links for 2007-01-29

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links for 2007-01-27

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[DK] Indsamlinger

Ved en brønd i Afrika stÃ¥r en lille dÃ¥se med en sprække til mønter. Her er et billede af en AD’er fra Dan­mark og en opfor­dring til at betale for van­det. Over­skud­det gÃ¥r til cafe latte lan­det langt væk. Det lyder for­nuftigt tænker brøndbrugerne — omend uddel­ingssys­temet er lidt svært at gen­nem­skue og de færreste rent fak­tisk husker at betale…

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Rock’n’Roll laptopper

I’ve always envied musi­cians car­ry­ing their instru­ments around. No one can actu­ally see if you’re good or not if you carry your gui­tar with con­fi­dence — but they know you wanna be a star. Knowl­edge work­ers are hard to dis­tin­guish from data­base admin­stra­tors, pro­gram­mers from accoun­tants etc. Some bag with a hid­den lap­top inside is all we have to show…

What I sug­gest is this: Let’s start car­ry­ing our lap­tops like there’s no tomor­row. Fit­ted bags or a tight grip on the lap­top itself, show­ing off the beat­i­ful mod­i­fi­ca­tions and patina. You’re the rock­star. Tell the world. You’re just as close to sign­ing the deal as the boy with the gui­tar and the dark eyes. Be proud.

And now excuse me, I have to go cut out the ass of my jeans.

Culture , , ,

All the sexy ones

Ever noticed how cer­tain peo­ple have a ten­dency to use a lit­tle too much jew­elry, have high­lights in their hair, pat­terns on their jeans, striped sweaters and shoes with too many colors…all of it with no sense of style? Every aspect that’s pos­si­ble to mod­ify or add to gets tam­pered with.

Instead of look­ing at the whole pic­ture and set­tle on a dis­tinct style, they are all over the place, adding bits and pieces they hope will improve their expres­sion. The ‘more is better’-crowd. I bet you’ve seen them around. Usu­ally they are more than will­ing to include you in the process of decid­ing what to do.

Com­pare that with unfo­cused appli­ca­tions with lots of fea­tures. High­ligts and bling bling — fea­tu­ri­tis … is about inse­cu­rity. In the hope that some­one will like them, they try to have a lit­tle some­thing for every­body — and leave no area empty. Fear of white­space, fear of focus.

So next time you see a web app stand­ing in a bar look­ing ner­vous all pimped up, resist the urge to have a quick shag. Go for the hot one stand­ing to the side, with a relaxed look and an eye for com­bi­na­tion and color. Your future you will thank you.

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links for 2007-01-23

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[DK] Meme-stopper med stil

¥dan knækkes meme-kæden:

Jeg er som sagt ikke sÃ¥ stor pÃ¥ blog­memes sÃ¥ jeg tag­ger fem af mine helte ist­edet:
Ernest Hem­ing­way, Alfred Hitch­cock, Dim­itri Sjostakovitj, Lud­vig Wittgen­stein og Win­ston Churchill

Uden tvivl den mest ele­gante lukn­ing af sÃ¥dan en sag jeg har set til dato.

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[DK] Oplevelsesøkonomien forklaret

Fra iByen’s ‘Djævelens advokat’:

Er det ikke bare sådan, at der er ved at gå lidt for meget oplevelsesøkonomi i den for dig?

»Der har altid været to mÃ¥lsætninger for forestill­inger her pÃ¥ teateret: den ene er gode oplevelser, den andet er god økonomi. Og de mÃ¥lsætninger er de samme i dag«.

¥ er der vist svaret og forklaret…

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links for 2007-01-18

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links for 2007-01-16

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links for 2007-01-13

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links for 2007-01-08

  • “Life­hack er en forum­baseret tænketank der spænder over emner som per­son­lig effek­tivitet, kost og træning, busi­ness og økonomi, kærlighed, sex og forhold, teknologi, fritid og spir­i­tu­alitet. Vi hjælper hinan­den med at dreje pÃ¥ knap­perne i livets ko
    (tags: launch)
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links for 2007-01-06

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links for 2007-01-05

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links for 2007-01-04

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How to make a smash hit presentation

Hack­ers seem to be a tough crowd to please. I’m still at the 23C3 in Berlin, Ger­many and attended Pornog­ra­phy and Tech­nol­ogy — a love affair. Here’s a lit­tle some­thing I picked up at the presentation.

This post (based on sim­ple obser­va­tion) will tell you how to make a smash hit pre­sen­ta­tion with lots of applause from hun­dreds of peo­ple pack­ing them­selves in a room not big enough to hold the entire audi­ence. Here’s how to please geeks.

1. Make sure the title of your pre­sen­ta­tion includes con­cepts dear to the atten­dees.
In this case ‘tech­nol­ogy’ and ‘pornography’.

2. Be a girl

Not to be sex­ist, but in this crowd, it doesn’t hurt being a girl. When you talk, peo­ple lis­ten. And you get to do teasy lit­tle jokes. Extra points for wear­ing a skull t-shirt.

3. Be wells-spoken
Well-spoken and well-prepared go well together. Throw in some witty com­ments here and there to demon­strate you’re on top of your stuff.

