Umbraco 2.0 is shipping

Umbraco 2.0 is about to be released.

The Con­tent Man­age­ment Plat­form that I have been work­ing on for over three years; umbraco 2.0 WILL be released as a pub­lic beta on Fri­day the 2nd under an open source license (GPL/LGPL).

I’ve used the first ver­sion on a cou­ple of projects and it really is rather nice! Look­ing for­ward to the new ver­sion; I’ve sent a cou­ple of clients on hol­i­day — when they come back I think they wanna play ;-)

Con­grats to mr. Hartvig.

Web Development

Faxing on OS X through your mobile

Isn’t that inter­web just great. You real­ize that since this is 2004 and you pride your­self with being all dig­i­tal and mod­ern, the need to fax an agree­ment con­cern­ing a domain name end up being a chal­lenge. Blog to the res­cue. A sin­gle Google search and this w-a-s-a-b-i comes up. Someone’s been kind enough to pro­vide a brief walk-through on how to get OS X to fax through a bluetooth-enabled cell­phone — three min­utes later, the fax is leav­ing my laptop.

Which reminded me (again) to post more tips and tricks. This lit­tle blog might not con­tain extremely inno­v­a­tive thoughts on any­thing impor­tant, but if one should end up with suc­ceed­ing in con­nect­ing some hard­ware, build­ing a use­ful script or some­thing like that, one should spend those extra two min­utes writ­ing it up. I cer­tainly enjoy when peo­ple with Google-friendly blog-markup link up handy links to hard­ware or write lit­tle how-tos on how to get those tools and gad­gets to become even more useful.

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Why text-only is bad for you — and everyone else

Good points over at bestkungfu on accessability.

There are mil­lions of Web users who don’t even con­sider them­selves dis­abled: you might know one as “Dad” or “Grandpa,” who can’t quite see as well as they used to, or never quite got the hang of mou­s­ing around. Users like these wouldn’t know an “acces­si­ble” from a cru­cible. They’re going to use your site, and they’re going to get stuck. And they’re going to get angry, espe­cially if you hard-coded the font size below their abil­ity to read it. How, praytell, will that lit­tle dis­abil­ity ghetto you coded save you now?

Bestkungfu on “Seper­ate but equal” design

Web Development

[DK] Duskedamer

Var til Blog’N’Rundbold i går. Ret beset var der nok mere mad og øl, end der var sports­be­tonet fysisk aktivitet, men der blev talt lidt om blog­ging i kro­gene — og hyggeligt var det i hvert fald. Jeg lærte flere ting. Bl.a. at hvis man vit­terlig vil have læsere og kom­mentarer og sjov og spas — så skal der mere lir på bloggen. Pat-ter og sådan. Sprog­lige finesser skulle heller ikke være værst.

Så uden yderligere omsvøb: Tok penis-bilder med duskedamernes kam­era. Der er unge piger på samme soveværelse, bru­tal og sær tek­nol­o­gisk under­støt­tet man­dlig sek­su­alitet — og et sjovt norsk ord for cheer­leader. Hvad mere vil I dog have?!

Blogging, Misc.
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[DK] ¸rst med nyt om konkurrenten

David Trads for­lader den mindst ringe … kan man læse pÃ¥ Poli­tikens netavis. Infor­ma­tions egen side har noget med skæv kønsfordeling i fod­bold­ver­de­nen som tophis­to­rie — nyhe­den om Trads’ afgang er ingen steder at finde.

Blot et eksem­pel — det er dÃ¥rlig stil ikke selv at kunne levere nyheder om sig selv først. Det gælder cor­po­rate kæmper, poli­tikere og i særdeleshed medievirk­somheder, der burde vide bedre… Husk det nu.

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Merry christmas

I’ve been feel­ing bad about the look of my com­pany site (heck, it doesn’t even really qual­ify as a site) for quite some time (you can prob­a­bly guess how long by tak­ing a look). But I want to do it right, not just replac­ing the ‘under con­struc­tion’ picture…you know the drill..

How­ever, now I’m feel­ing even more moti­vated than ever before — I’ve just been offered to hand in design pro­pos­als for a christ­mas card pack­age run­ning this christ­mas — the guy I know thought I had the design ideas going already.… hmmm.…

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Skype OS X

Yes, yes oh yeah:

In response to all the requests: there WILL be a Skype ver­sion for Mac OS X. No info is pub­licly avail­able about when exactly it will be out, but it’s already in the works.

They are look­ing for beta testers… [from the Skype forum]

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OPML — how hard can it be

Ok, so I’ve switched (I can’t be arsed to link that up — you know what I mean). And apart from hav­ing to install every sin­gle piece of soft­ware I need (and find­ing quite a lot of new ones — yummy) , I’m oh-so-pleased.

