[DK] EB 2.0

Som tidligere omtalt er Ekstra Bladet set linke ud, et særsyn blandt danske avisme­dier pÃ¥ nettet.

Nu tager de den skridtet videre og linker ud fra under­stregede ord i tek­sten. Den rene hyper­tek­st­gal­skab. Hvad bliver det næste? (W)EB 2.0 I’m tellin’ ya…

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New Year Resolution Time — elsewhere

Guan — and oth­ers — are mak­ing new year’s resolution.

In 2006 I will take at least one pho­to­graph every day and post it on 23.

I’m not into that — don’t pre­tend you are going to do stuff when you (that’s me) know that chances of you keep­ing those promises are slim. On the other hand, it’s hard not to get inspired by what other peo­ple think and here we are; this is the time where you com­ment on stuff, pre­tend it’s not a res­o­lu­tion — because every­one else is doing it.

I’ll try and move to 23 and as I’ve noted that more and more peo­ple, while keep­ing their urge to tell sto­ries, are blog­ging less and pho­to­blog­ging more — pre­dic­tions of the use of pho­to­shar­ing tools are inter­est­ing. I’ll try and post more pho­tos — and will try to throw in info on work­flow, using mul­ti­ple cam­eras etc. More pho­tos, more video — more exper­i­ment­ing. I’ll prob­a­bly start blog­ging more else­where (more on that later) but when look­ing back on 2005, there’s one thing I regret not doing: At least high­light­ing inspi­ra­tion, good reads etc. With del.icio.us it’s too easy just to book­mark, not pro­vid­ing con­text. I think I’ll try to keep a list of new sub­scrip­tions, new blogs etc. and do a monthly list or something.

Look­ing for­ward to mroe structure…

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Random Chuck Norris Fact: Top Thirty Facts

Ok, this is pretty funny: Ran­dom Chuck Nor­ris Fact: Top Thirty Facts

Chuck Nor­ris can touch MC Hammer.

[via tveskov]

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BVG going grid

Is it me or is the BVG web­site a lit­tle funky? Haven’t paid atten­tion to any UI-issues but I like it a whole lot bet­ter than DSB’s.

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[DK] Glædelig jul

Pol­las ønsker glædelig jul.

Pollas.dk, Video , , ,

Berlin break

A vacant flat, a tip from Nico­laj and a promise to myself to take more time off: I’ll be at the 22C3, CCC’s annual Con­gres in Berlin.

The 22nd Chaos Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Con­gress (22C3) is a four-day con­fer­ence on tech­nol­ogy, soci­ety and utopia. The Con­gress offers lec­tures and work­shops on a mul­ti­tude of top­ics includ­ing (but not lim­ited to) infor­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy, IT-security, inter­net, cryp­tog­ra­phy and gen­er­ally a critical-creative atti­tude towards tech­nol­ogy and the dis­cus­sion about the effects of tech­no­log­i­cal advances on society.

I’ll be catch­ing a bus from my christ­mas get­away on won­der­ful Lol­land and fly­ing back on Decem­ber 30. Hope­fully I’ll get time to think and find a bal­ance between attent­ing the con­fer­ence and hang­ing out with a lap­top and some of the projects I’ve been neglect­ing for the past month.

In related news, we did a silent ‘launch’ over at blogtid.dk (link added to the mess that is my ‘involve­ment side­bar’) — the plan is to pro­vide a decent alter­na­tive to avistid.dk which shouldn’t be too hard.

If you’re in Berlin between christ­mas and new year for one rea­son or another, ping me.

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BBCBBC News The Open News Archive — Home

Don’t just con­sume, cre­ate!” — or why BBC is sooo ahead of any of the tra­di­tional Dan­ish media cor­po­ra­tions: BBC News The Open News Archive.

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Breaking news!!!

Stop every­thing you’re doing. This just in.

For en gang skyld er Ekstra­Bladet og jeg enige: Break­ing news: Alex er langhÃ¥ret. (deres time­stamp anty­der de var først ude, fak­tisk)

Misc. ,

Avistid cutting edge?