A com­bi­na­tion of 2. and 3. could go some­thing like:

If I like it, it’s erotic, if you like it, it’s pornog­ra­phy
(applause and laughter)

4. Present in the evening
Peo­ple are begin­ning to relax and have beers. They defi­nately won’t mind a slightly dif­fer­ent spin on things and sim­ply want to have a good time.

5. Make use of imagery
Every­one likes a good pic­ture. So throw’em in there. Espe­cially if your sub­ject allows for a bit of nudity in one way or another.

6. Find hybrid exam­ples
Demon­strate you’re into your mate­r­ial by includ­ing recent tech­nol­ogy from funky sources. When mem­bers of the audi­ence shout for a demo of the Wiibra­tor , you can safely ignore them, con­fi­dent that you from thereon con­nect even bet­ter with the rest of the peo­ple present.

Inter­est­ingly, the pre­sen­ta­tion included a ref­er­ence to ‘free ride’. Min­utes ear­lier, I had learned from Lawrence Lessig that the fear of freerid­ing is the rea­son for the NC-restriction in Cre­ative Commons-licenses. In this con­text, how­ever, it turned out that ‘free ride’ is the title of an old film fea­tur­ing two lady hitch-hikers piss­ing them­selves with joy observ­ing a man uri­nat­ing in a for­est. They then decide to do what every man/women-encounter dic­tates in the world of pornography.

That wiser, I’m just gonna end by stat­ing that I really enjoyed the pre­sen­ta­tion. Well thought out, well exe­cuted to a respon­sive audi­ence in that spe­cial CCC-congress evening atmosphere.

Update: ©gine Debatty (whose pre­sen­ta­tion I had the plea­sure of watch­ing) has more elab­o­rate notes on the pre­sen­ta­tion and a good point: While one of the best pre­sen­ta­tions execution-wise, it might have been a lit­tle too blog post like for my taste. A few sur­pris­ing punch­lines / con­clu­sions link­ing it all with our rea­son for being at the hacker con­fer­ence would have made it a killer.

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links for 2006-12-30

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Visitor wifi

So we’re in this lovely flat in Friedrichshain. We didn’t specif­i­cally go for a wifi-enabled flat, but I’m happy to see a wire­less router in the hall as I enter.

WPA pass­word reqired. Ok, I text the owner of the flat, she never heard of a pass­word, “it just works” from her desk­top machine. Of course, I’m at a hacker con­fer­ence so in the­ory I could get this to work one way or the other with a lit­tle help, but my point is this: When peo­ple visit you, if you’re there your­self or not doesn’t mat­ter, they want to get online. The beauty of wifi is that it’s so easy to share. If you have pass­words at hand.

I’m doing a pass­word paint­ing once I get home in case I for­get to leave the nec­es­sary details.

(I got it to work with­out break­ing any laws, don’t ask.)

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links for 2006-12-29

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Skating, Alexanderplatz

Watch the video

Every year, there’s a lit­tle skat­ing arena in a big square blast­ing hits from the eighties.
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At 23C3

I’ll make this short as I have a feel­ing that this­place might be the most dan­ger­ous to use a wire­less inter­net connection.

I’m at 23C3. I went to a cou­ple of ses­sions last night, but felt tired after all the christ­mas meat-eating, so I went home early — and got up really late. But now I’m here.

(Just now, in the mid­dle of me writ­ing this, Bicy­clemark just said hello, sport­ing a 21C3 press pass pegged onto his shirt. Guess I’ll have to get that story later. Go lis­ten to his pod­cast — it’s really good stuff!)

Like last year the male-to-interesting per­son ratio is totally skewed. I’m not say­ing there aren’t a lot of pony tails. It’s just that… well, you know. I’m strangely fas­ci­nated by the cul­ture here — being no real part of it as opposed to a lot of the other con­fer­ences I attend. I’m not a mem­ber of this club, I don’t stand out­side the build­ing with the rest of the par­tic­i­pants exchang­ing ‘yeah, we know it all, don’t we’-smiles (out­side this buld­ing you can smell the weed). I get what’s going on — but I don’t ‘get it’. While geeky as hell (dress­code: cargo pants, i-don’t-care hair, shirt with geek print, sturdy shoes, important-looking cables in hand), it’s a nice atmos­phere and you can just tell that cre­ativ­ity is burst­ing from the tip of these people’s fin­gers). And while the sched­ule reflects the sur­round­ing world’s adop­tion of social web tech­nol­ogy (the peo­ple rep­re­sent­ing that wave like myself are eas­ily rec­og­niz­able by their inabilty to under­stand the geek jokes at pre­sen­ta­tions), most ses­sions and work­shops are pretty hard­core and refresh­ingly free of a lot of the buzz I get tired from so very eas­ily in my daily involve­ment with dig­i­tal technologies.

Oh, and ide­ol­ogy and pol­i­tics is big here. At a con­fer­ence. Nice. Think about it.

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links for 2006-12-26

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links for 2006-12-25

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[DK] Noget er værd at kæmpe for

Watch the video

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How’s the coffee at 7eleven

Watch the video

A quick test car­ried out between bars at a fri­day just before christmas…
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