But I’m not just find­ing OS X ver­sions of my old favourites. I’m try­ing out some new stuff as well. And being an RSS-fanatic, I thought I’d give the dif­fer­ent aggre­ga­tors a test spin. I love Blog­lines, but still. How­ever, it’s not so damn easy. I’ve sort of been here before, though. I’ve tried out dif­fer­ent aggre­ga­tors on my PC — same thing. OPML is so sim­ple! Or at least, that’s how it should be. But every aggre­ga­tor seem to add their own lit­tle quirk — and there isn’t a stan­dard for fold­ers, groups or what­ever aggre­ga­tor x choose to call it. That sucks.

So, with my lim­ited BBe­dit skills (which no doubt is a fine lit­tle piece of soft­ware), I had to cut the Blog­lines export into chuncks cor­re­spond­ing to my dif­fer­ent groups. But:

Shrook imported with­out has­sle. It keeps crash­ing on me, though.
Net­NewsWire doesn’t under­stand the exported file.
Pulp­Fic­tion sort of under­stands it, but though being a like appli­ca­tion, I find the inter­face a bit con­fus­ing. Too yel­low, and think­ing about my feeds in quite a dif­fer­ent way than I do…

So, I’m back with Blog­lines — at least until I find the energy to either con­vert my feeds into a NNW-readable for­mat, or Shrook (which I think is my inter­face favourite) starts run­ning stable.

This is posted with ecto btw. Pretty slick, but I’m miss­ing my Zempt-like book­marklet that allowed me to launch the app from the page I wanted to blog.

But to sum up: How hard can it be to agree on an OPML stan­dard? Bloody hell…

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[DK] Peter Bellis ører

Ikke et ondt ord om midal­drende jyder i halvtred­serne på Københavner-tur, men man sam­ler alligevel lidt ggod­bid­der op, når man sid­der og stener mor­genkaffe på den lokale cafe. 20 stk. af førnævnte type er netop trådt lar­mende ind, hvilket har­monerer dårligt med et reg­n­eark jeg havde håbet at få lidt styr på. Men, altså, Jør­gen var vist blevet væk. “Jøøøør­gen, hvor blev du af?” Jør­gen: “Nå, ja — jeg skulle lige ud og hive Peter Belli i ørerne”. WTF?

Update: Bub­ber fra k9k gør ven­ligst pr. mail opmærksom pÃ¥, at dels var kom­mentarer for denne post slÃ¥et fra (pga. min man­glende erfar­ing med ecto, viser det sig), dels er “Peter Bel­lis ører” fra den sÃ¥ vidt jeg ved ganske fine teenage-terror-tegnefilm “Terkel i knibe”. Ak, ak — sÃ¥ uoplyst jeg er…


WebSE — System 7.0

For those of you with­out your own Mac SE, take a look at this flash piece — you can play around with the 7.0.

I’m busy with OS X at the moment… oh joy…

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ecto test — please ignore

This is just.a.test…


Radio silence

Today is a spe­cial day. Today the Dan­ish peo­ple will cheer on as yet another for­eign per­son (I thought we didn’t like those?) will get to by-pass laws, will get unlim­ited fund­ing in order to be able to fake inter­est in ancient Dan­ish his­tory, tacky cas­tles, the hor­ri­ble Dan­ish cui­sine and pick up a hobby; I hear water colour paint­ing is very pop­u­lar. In return, she will be asked to give up her demo­c­ra­tic rights and expected to accept every­one treat­ing her like a mon­key in a cage. Con­grat­u­la­tions. Love is a beau­ti­ful thing, but I’d like to see it in a repub­lic, please.

TV’s off, has gone black.


Monarchy lovers

You-know-who is hav­ing a party, so now the whole street is blocked. That’s just dandy. What’s more of a prob­lem are the 100+ peo­ple who think it’s a great idea stand­ing for hours in the rain to maybe catch a glimpse of some­one royal. WTF?‘
Ok, so you’re not directly against monar­chy, you think the royal fam­ily are good rep­re­sen­ta­tives for our lit­tle coun­try and “in Asia, a monar­chy is a great way to make con­tacts — and we all want more export, right?” Besides, who says a pres­i­dent would do any bet­ter? And the new prins­ess is really pretty and bright.

So? Pretty, smart peo­ple who would gladly give away both their arms to save the world? I know lots of them. What bugs me is the total lack of respon­si­bil­ity on the yes men’s part for what’s really impor­tant here: Nowhere in a civ­i­lized part of the world, peo­ple should be born to power. Nowhere in a civ­i­lized part of the world should we expect any­one to give away their right to vote, to live a nor­mal life, to fol­low any form of guide­lines other than their own. These poor (pretty and smart, I know) peo­ple have just been given a life sen­tence; if they enjoy that, fine — if not, please don’t make their life harder by STANDING IN THE FUCKING RAIN LIKE A BUNCH OF IDIOTS STARING LIKE YOU WERE AT THE ZOO.