While look­ing for Jon Lunds url for my pre­vi­ous post on DIA06 I stum­bled upon a post on Jon’s old blog about the cam­paign Avis­tid. The title of the post claims “Top dan­ish direc­tors in cutting-edge online-only cam­paign”. Which I actu­ally thought was a joke. After read­ing the post, I’m not so sure. For the record, by the way: This is by no means “talk trash about Jon Lund”-day. I just missed a post some time back, found it and decided to post my com­ment here as opposed to in the com­ments as it appears Jon is now blog­ging some­where else.

Any­way. A lot of blog­gers have writ­ten about Avis­tid (can’t be arsed to link to it all, just search for it — you won’t be both­ered with any other hits ;-), most of it being about the clue­less­ness with regards to the rea­son the cam­paign is even launched. Which is, by the way, where it con­nects to my pre­vi­ous post about online marketing.

So just a few thoughts on the claims Jon is making:

Top-“dogme” direc­tors: True. But this isn’t the same as their films are any good or sup­port the aim of the cam­paign in any way. Actu­ally, I’ve found them pretty bor­ing so far, the first by ¸ren Kragh-Jakobsen define­nately being the worst.

Web-only: Yup, all other media is try­ing to drive traf­fic to the (hor­ri­ble) web­site, try­ing to get peo­ple to watch the films. For what rea­son I ask? Please keep in mind that the Dan­ish news­pa­pers aren’t try­ing to sell just any prod­uct, they are actu­ally try­ing to sell news­pa­pers — and could ben­e­fit a great deal if they would please explain us what they are good at.

Cutting-edge: Bull­shit. Being cutting-edge for the rea­son of being cutting-edge.…is not cutting-edge.…

As BMW before them: Mmm..no! BMW’s films were semi-viral pieces being linked because of the qual­ity of the films. Which I haven’t expe­ri­enced with the films from Avis­tid. Also, Sell­ing cars and sell­ing news­pa­pers isn’t the same. At all. It’s obvi­ous, how­ever, that they’re try­ing to get it to be the same; going ‘lifestyle’ on the con­sumers poor asses.

The link to my DIA06 com­ments is this: If you want to respect your cus­tomers and not stuff what­ever down their throats, you should take a good, hard look at the con­text in which you’re ‘com­mu­ni­cat­ing’. Noone gets offended if peo­ple sell­ing jeans, soft drinks or cars pull the ‘lifestyle’ card on them. After all, this is a lot of what you buy. When you are a news­pa­per, how­ever, sell less news­pa­pers due to — among other things — the inter­net with its user empow­er­ment, con­ver­sa­tions and free niche-content and then

decide to mar­ket your prod­uct as if noth­ing has hap­pened and you just need some flashy adver­tis­ing and some promises about ‘being cool when you take the time to read a paper’ — you are tak­ing the piss.

I’m will­ing to talk shop any­time, focus­ing solely on craft­man­ship, tech­niques and what have we. But in cases like this where the mes­sage you’re try­ing to con­vey so clearly goes against every­thing what’s right while wast­ing a lot of money and treat­ing your (for­mer) cus­tomers like stu­pid sheep — espe­cially when you’re in a busi­ness who should have no trou­ble man­ag­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion and high­t­light what’s good about the prod­uct (and not the lifestyle sor­round­ing it) — then I think it’s time to take a step back and look at what it is you’re try­ing to do. And admit you’ve failed miserably.

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More on DIA06

Jakob has posted some addi­tional thoughts on DIA06 after com­ments and more time to think.

I totally agree; the peo­ple of the jury seems to be good peo­ple — and that’s not the point. Just as mar­ket­ing on the web — and new and bet­ter ways of doing it — is defi­nately a wor­thy cause. But not the point.

When we’re pok­ing fun at DIA06 it’s not because all mar­ket­ing is bad — and peo­ple work­ing with online mar­ket­ing there­fore are bad peo­ple. It’s because the fram­ing of the whole event is no where near the good thoughts Jon Lund is lay­ing out in the com­ment to Jakob’s first post. And while I whole-heartedly sup­port inno­va­tion in the area of online mar­ket­ing, I also believe in prac­tic­ing what you preach and treat­ing your peers with respect. Flash-sites, award shows and poorly cre­ated sites doesn’t run along those lines…

So: 100% sup­port in putting focus on bet­ter online mar­ket­ing from me. How­ever, I’m pretty con­vinced (as a com­ment to Jakob’s clos­ing remark that maybe they the agen­cies do need an award show) that they don’t need an award show.

