Author Archives: pollas

[DK] Stille, heeeelt stille

Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at spiffe vores kon­tor lidt op. Noget kunst, noget udsmykn­ing. Ren deko­ra­tion til at fornøje øjet.Men det skal være orignalt. Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Jeg vil have et Suzuki-politi

Auch:Blandt Suzuki-ejerne stem­mer 11,3 pro­cent pÃ¥ Dansk Folkeparti, og det er mere end det dobbelte af gennemsnittet.Fortæl mig hvilken bil du kører …Og nej, det er jo ikke mærkeligt at Citroën-ejere bor i hus osv osv. Og den slags sta­tis­tik er ikke videre inter­es­sant. Con­tinue read­ing


[DK] Videojul?

Lige som sid­ste Ã¥r.Men jeg er ogsÃ¥ ret pjat­tet med at arbe­jde med det der Hoist, sÃ¥ tiden har ikke været til at fifle med noget i Ã¥r.… Kan vi bare tage ideen og lave en fælles konto et sted eller noget?Jeg bidrager gerne med en video eller to, men hjælp mig gerne med resten. Con­tinue read­ing

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links for 2007-11-21

Syg i sjælen Afskaf provin­sen: “Hvad med om vi lod Jellingesten være Jellingesten, og tog benene pÃ¥ nakken? Skal vi ikke bare lade danskerne beholde Dan­mark, nÃ¥r de nu sÃ¥ gerne vil have det for sig selv?” Vel brølt. film … Con­tinue read­ing

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links for 2007-11-20

color aver­aged IKEA cat­a­logue — data visu­al­iza­tion & visual design — infor­ma­tion aes­thet­ics movie mega­mind: the but­ton of doom online “a full-size, 374-page repro­duc­tion of the entire 2007 IKEA cat­a­logue, reduced & abstracted to only aver­aged color & lay-out struc­ture.” … Con­tinue read­ing

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links for 2007-11-11

Fully Illus­trated — The Port­fo­lio of Michael Heald (tags: illus­tra­tion illus­tra­tor car­toon) down­load movie arthur taxi dri­ver dvd buy moth­ers day the film online the big bang move get him to the greek full

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[DK] Klar, parat, luftguitar

Fik lige denne her tilsendt: Pen­sion­is­ter i luftguitar-skole hos Uorto­dox (CPH:DOX).Underviseren er ingen rin­gere end Lars Top-Galia.Tidligere i serien var blokfløjteskolen. Con­tinue read­ing

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links for 2007-11-06

Doin’ it, del­e­gatin’ it, defer­rin’ it. David Allen has a posse buy the sor­cer­ers appren­tice film on dvd jack goes boat­ing on dvd hi-def the last samu­rai movie (tags: pro­duc­tiv­ity meme funny comic gtd) where to down­load the a clock­work orange movie mother’s day hd

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links for 2007-11-01

Long Haul Pro­duc­tions: Our Mis­sion game of death online movie unfor­given down­load full film “Long Haul Pro­duc­tions doc­u­ments sto­ries of every­day lives, sto­ries of peo­ple and com­mu­ni­ties in tran­si­tion, and sto­ries of ordi­nary peo­ple accom­plish­ing extra­or­di­nary things.” (tags: cul­ture radio audio … Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Mine plader er gule som urin

Der er fÃ¥ ting der irriterer mig mere end miljøsvineri, man­glende respekt for andre og uretfærdighed.Men en af dem er nævenyttige, selvretfærdige, hyk­lere, der med slidte midler brokker sig over Ã¥benlysheder uden at komme med et bedre alter­na­tiv eller bare byde ind med lidt ny form.Flyt jeres ban­nere fra cykel­stien, hvis I er util­fredse med ‘nedskæringer. Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Dagens nye ord

Dagens nye ord kom­mer fra Afskaf provin­sen: ‘igleøkonomien’ i en his­to­rie om Stef­fen Brandt, flugt­biler og vÃ¥ben. Spot on. down­load hd 127 hours gulliver’s trav­els psp trans­form­ers: revenge of the fallen down­load movie down­load the atlantis: end of a world, birth of a … Con­tinue read­ing

