[VBW06] Monday: A day in the life

It’s Videoblog­ging Week 2006 and while not hav­ing any bril­liant con­cepts for a video, first things first: A day in the life, edited from 99 clips last­ing over 90 min­utes shot in a rainy Copen­hagen while doing what­ever I had to do…

I’m shoot­ing DV, mean­ing I’m cap­tur­ing in real time. For the bits where I kept the cam­era rolling, it was a pretty strange expe­ri­ence — reliv­ing parts of my day in real time.

The video is too long. My orig­i­nal excuse for an idea was to try fast cut­ting from sub­stan­tial amounts of mate­r­ial, but some­how I ended up with 10 min­utes any­way. When the clock passes 3 in the AM, you stop car­ing about los­ing a cou­ple sec­onds here and there… I don’t in any way believe that this is par­tic­u­larly inter­est­ing, but I chal­lenged my self footage-wise and this is the result. I learned a lot — unfor­tu­nately all that knowl­edge didn’t really make it into this film. Maybe next time…

Video , , , , , . URL.

8 Responses to [VBW06] Monday: A day in the life

  1. 10 min­utes is long, but I did like the pac­ing of this one.

  2. pollas says:

    The idea was to chal­lenge myself by insist­ing on doing a full day in chrono­log­i­cal order, with­out going MTV on the video’s ass. I do still think, how­ever, that I could’ve cut at least a cou­ple min­utes with­out com­pro­mis­ing the idea.… Next time.…

  3. Agent Angelo says:

    Can’t really tell you why but I love it. Fas­ci­nat­ing stuff — from the trade­mark black shirt to the Latté. Brilliant.

  4. Adam K says:

    Inter­est­ing stuff I must say! Quite orig­i­nal.
    The sound­track is also par­tic­u­larly good i think (this reg­gae sound­ing tune). Whats that track called anyway ?

  5. Pingback: pollas.dk » Blog Archive » Videoblogging Week 2006 is over

  6. Angermann says:

    ¸jdepunktet var da du tog hjem for at skifte underlægningsmusik. Det var sjovt.

  7. pollas says:

    It’s a dirty job, but…

  8. Adam K says:

    Hej Anders
    Det (reggea musik) du bruger i denne video, vil jeg gerne vide hvad hed­der? Kan du opl­yse mig om det?