Tag Archives: business

[DK] Retfærdig record label-harme

Det er egentlig ikke særlig sjovt at sige “Se, hvad jeg sagde”, nÃ¥r dem man siger det til, stÃ¥r og græder. Og man gider ikke hov­ere over for nogen, der stÃ¥r fanget i søgelyset med buk­serne sÃ¥ langt nede om anklerne, at vi kan se hver en uren­hed pÃ¥ deres hvide baller. Con­tinue read­ing

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Business and sense 2.0

Just a small follow-up on my pre­vi­ous post, Busi­ness and sense to clear up a few points.What I intended to do was to let out a lit­tle steam and sug­gest that we take a slightly dif­fer­ent path; I get annoyed when I see bull­shit, espe­cially when it’s unnesse­cary. Con­tinue read­ing

Social media, Web Development , , , ,

Business and sense

Com­pa­nies are begin­ning to see social media as real­ity, just as the devel­op­ment of new web tech­nolo­gies in recent years seems to have paved the way for a new way of pro­vid­ing ser­vices etc. But if we are to take our­selves seri­ous, what are we doing to pre­vent things from going dot-com 2.0? For every new breed of tech­nolo­gies and ways of doing things, hype builds and under­ground entre­pre­neurs and devel­op­ers make it into main­stream. Con­tinue read­ing

Social media, Web Development , , , , ,