But if we can’t look up to them and stare at them and read about them in white trash mag­a­zines, what are they there for then?” Well, that’s really the point here, isn’t it.…

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Redesign / rethink check list

Apart from the obvi­ous need for a visual over­haul (some­where down the line the design just sort of self destruc­ted), I’m think­ing of going through all my code once again, as I’m not quite happy with the lack of lean­ness. It almost val­i­dates so that’s not the goal — it’s more of an exper­i­ment to see if I can make some real improve­ments while test­ing a few new tricks here and there.

First of all I’d like to rethink the struc­ture of the con­tent — too much going on at the front page, not enough atten­tion to the goal of the blog, which, by the way, need some more thinking…I even promised a mis­sion state­ment on the future of my dig­i­tal home after last year’s blog­fo­rum. About time to blog the con­tent of that document…

But it’s time to drag out the good ol’ IA and UI skills while keep­ing focus on the con­tent — this is a weblog. What are best prac­tice weblog wise? How to respect con­tent, serve it in var­i­ous ways, pro­vid­ing thoughts on the ideas behind etc.?

So far, I’m think­ing of (in no par­tic­u­lar order):

  • Doing a more clean front page design
  • Arrange archives in a more intel­li­gent way
  • Pro­vide feeds with var­i­ous con­tent combinations
  • Keep a page updated with the var­i­ous plu­g­ins, hacks etc. used in build­ing the site
  • Exper­i­ment with mix­ing types of con­tent in sin­gle view
  • Seri­ously worh with lan­guage and com­mu­ni­ca­tion (need to. badly.)
  • More tech and dev. Less rant­ing (as if…)
  • More com­mit­ment to the stuff sur­round­ing us; gad­gets, orga­ni­za­tion, soft­ware I use etc.
  • Play and exper­i­ment more with dif­fer­ent tools
  • Nice urls
  • High­t­light addi­tions to the blogroll — explain why

And so on and so on…

What do you like to be on a blog? Any spe­cial fea­tures you love at some blogs and miss at oth­ers? Any par­tic­u­lar struc­ture that works for you? I’ll update this list as progress is made. Com­ments greatly appreciated.
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Valid all the way

As soon as you want to serve your site as application/xhtml+xml (as it should be), vis­i­tor com­ments become a con­stant risk, threat­en­ing to crash your site. IT seems that you either have to serve your site the old way or become a info nazi, clos­ing com­ments. There is no other way. Or…? Simon Willi­son on Stay­ing valid:

There is: I’m doing it. Next Thurs­day will mark the one year anniver­sary of my switch­ing to application/xhtml+xml as the content-type header for this site, for user agents that sup­port it.

[via dion­i­d­ium] He’s run­ning com­ments through a PHP XML val­ida­tor and his own post­ings are made with a book­marklet check­ing input. Defi­nately some­thing I’ll look into when going through the code for this site.

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Good writeup on switch­ing to Mac (which I’m just about to do): Spend­ing a Year with Mac.

I do have one Fleet­wood Mac CD which iTunes is con­vinced is a Chris de Burgh CD, I have both so that can be a bit weird.

Not really a prob­lem in my book…


Semacode — ready to play

I read about sema­code, real-world hyper­links some time ago but was under the impres­sion that soft­ware didn’t exist for my phone, a Nokia 3650. Luck­ily it turns out I was wrong, every­thing is work­ing fine now.

Small pix­ely images rep­re­sent an URL, allow­ing peo­ple with cam­phones to snap a pic­ture of the ‘link’ which launches the browser with the rel­e­vant web­site. Quite sim­i­lar to bar­codes, but the beauty of this tech­nol­ogy is, that quite a bit of the image can be miss­ing while it still works. Japan­ese magszines are already full of these and they make a nice lit­tle busi­ness card fea­ture I guess.

But. What if we sprayed or sticked a bunch of these all over town, made cheeky lit­tle web­sites only to be announced through this medium? A lit­tle urban game feed­ing the con­tes­tants with direc­tions, routes etc.? Obvi­ous signs to the in-crowd, mean­ing­less pix­els to passer-bys. Loads of pos­si­bil­i­ties; secret pass­words to var­i­ous events, stange inter­ac­tive games and so on and so on…

Any ideas? Who’s in?