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Boxes and Arrows launched on Public Square — pinds.com: Lars Pind’s Blog

Boxes and Arrows launched on Pub­lic Square.

Can’t wait to see Pind’s new we media-product Pub­lic Square hit the streets.

The prod­uct is designed specif­i­cally for we media, or peer-produced online pub­lish­ing. No more try­ing to do shoe­horn your site into soft­ware designed for blogs or generic online com­mu­ni­ties (what­ever that is).


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AUX — technical breakdown

After an excel­lent launch party Sat­ur­day, we launched the exhi­bi­tion site for Tech­ni­cal Break­down — and now it works. The exhi­bi­tion itself invites the inhab­i­tants of Copen­hagen to meet exper­i­men­tal con­tem­po­rary art on a street level. The lis­ten­ing posts are placed on busy loca­tions fre­quently vis­ited by a large num­ber of peo­ple. Accom­pa­ny­ing the lis­ten­ing posts is the site which has all the back­ground info, sam­ples of each of the sound works — and a fifth online-only lis­ten­ing post.

Go have a look — and con­sider tak­ing a look at the real lis­ten­ing posts through­out the city. Take the time to stop and listen.

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DIY 06

Awards shows are so 1999. Do It Your­self. Set your own goals. Exe­cute. Move on.

Or head over to DIA.

Judg­ing the judges over at Men­tal­ized

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GTD at home

Now this guy has a point (or an expe­ri­ence sim­i­lar to mine):

Now, the biggest issue is this: At home, in no place, there is some­thing that keeps my Next Actions. I have absolutely no trusted system.

For the past cou­ple years, I’ve been strug­gling to turn my home into a home — instead of the office sur­rounded by kitchen and couches it seems to be right now. This of course is dif­fi­cult if you keep chang­ing offices and end up hav­ing a lot of gear hang­ing around. But still, I’m try­ing not to work much from home which means I kind of like not star­ing into my com­puter all the time. Which is where most of my GTD stuff lives. Being on a lap­top defi­nately makes things eas­ier and basi­cally a cheap lap­top (if you’re not using one con­stantly any­way) might just be worth it, con­sid­er­ing how much more struc­ture on every­thing GTD provides.

I’m bad at using the con­text options of my cur­rent GTD sys­tem, PyGTD, so often I end up at the office, being sur­prised that I over­looked some @Home task. And again; I don’t always want to be too close to my com­puter when at home — or bring it when going for a sat­ur­day walk etc. So I’m think­ing of either doing some online export-stuff and out­putting that on a lit­tle screen in the kitchen (get stuff done by look­ing at your list, don’t worry about cap­tur­ing, just scrib­ble on lit­tle notes and input them when back at the office mon­day morn­ing or some­thing) — or actu­ally find­ing a dif­fer­ent sys­tem for when at home…trouble is; how do you avoid man­u­ally hav­ing to do a lot of sync­ing? Sug­ges­tions and expe­ri­ences are oh so very welcome…

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Cross thinking

Ste­fan Andrén (SE), Senior Designer, Nike­Lab, USA is talk­ing on “a designer’s way to break habits” — or rather doing a Nike show­case, putting a lot of fancy prod­ucts on the big screen, show­ing some video commercials.

He’s sum­ma­riz­ing the con­cepts behind the devel­op­ment but some­how it just turns into mar­ket­ing speak. Maybe it’s because he’s got so many pretty pic­tures to show… Funny thing: If you suc­ceed in com­mu­ni­cat­ing your devel­op­ment prin­ci­ples through your adver­tis­ing mate­r­ial (which I usu­ally enjoy), you might end up mak­ing a con­nec­tion in people’s heads between ‘talk­ing abstract’ (‘abstract’ being one of Nike’s con­cepts for a spe­cific prod­uct line, oh the meta…) and cor­po­rate mar­ket­ing speak. Maybe it’s just me — fast paced, action packed lifestyle com­mer­cials doesn’t do it for me…

Easter egg in Gran Tur­ismo 4 (fea­tur­ing a Nike vir­tual car): Look for morse code at the front right wheel.

