieces — more infor­ma­tion to come…

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This is good to see. Free­dom of speech is one thing, using a whole pop­u­la­tion to back up sim­pli­fied cow­boy pol­i­tics is another. Stat­ing that you’re either for or against is just plain ridicu­lous… Fas­cism appa­rantly didn’t exist in vain…

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Design for Impact

Just got this as a present — I love it! Thanks, Merete…

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Don’t SHOW

How the hell should I know that SHOW is a reserved word in MySQL? Well, I found out in only 20 minuttes…buzy geezers don’t really have time — or patience — to do such dis­cov­er­ies… Any­way, mem­o­rize this and read this — it’s got a nice ‘Dis­as­ter pre­ven­tion’ chap­ter in there for you.

Web Development
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No logo — in Orange

Found this inter­est­ing inter­view with Naomi Klein via Tveskov. Found the bit about Orange quite amus­ing: “They asked me to join their think tank, and when I declined they wrote me an e-mail, ccÂ’d to every­body in the com­pany, with the sub­ject head­ing: “I thought Naomi would want to try and make a difference.”

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ELM in Roskilde

Despite the rain and the dis­tance we man­aged to get our­selves to SeeSound in Roskilde yes­ter­day. I haven’t had time to attend the work­shops dur­ing the week, but got to see the first night of con­cert. A great lineup — and a remark­ably more fierce sound than the con­cert at RADAR last month. But true lis­ten­ing music it was, excit­ing and new as expected.

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Doggy validates

Finally got round to sort some code and design issues on It now val­i­dates to XHTML 1.0 Tran­si­tional (though the val­ida­tor had some prob­lems with some of my querys­trings) and has a slightly changed design. I put in some small but nice con­tent man­age­ment fea­tures as well, so now I just might update every now and again. Still got some plans for the rest of it, though…

Web Development
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Oh — almost for­got to post this: Went to Rust last Thurs­day to see Nau­tilus. Damn, pure energy it was… Rock’n’Roll and a decent two day hang­over. As far as I can recall the evening included qual­ity wine, a midget and five guys tak­ing on dif­fer­ent identities…

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Drum and Net and Bass

Lis­ten­ing to a live Grooverider sin­gle launch party on all time favorite Drum & Bass Arena. Sure makes work­ing late a lot more fun. The internet’s sweet…

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The dog is a Mac fan

This is what I do at night instead of get­ting some qual­ity sleep: My old Mac SE, com­plete with a whop­ping 20MB hard drive, is now equipped with the Geezer Dog. A nice piece of graph­ics in 512x342 pix­els. Fullscreen from the eighties.

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No chance of concentration

Just pur­chased a new cd-rom drive. This one’s got DVD, so now I’m watch­ing old Daft Punk DVDs on an even older screen (got it with my first 386SX PC) con­nected to my Matrox Mil­le­nium Dual Head card as sec­ond screen. Life’s sweet — even though I now have absolutely no chance of keep­ing my con­cen­tra­tion while working.

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Beware of dog

Finally got round to upload the new Geezer logo to the site. It still needs a few tweaks here and there which obvi­ously also goes for the site itself. Stay tuned for actual con­tent and smoother graphics.

Web Development
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Blog To Do list

This wasn’t sup­posed to hap­pen. First of all, why are you guys read­ing my blog at all. And then: You do real­ize, that if you start post­ing com­ments, I have to get round to fix­ing the lay­out for that sec­tion as well as all the other sec­tions?! Might as well give up and go snort coke with ¸ren Poppe

Vinyl Dog Joy + Norman McLaren

Went to Cos­mic Zoom at Terra Nova just round the cor­ner to see Vinyl Dog Joy per­form to their new video back­drop. A really great expe­ri­ence; lots of new mate­r­ial in there and a nice video. Their album Sto­ries from the Halfway House is hereby rec­om­mended, so is Marc of VDJ’s solo project Cat Box Quar­tet (for­merly known as Mox) soon to be released on Radio Khar­toum.

Stayed to see 4 small ani­mated movies by Nor­man McLaren, all of them amaz­ing — and with good cor­re­spon­dence between sound and image. Hop­ing to find some of them on DVD

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Finn’s streaming away, yeah!

And while on the topic of streams I just dis­cov­ered that Linux Finn is stream­ing, at least until some­one finds out :) Now we just need to find out if stream­ing Rob­bie Williams with Maxi Jazz and Jack­son Five is really worth the effort.


Go dublab

Just found out that the labrats at dublab have updated their site. I have a feel­ing it didn’t hap­pen recently and that I just missed out. Guess I haven’t been lis­ten­ing to enough streams lately. Well, that’s going to change soon, for the next cou­ple of weeks I will be sub­merged in loads of work, linked to my desk with my headphones…

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Green Pitch

Ear­lier tonight I went to see Green Pitch at Stu­den­ter­huset. Not usu­ally a the type of music I lis­ten to a lot, but this was was a pleas­ant sur­prise. Well bal­anced, bit­ter sweeet and honest.

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