Update: I’ve been play­ing with the recog­ni­tion of home­made sema­codes. Apart from var­i­ous trou­ble because of my phone’s des­per­ate need of a firmware upgrade and/or ar proper bash­ing, you need pretty good light­ing con­di­tions to get a proper shot. Which rules out quite a bit of the seedy places I imag­ine this stuff could have been put to inter­est­ing use. There’s also a lower size limit of the codes due to the dis­tance you have to be at to take the pic­ture. If you’re to close, you often block to much of the light with the phone itself.

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Tricks to throw off bots harvesting emails

Spam­blog­ging on using CSS Pen­cils as a way to avoid get­ting your email address har­vested: Proof of con­cept to throw off the bots.

Var­i­ous scripts already exist that can gen­er­ate non-harvestable mailto-links, but the dynamic bit is nice. How­ever, it appears to be a bit com­pli­cated, so I’m think­ing that maybe Shaun Inman’s IFR can be put to even bet­ter use?

In short, it’s a flash alter­na­tive to the well-known Fahrner Image Replace­ment (FIR), using CSS to replace var­i­ous bits with graph­ics while pre­serv­ing decent markup. Down­side: You need to gen­er­ate a lot of images, most of them prob­a­bly just dif­fer­ent words using the same non-websafe font. IFR to the res­cue; one sin­gle flash file and a bit of javascript to do the replace­ment. I’m think­ing of play­ing with it in the upcom­ing blog redesign. But couldn’t you do a mailto-flash piece? I’m not really sure how bots inter­act with flash, but hope­fully they’ll give up…

Of course, you’d have to twist the seman­tic bit, but that’s part of the point…

Web Development
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[DK] Undertekster…

Set pÃ¥ TV: Snoop Doggy Dogg = Vif Vaf Vuf. Not even close…


[DK] Slagsangsmareridt

¸rte plud­selig uhyggelige toner fra TV 2 Sporten, der af uvisse Ã¥rsager var pÃ¥ mit tv:

Det danske fod­bold­land­sh­old har vanen tro lavet en slagsang op til en slut­runde, og denne gang er det sket i samar­be­jde med Safri Duo, Birthe Kjær samt MGP-stjernerne B-Boys.

Og hvis ikke det var fordi det ikke er 1. april, og jeg netop har tjekket his­to­rien pÃ¥ TV2’s web­site, sÃ¥ ville jeg tro det var løgn. Imdrømmet, jeg er hverken pjat­tet med sport eller fællessange med “vi”-stemning ifm. danske bonderøve med bolde i andre lande, men det her tager prisen. Noget mere pinagtigt har jeg ikke hørt længe. Lidt mys­tisk stemme, Jok­erens “Hvor du fra” som melodi (I gætter nok, hvor “vi” er fra) — og sÃ¥ lige lidt børnerap til sidst. Ak, ak… Lyt, hvis I tør…


The Google tiger

Insight­ful com­ment to a post at Jeremy Zawodny

The obvi­ous dif­fer­ence between a domes­tic cat and a tiger is one of size, but if you keep the lat­ter as a pet you might notice a qual­i­ta­tive dif­fer­ence around other pets and small children.

[via Inter­net Alchemy]

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Online card sorting

This Boxes and Arrows arti­cle, Card sort­ing: a defin­i­tive guide, is being heav­ily linked these days. It’s a fine read, . giv­ing an overview of a clas­sic. But I’m think­ing, while card sort­ing is excel­lent when hav­ing access to the actual par­tic­i­pants, indi­vid­u­als or a group, the method proves dif­fi­cult when work­ing in a smaller group of peo­ple spread over a vast area, devel­op­ing on stuff not quite ready to be showed to every­one else. But maybe you could do it online? How about Flickr, couldn’t you do an online ses­sion, get­ting your peers to sort images rep­re­sent­ing the cards?

I might be miss­ing some­thing here, but I’ll give it a think…

Web Development
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New Powerbooks…

New Power­books — and about bloody time. It was pretty obvi­ous they wouldn’t man­age to go G5 this time, but though a nice lit­tle speed bump I think I had hoped for a bit more, back­lit key­board on the 12″ or something…

Update: The Dan­ish store hadn’t updated at time of writ­ing (and I couldn’t remem­ber the US prices). Seems that the price dropped about DKK 1000,- with the wifi built in.…nice1.


Kablog test

KABLOG for Series 60

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Random book

I dette ejen­dom­melige, korte for­fat­ter­skab finder man tek­ster, der i deres kun­st­ner­iske radikalitet fore­griber den symbolistisk-modernistiske æstetik, hvis gen­nem­brud nor­malt tids­bestemmes til slut­nin­gen af det 19. Ã¥rhundrede.

1. Grab the near­est book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sen­tence.
4. Post the text of the sen­tence in your jour­nal along with these instructions.

[via web­mer­cial]

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