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Author Archives: geezer
First picture taken
Do a Google Search for DSC00001.jpg and see the first pictures that people took on their digital cameras.
ProfilMail is an email client for your Series 60 device, quit a lot better than the built in Inbox mail client.
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Blog redesign, episode 7
Yet another useful plugin: Compare. It allows you to do those simple little comparisons; did you make the comment, is the category ‘Tech’ etc. So I’ve prepared my Stuff category for some additional styling and the comments for displaying whether I participated or not. Continue reading
Pollas.dk, Web Development
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Blog redesign, episode 6
I’ve installed the Acronym plugin which takes care of underlining and explaining and started listing the plugins I use at the bottom of the Colophon page. And I’ve merged my sideblog into the main index so the little link blurps just show up in their own slightly different design (to be optimized shortly) in between the regular posts. Continue reading
Pollas.dk, Web Development
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Blog redesign, episode 5
I’ve just finished implementing nice urls. No more database IDs followed by .php — now it’s date based using yyyy/mm/dd/post_title_based_on_title. Continue reading
Blog redesign, episode 4
Think I managed to install the updated MT-Blacklist. I’ve just been through all comments to remove some of the spam that slipped through while the plugin was down (we have the same host) and a few others that somehow found … Continue reading
Blog redesign, episode 2
If you can see this, I’ve successfully upgraded to Movable Type 3.11. Upgrading was easy as always, although I — as always — forgot to run the upgrade scripts so the system wouldn’t recognize my user, I quickly went through … Continue reading
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Does IT matter conference
Carr himself is late and will be arriving in 10 minutes. “It is fair to say we don’t fully agree that IT doesn’t matter”.
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New toy, Nokia 7610
Or rather, I got a Nokia 7610 as a much needed replacement for my old Nokia 3650. I should probably have went for something more powerful (I could definately do with wifi etc.) but I really felt like owning a … Continue reading
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Trackback collabs
We need more blogs. Or easier ways to collect some of the good stuff that’s already being produced. At the Blog’N’Rundbold outing we briefly discussed to allow for trackbacks on BloggersCopenhagen so people could just ping the collab blog from … Continue reading
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[DK] Din blog lugter
the roommate full lenght movie in hd format Interessant diskussion ovre hos emme; hvad er det lige de hedder? Flash-folk, hvad venter I pÃ¥? Og nu: Tilbage til arbejdet…
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Skype gripe
Interesting post over at TheUnofficialAppleWeblog; My gripe with Skype and five good reasons why you shouldn’t cancel your other phone services just yet. Continue reading
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MicroSaver, what to buy
I so need a MicroSaver, should’ve gotten one a long time ago. Anyway, now I finally remembered but I’m thinking: Key or code? The differences are pretty obvious and I don’t like the digital janitor-look, carrying a Powerbook and a … Continue reading
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[DK] Situationistiske løsblade
Lidt forsinket, men here goes. Fra pressemeddelelsen: Situationistiske løsblade Café Tjili Pop, Rantzausgade 28, 2200 København N Fernisering fredag den 13. august 2004, kl. 18–21 Kulturforeningen LOLA præsenterer i perioden 14. august til 12. september 2004 udstillingen Situationistiske løsblade. Udstillingen bestÃ¥r … Continue reading
How to get chicks
CreativeBits has an interesting little piece on image manipulation from the terminal using sips. Pretty cool stuff (at least for lighter-than-light hackers like myself), but what really hit the spot was the claim that you could use this exact technique to pull: Now, that I told you about this command, you tell me what can you use it for, besides getting chicks of course? Continue reading
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Tubemap tattoo
From the excellent London Underground Tube Diary, an excellent weblog about the underground transport in the city you gotta love: download shaolin film All you can do is to hope it’s either fake or not permanent.
Making money on content
Whatever the revenue model, I’m glad that people are starting to realize that with weblogs and other forms of web based writing, even though much have changed, the good writers offering relevant and interesting material will always come out on top.… People with love to the medium and a non-profit approach will always exist and as long as they feel they learn something, can get their funding from somewhere else or just feel like making a difference, good, free stuff will be out there. Continue reading
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London screensaver — and crappy phones
3650anda12inch.blogspot.com points to a beautiful screensaver featuring black and white images from what also happens to be my favourite city, London. Continue reading
WiFi and holes
I like the fact that even on days with shitloads of work, I’m still able to go out, faking having a life.… But that also means that I carry around basically all my work with me — and I don’t really like the idea of having it stolen while I’m at the little boys room or ordering more espressos. Continue reading
Aggregators and blogging tools
I bloglines Bloglines has redesigned, and added some more functionality. It has replaced NetNewsWire as my RSS reader of choice, mainly due to speed reasons (NNW couldn’t cope with my 500ish feeds), and the fact I need access on several computers (and not just Mac OS). Continue reading
Umbraco 2.0 is shipping
Umbraco 2.0 is about to be released. I’ve used the first version on a couple of projects and it really is rather nice! Continue reading
Faxing on OS X through your mobile
Isn’t that interweb just great. You realize that since this is 2004 and you pride yourself with being all digital and modern, the need to fax an agreement concerning a domain name end up being a challenge. Continue reading
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Why text-only is bad for you — and everyone else
There are millions of Web users who don’t even consider themselves disabled: you might know one as “Dad” or “Grandpa,” who can’t quite see as well as they used to, or never quite got the hang of mousing around.… And they’re going to get angry, especially if you hard-coded the font size below their ability to read it. Continue reading
[DK] Først med nyt om konkurrenten
David Trads forlader den mindst ringe … kan man læse pÃ¥ Politikens netavis. Informations egen side har noget med skæv kønsfordeling i fodboldverdenen som tophistorie — nyheden om Trads’ afgang er ingen steder at finde. Blot et eksempel — det er … Continue reading
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Skype OS X
Yes, yes oh yeah: In response to all the requests: there WILL be a Skype version for Mac OS X. No info is publicly available about when exactly it will be out, but it’s already in the works. They are looking for … Continue reading
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