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Communication, Next2005

Just a quick note: Why is it ‘inno­va­tion’ always has to be made look inno­v­a­tive by adding flashy ele­ments to the web­site? Move on, 1999 won’t be back any­time soon.

And: The intro­duc­tionary speaker men­tioned the cam­eras stream­ing the con­fer­ence live — but links to the streams are nowhere to be found on the Next2005 web­site. You have to go to Inno­va­tion Lab for that. Which is ok, but why not put it some­where on the con­fer­ence site?

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At Next2005

Seated at Next2005. First up is Dr. Dr. Nor­bert Stre­itz from Ambi­ente who started by stat­ing that in the future we might not value not being avail­able. Since then he has — so far — mostly been in overview mode; not very spe­cific, not very visionary.

Per­va­sive com­put­ing challenge:

Design­ing for an under­stand­ing of a trans­par­ent inter­face, pri­vacy concerns.

Ques­tion: Do we still need office build­ings (Dr. Dr. thinks yes)? “Coop­er­a­tive build­ings”. No longer the place for indi­vid­ual activ­i­ties, but for planned social/group activ­i­ties. “Smart envi­ron­ments”; atten­tive, adap­tive, active.

RoomwareTM: iLand — an inter­ac­tive land­scape for cre­ativ­ity and inno­va­tion. 2nd gen. for Wilkhahn (office fur­ni­ture mak­ers). Beach: Soft­ware for inter­ac­tive walls. Ver­sion with audio aug­men­ta­tion — room laughs. And so on. This is turn­ing into a Fraun­hofer prod­uct show.

Smart envi­ron­ments: System-oriented / People-oriented. “Smart spaces make peo­ple smarter”. Refrig­er­a­tor order­ing stuff not being con­sumed because of cir­cum­stances out­side its knowl­edge vs. ‘people-empowerment’ through system-to.person information.

Smart­ness trade-off: sen­sor data for decision-making, tai­lor­ing etc. vs. con­trol over data.

Now he’s back in overview mode, men­tion­ing part­ners, going through a large num­ber of interesting-looking projects that he haven’t got time to com­ment on prop­erly. He is, how­ever, throw­ing in com­ments about lack of time for explain­ing. There is actu­ally a way to get around that, you know…

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion through envi­ron­ments: Pat­terns, ambi­ent mes­sag­ing. Con­nect­ing Remote Sites: Com­mu­ni­ca­tion mood etc. across remote locations.

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Technical Breakdown

Classy reports on the bril­liance of the site posted in AUX’s press release for the sound exhi­bi­tion Tech­ni­cal Break­down (start­ing this Sat­ur­day), aux.dk/tekniskuheld.

While we’re not unaware of the poten­tial tongue-in-cheek-ness of a pos­si­ble site error in con­nec­tion with this very project (and any errors we might make, hell we’re excused no mat­ter what), I have to admit that it’s just a funny result of the lack of com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the groups prepar­ing the exhi­bi­tion — I’m one of the groups and didn’t get the site ready on time.

There you have it. Open com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Site to launch soon. I’ll let you know. For now, head over to AUX for more information.

Audio, Web Development , , ,

[DK] Kenyas præsident hænger i tynd trÃ¥d

Efter billedet pÃ¥ Poli­tiken at dømme bliver han næppe hængende længe.…

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NEXT05 — exit habit

I’ll be com­bin­ing to favourites of mine tomor­row: Blog­ging and fancy prod­uct wathc­ing — I’ll be blog­ging from Next05, hope­fully being able to post a lot of pho­tos and per­haps a bit of video.

For tredje Ã¥r i træk sam­les ver­dens mest per­spek­tivrige it-prototyper til en Trend­shop, hvor der vises frem af det mest langsynede og trend­sk­abende fra afs­nit for pro­duk­tudvikling og –forskning ver­den over

Update: Nyholm is arrang­ing a post-conference din­ner, start­ing with drinks at the Oak Room.

Blogging , , ,

Vlog play

Shortly after hav­ing done my last vlog post I wanted to test the gear and see how it behaved in low-light con­di­tions, shoot­ing from a mov­ing car. I doc­u­mented the setup over at Flickr — in short it’s lug­gage elas­tics around a head­rest using a mini-tripod.

