Author Archives: pollas

[DK] Avisspildtid

Alle har været der, I know. Men jeg fandt omsider de 20 min­ut­ter der skal til for bÃ¥de at hente og se ¸ren K. Con­tinue read­ing

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What Could it Be?

full movie What Could it Be? Orig­i­nally uploaded by Kyle Jones.

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MS interface preview

Everyone’s link­ing this…me too: xBe­tas @ PDC 05 — pre­view of the new MS interface.It’s bet­ter — no doubt about that — and there are prob­a­bly a lot of UI improve­ments in there that I can’t appre­ci­ate prop­erly by look­ing at the screen­shots. But the looks part of it… Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] DGI-byen, Digi:Wave og Eventblog

¥ er det i efter­mid­dag og i aften at der er elek­tronik i DGI-byen.Som anty­det er der blevet rodet lidt med noget billed­doku­men­ta­tion. Con­tinue read­ing

Audio, Culture
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[DK] Sound Stage

Kon­certen bestÃ¥r dels af live-performances med bl.a. elek­tro­n­isk musik og ”sonic-stories”, dels af præsentationen af en række af de delt­a­gende kun­st­neres videokunstværker. Pro­jek­tets delt­agere: Lawrence Englisch (Au), Carl Michael von Haus­wolff (S), Ken Ehrlich/Brandon LaBelle (USA/DK), Rune ¸chting (DK), Jonas Olesen/Christian Stads­gaard (DK), Jacob Kirkegaard (DK/DE). Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Kvinder med Macs

Vi vil ser­vere pro­duk­tivitets­fifs og tricks til folket pakket ind i en sprød kom­bi­na­tion af jour­nal­is­tiske reportager, howto’s og pod­casts, via et web­site der er lækkert at se pÃ¥, og nemt at finde rundt i.… (mere tekst/stjÃ¥let fra: har diskuteret internt, hvor de er, hvor­for de ikke er sÃ¥ nørdede og har sÃ¥ efterlyst pÃ¥ flere blogs. Con­tinue read­ing

Blogging, Tech

Train ticket tracks kids

Smart Mobs: Train ticket tracks kids:When a kid passes through RFID-enabled train ticket gates using an PiTaPa train pass, which is an RFID card, an SMS mes­sage is auto­mat­i­caly sent to their parents.Oh, pretty please — don’t imple­ment this down at Hawai­iBio. Con­tinue read­ing

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Mint stats

Never got round to get Shaun Inman’s pre­vi­ous stat tool run­ning, but recently I dis­cov­ered he had some­thing bet­ter cook­ing: Mint.The demo was (and still is) dis­abled due to…well, suc­cess, so I just went for ‘pur­chase’ straight away, eager to finally get an overview of the traf­fic to this site.You can learn a lot from read­ing your log files, but this is damn well designed, has all the infor­ma­tion I want — and was a breeze to set up.On the down­side: It turns out — again– that I’m not famous. And that half the traf­fic is still com­ing from horny gay peo­ple form Spain.Also: Mint launch on Flickr. Con­tinue read­ing
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Responsibility and Web Standards

Aster­isk: Web Stan­dards Are Your Responsibility.Got me think­ing. Con­tinue read­ing

Web Development
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[DK] Digi:Wave, DGI-byen

20 Ã¥bnes der op for en fem timer lang koncertrække, instal­la­tioner m.m.
Kom og find plads i vores sækkestole, fÃ¥ noget godt til ganen og hør
Electronic Lis­ten­ing Music pÃ¥ gode højttalere!Allerede kl. 15 vil den nye musik­plat­form blive lanceret.
LigesÃ¥ den nye foren­ing kon­tur, der foru­den even­ten lægger ud med tre
debut-cd¹er. Efter­mid­da­gens arrange­ment foregÃ¥r i DGI-Byens Hotel, lokale 5.
Vel mødt!Arrangementet laves i samar­be­jde med: IT-Universitetet, Statens Teaterskole,
DR, DGI-Byen og ¸benhavns Kom­mune­Line up:Koncerter: 
IR/Jonas Ole­sen 
Rune ¸chting 
txture/Jakob Weigand Goetz
Ejnar Kand­ing + Cikada strygekvartet
Orchard/Lars Bo Jandrup
Karsten Pflum/Jacob H. Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Hjælp til politiet