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links for 2007-10-30

Learn UNIX in 10 min­utes Prac­ti­cal the movie the a-team online harry pot­ter and the sorcerer’s stone fim 127 hours movie hd down­load watch the how to train your dragon film (tags: unix ter­mi­nal mac cli) jusan-nin no shikaku full movie blood … Con­tinue read­ing

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Leisure Suit Larry

You know you missed him. I know I did.Leisure Suit Larry by Al Lowe / Sierra Games is a classic.Also check out the non-graphic Soft­porn. Con­tinue read­ing

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Watch the video Lumiere-video. Sing your own tune… the jone­ses on dvd movie true grit the eagle film down­loads watch full ver­sion of wel­come to the rileys movie the next three days down­load ipod

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links for 2007-10-27

Bloodgroup-promo — walk down the right back alley in Reyk­javik city… mega­mind hd down­load full Krist­jans­son giver den ny gas: Eletro-anbefaling af Blood­group — kom­plet med dans. Mar­ke­teers take note. (tags: krist­jans­son video videoblog­ging) the kings speech full lenght movie in pda for­mat … Con­tinue read­ing

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Die, water, die

Watch the video Lumiere-video. Leave your own angry music run­ning. watch how do you know online no down­load hi-def qual­ity the lin­coln lawyer down­load movie bat­man: under the red hood i want to watch the full film of twelve online

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Old saying 2.0

Ever won­dered why every­oneAs the say­ing goes: “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.“Today it’s more like “If we exchange apples, then you and I will still each have one apple. Con­tinue read­ing

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links for 2007-10-20

Cifra de Cavaquinho Romeo (og Julie) de Sebas­t­ian “Signor ‘Sole mio’ du er fanget i en maskepi ” Yessir. sammy’s avon­turen: de geheime door­gang movie full where can i watch the way back? (tags: sebas­t­ian lyrics romeo julie) alien ipod stream con­vic­tion … Con­tinue read­ing

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links for 2007-10-19

Face­book for Busi­ness or LinkedIn Gets More Valu­able buy tracker moivie high qual­ity the lord of the rings: the two tow­ers dvd rip watch the twi­light saga: new moon full movie online “I have been find­ing Face­book becom­ing increas­ingly less valu­able … Con­tinue read­ing

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links for 2007-10-18

eslund — R.I.P. højskolernes spo­ken word apple movie trailer despi­ca­ble me online watch movie of the dilemma down­load movie how to train your dragon (tags: roskilde­fes­ti­val spo­ken­word) the chron­i­cles of nar­nia: the voy­age of the dawn treader trailer down­load down­load the … Con­tinue read­ing

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links for 2007-10-17

YouTube — Gabe & Max’s Inter­net Thing How to use the inter­net for … stuff. watch you again online (tags: funny inter­net video youtube via:benhammersley) Fast Five movie video the switch movie music drive angry 3d online

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[DK] Retfærdig record label-harme

Det er egentlig ikke særlig sjovt at sige “Se, hvad jeg sagde”, nÃ¥r dem man siger det til, stÃ¥r og græder. Og man gider ikke hov­ere over for nogen, der stÃ¥r fanget i søgelyset med buk­serne sÃ¥ langt nede om anklerne, at vi kan se hver en uren­hed pÃ¥ deres hvide baller. Con­tinue read­ing

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links for 2007-10-11

Danske web­de­signere siger nej til mil­lioner — memento video K10k-folkene pÃ¥ noget sÃ¥ sexet som DR Penge. buy the film mega­mind (tags: k10k token mschmidt cuban­coun­cil dr) down­load the hop

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Prince of Persia

Uhm, nos­tal­gia… Con­tinue read­ing

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Computer history 1990 — 2000

This list fills me with nos­tal­gic joy: Com­puter his­tory 1990 — 2000.Too hard to choose some­thing but think Sound­Blaster Pro, MS-DOS, 486DX2, Winsock, OS/2 Warp and much, much more. Con­tinue read­ing

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