Blog redesign is all the rage these days. Of course it always is due to the playful, geeky nature of the web — and blogs in particular for some reason — but the past month seems to be just a bit more intense. Maybe it’s a vacation thing; fellow geeks thinking they can finally work on private projects, although they should probably get out in the sun. Maybe they do actually get outside — a lot of the redesings seem to start off a bit like I’m starting off now: No promises, first a lot of initial blah blah…
Anyway. I won’t go into great detail on why I’m thinking of doing another redesign, just aknowledge the fact that doesn’t even come close to what a decent blog should look and feel like in my book — and that previous revamps primarily have dealt with code and silly little experiments. I’m also well aware, that although having stated several times (latest at webmercial’s just after blogforum) that maybe I should try to write better instead of focusing on turning blog knobs, I’ve been a bad boy — nothing has happened, really.
And here I am, realizing that maybe the ends meet afterall as the blog knob turning just might be what I do best (how’s that for a way to make a living?): The missing discussions on the blog should be about web development as I intended in the first place — a redesign writeup could serve as a starting point.
I’m not sure I have the guts to try out the approach aforementioned webmercial went for last year; a live redesign with writeups on the different parts of the actual development (can’t find the link, sorry). I’m known to approach personal web projects in a more cowboy-ish fashion, a little bit of code here, a server crash here, lots of “uh, it’s coming soon” pages etc. But I should be able to log thoughts on functionality and design issues, hopefully triggering just a little bit of comments.
My personal web space is still supposed to be a playground so I won’t nessecarily go for the perfect solution, the most beautiful graphic design etc. This isn’t rocket science and I’m not claiming to know better than anyone else — but hopefully someone will catch the bait and discuss best uses on topics like syndication (if that’s the right term!), meta data, graphic design, comments, categories, various forms of integrating side– and moblogs etc etc.
I have no idea whatsoever on the whens and the hows, but I’ll try and get off my ass and convert my wireframe scribbles into something digital and readable and post the thoughts on functionality I have so far. I have a feeling I don’t have time for this at all, but a lot of the ‘work’ is already there and I need a project not directly work related. There’s just too much real work…
While doing that, I’ll try and think of ways of breaking the process into sensible bits, allowing for a decent mixture of discussion and actual development.