Ekstra Bladet: Hjælp os med at finde brandstiftere.Politiet beder nu befolknin­gen om hjælp til at løse gÃ¥den om, hvem der stod bag bran­dat­ten­tatet pÃ¥ inte­gra­tions­min­is­ter Rikke Hvilshøjs (V) hjem i Mosede ved Greve i juni.- Hvem opret­tede e-mailen, hvor­for brugte man de her bogstavskom­bi­na­tioner, hvor­for kalder man sig det, man gør, hvad er det for et kæledyrs navn, spurgte vicekriminalinspektør i Roskilde Politi, John Øllegaard, pÃ¥ et pressemøde mandag. Han hen­tyd­ede til den e-mail, som en række medier mod­tog kort efter attentatet.E-mailen, der blev opret­tet 7. Con­tinue read­ing


[DK] Creative Commons pÃ¥ dansk

Cre­ative Com­mons Dan­mark har udar­be­jdet et første udkast til en dansk oversættelse af licensen, som sendes i høring frem til og med den 10. okto­ber 2005. Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Altan, Sofa, Divan, Slåbrok

Der er masse af højreorienterede blogs derude — og masser af tid at bruge pÃ¥ andre ting end at læse dem. Con­tinue read­ing

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Fuck plakatmafiaen

Mere plads til stree­tart: Nogen har taget udfor­drin­gen op mod plakatmafiaen.FUCK PLAKATMAFIAEN BYMUREN TILBAGE TIL FOLKET! Alt for længe har en selvbestal­tet horde af wallpimps monop­o­lis­eret vores alle­sam­mens bymur til gavn for storkap­i­tal, plade­sel­sk­aber og koncertarrangører og til skade for al anden folke­lig ytring. Con­tinue read­ing

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Metroblog­ging Berlin: Laptopzombies:But what’s really fright­en­ing me is the view of peo­ple sit­ting in a row behind their lap­tops star­ing on the screens. Looks like the dig­i­tal ver­sion of Shaun of the dead to me.It’s pure luck that I’m not in the pic­ture pro­vided in the blog post… Con­tinue read­ing

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RSS hos Afsnit P

Afs­nit P’s plog har nu — efter “indtil flere opfor­dringer” — fÃ¥et rss. Yay! Con­tinue read­ing

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Went to Cen­tral Kino yes­ter­day to catch Weltverbesserungs­mass­nah­men, documentary-style movie fol­low­ing nine pri­vate ini­tia­tives try­ing to make the world a bet­ter place — includ­ing Ampel e.V (train­ing car own­ers to respond bet­ter to trafic lights), Pri­va­tini­tia­tive für Äesthetic (sort­ing parked cars by colour) and Aktive Kranken­ver­sicherung (peo­ple train­ing to per­form surgery in order to save on health insur­ance). Con­tinue read­ing

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Grime-blog with a grime-podcast — and grime-Flickr pho­tos. Con­tinue read­ing

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Consumer. Act!

Ok. I’ve had it. Con­tinue read­ing

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I have no idea what this does on a sheet of toi­let roll paper. But I guess it’s nice. Con­tinue read­ing

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Threats to gaming history

Jes­per Juul on an aspect of recent changes in proces­sor devel­op­ment I hadn’t thought of: Win­dows Vista and OSX Intel: Threats to Gam­ing History.11 years from the release of Windows’95 to not sup­port­ing Win­dows 3.1 is a very short time in cul­ture, but 5 years from the release of OSX to not sup­port­ing OS9 is the blink of an eye. Con­tinue read­ing

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Two-button Powerbook Power­book?. Someone’s hav­ing fun alter­ing the Power­book design. Con­tinue read­ing


The iStock Steel Cage — sakaasa vs. theprint

Pho­to­shop ten­nis match in progress: The iStock Steel Cage — sakaasa vs. thep­rint. Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] ¸rste danske kommercielle podcast

Via Media­Mac (hvis jour­nal­is­ter som van­ligt har et noget afs­lap­pet forhold til fact-checking — fir­maet hed­der Hep­Hey, ikke Hep­Ney — fork­larer muligvis det ellers oplagte link…der altsÃ¥ man­gler) og Google:Danish web entre­pre­neur Simon Glue: The first Dan­ish com­mer­cial pod­cast. Simon Glue is “Founder and CEO of HEPHEY [and] writes about how to run a lead­ing dan­ish Dot Com.” Con­tinue read­ing

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Freaking the photo lab staff out

Some­thing occured to me as I was pick­ing up a few prints of some dig­i­tal pho­tos I took at a lab at Alexan­der­platz: Why don’t you — the next time you’re at a lab — snap some pic­tures of the staff when they aren’t look­ing? Then upload the files to their server and order some copies. Con­tinue read­ing

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