If I had a car I would prob­a­bly just use it for dri­ving around the city at night, lis­ten­ing to records. So that’s what I did for my test.

Copenhagen by night

cphbynight.mov — 4:48

Rough cut, pretty bor­ing — didn’t even miss the exit and go to Swe­den by mis­take. No action there… So just shar­ing the ‘results’. Image qual­ity is decent (have much more video but that’s pretty much the same), the mount worked like a charm and I’m slowly falling in love with the dif­fer­ent sounds of dri­ving a car mix­ing in with the music from a cheap car stereo. Aut­o­fo­cus is defi­nately a con­cern with chang­ing light conditions.

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CBS is blogging

Copen­hagen Busi­ness School is blog­ging. Videoblog­ging too.

Jon Froda and Jes­per Bind­slev of E-mediators did the project (E-mediators writeup), pulling me and a few oth­ers in on it.

Two study pro­grams — BLC and ASP — has spear­headed blog­ging; 10+ blog­gers strapped with video cam­eras and sto­ries to tell got a two-day intro­duc­tion to blog­ging and online video after we fin­ished imple­ment­ing the system.

As an inter­nal voice the blogs will serve as a hub for dis­cus­sion con­cern­ing cam­pus events and issues as well as the aca­d­e­mic con­tents of the courses. Exter­nally it is our vision to present the BLC and ASP as inter­na­tional study pro­grams and CBS as an inter­na­tional insti­tu­tion of higher learn­ing. As such we invite every­one to take part in the discussion

It’s done on Dru­pal which I had the mixed plea­sure of tem­plat­ing. We’ve tried to make it easy for them to post their text and video which means the project’s techie, Guan, had to do a lit­tle magic behind the scenes. Apart from the imple­men­ta­tion side, I did an over­all intro­duc­tion to blog­ging as a phe­nom­e­non, to the writ­ing side of online com­mu­ni­ca­tion and to the var­i­ous places to look for context.

Andreas Haugstrup did a video work­shop the fol­low­ing day (read his writeup here) which, apart from being great fun, partly inspired me to do my own silly video exper­i­ments. Pic­tures from the two days at CBS over at Flickr.

All in all it’s been a plea­sure work­ing with E-mediators, fel­low con­trac­tors and CBS — and espe­cially the pas­sion­ate peo­ple among the stu­dents that went from email to Technorati-and-20-other-things-you-should-get-to-know-and-try-to-remember in two days with­out complaining.

Check the blogs out here: Cul­tu­nomics and Not A Green Dragon. Can’t wait to see what these peo­ple put out there.

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[DK] Ekstra Bladet linker

Ekstra Bladet er sikkert den avis der har fat­tet online-delen bedst, men vi er nu alligevel nogen, der synes det er synd at de — og andre — sÃ¥ sjældent linker ud (som jo ellers er en tem­melig smart internet-feature).

Men fat mod.

¥ plus­si­den: Ekstra Bladet linker ud.
¥ minus­si­den: Well…

Media , , ,

[DK] Hacks og links

Uha. man er blevet koncept-hacket hos Eat My Shorts, der vender trans­port­si­t­u­a­tio­nen pÃ¥ hov­edet og selv leger blød trafikant i modsætning til under­teg­nedes mere trygge forsøg. Man aner nok lige en kæk kom­men­tar til kon­ceptet hist og her. ¥dan.

Og sÃ¥ er min mÃ¥ned gamle post om denkreativeklasse.dk blevet sam­let op af de store drenge Tveskov og Classy, hvilket skægt nok sætter sit præg pÃ¥ besøgstallet. ¥ sÃ¥ skriver man godt, er der flere der læser. Nuvel, det mÃ¥ prøves en dag ved lejlighed.

Blogging , , , , , ,

[DK] Hvad med ham?

Alle har travlt med Fre­vert. Hvad med den stakkels penise­jer? Man gÃ¥r og tror alt er glemt, og sÃ¥ viser for­tiden — og Louise Fre­vert — sit grimme ansigt, hvor man mindst ønsker det.

En evt. erstat­ning synes jeg fint man kunne give til ham. Ikke de bed­ste omgivelser at blive set i. So to speak.

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