This just in:

tors­dag d. 22 april kl. 20 i Kirken i ¸llegade
præsenterer KANTEN & SUBOTNIK

KIM CASCONE (us) — solo labtop
SLOPE — noise duo for Labtop & Le Bas­tard
KVERNELAND — solo ambi­ent støjmusik

kim cas­cone
er lidt af en vet­eran inden­for elek­tro­n­isk musik. han har siden
uddan­nelsen ved berkley col­lege of music i 70’erne, plac­eret sig i et
spændingsfelt mellem teo­re­tis­er­ing over og kom­poner­ing af ny elek­tro­n­isk
musik. alment er han kendt som lydteknikeren pÃ¥ davis lynch pro­duk­tioner
som “twin peaks” og “wild at heart”, mens han i mere snævre kredse er
kendt som man­den bag en lang række højest min­i­mal­is­tiske udgivelser pÃ¥
sel­sk­aber som raster noton, 12k og ritor­nell. i den akademiske sfære har
han ogsÃ¥ gjort gældende; begre­bet omkring ‘post-digital musik’ kan
sÃ¥ledes spores tilbage til ham, lige­som han holder debat­tet omkring den
helt min­i­male musik i gang som medredaktør det fine inter­net forum
’microsound.org’. der er sÃ¥ledes tale om en noget alsidig herre, og hans
liste over samar­be­jdspart­nere tæller ogsÃ¥ alt fra min­i­mal­is­ter som tony
con­rad og pauline oliv­eros, over impro­vi­sa­tion­s­musikkens førstemand
keith rowe, til den japanske støjguru merzbow.

tilhører ‘den gamle garde’ inden­for dansk impro­vi­sa­tion­s­musik. duoen
består af jakob brandt-petersen og jørgen teller, der begge har været
aktive i det danske eksper­i­men­talmiljø siden 1980’erne. slope spiller
impro­vis­eret støjmusik pÃ¥ ana­log og dig­i­talt gear.

kver­neland er tilhører den yngere gen­er­a­tion af eksper­i­men­talsmusikere,
og spiller ambi­ent støjmusik.

Usu­ally, you don’t waste your time going to ¸llegade…

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REcession festival

REces­sion seems to be a good way to spend qual­ity time in Jyl­land. At time of writ­ing, today’s fea­tured artist is DAT pol­i­tics which I had the plea­sure of see­ing per­form at the lab after a Sangild book release (if I remem­ber cor­rectly). Other artists include Felix Kubin, which I saw doing his (strange) thing at DenAn­den­Opera once, and Arab Strap and Pole, which…well, are really great…

If you don’t go, buy a bunch of records.

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I didn’t vote for him…

It looks as if Joel’s apol­ogy is spread­ing to lap­top sleeve wash­ing instruc­tions. Nice one…

Update: (note to self) Always check Boing­Bo­ing before post­ing funny stuff, good chance it’s already there… (I found it via some lap­top bag surf­ing). You see, I almost never post stuff that’s been on Boing­Bo­ing as most read­ers will have seen it there already. And if you’re not one of them, you should seri­ously think about swap­ping my blog for Boing­Bo­ing in your aggre­ga­tor — you won’t believe it, but they post every day!

. Good stuff too…


Raw Personal Content, it’s Neta you know…

Caterina.net on Raw Per­sonal Con­tent & Neta:

In Japan­ese, “mate­r­ial” for news and sto­ries is called “neta.” The term has strong jour­nal­is­tic asso­ci­a­tions, but also gets used to describe mate­r­ial that can become the topic of con­ver­sa­tion among friends or fam­ily: a new store seen on the way to work; a cousin who just dropped out of high school; a funny story heard on the radio. Cam­era phones pro­vide a new tool for mak­ing these every­day neta not just ver­bally but also visu­ally shareable.

I’m a sucker for nam­ing stuff, but there’s more to it: This mate­r­ial may not be about con­tent, but about inti­macy. Which again means that wor­ries over the some­what triv­ial nature of much of the com­mu­ni­ca­tion in blog space sin’t to be taken too seri­ously; …all this RPC is Not Meant For You. More on com­mu­nity buildin­gat Joi Ito.
[via syl­loge]

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If you wanna ride, ride the white pony…

Abstract Dynam­ics on The New Rep­e­ti­tion.

While I was away did some­one install a sys­tem in all NYC bars and clubs that just plays Van­ity 6’s “Nasty Boy”, Laid Back’s “White Horse” and Joan Jett’s “I Love Rock-n-Roll” on end­less repeat?

While I’m defi­nately no fan of mind­less rep­e­ti­tion, I’m rather pleased that Laid Back’s “White Horse” is in heavy rota­tion. I think it’s an excel­lent track. Appa­rantly the track has had quite some suc­cess in clubs world­wide over the years. Unfor­tu­nately Laid Back didn’t really make any­thing else of par­tic­u­lar interest.

Bonus info: “White horse” exist in a white label mix with Daft Punk — pretty sweet.

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Gay or Asian?

Nor­mally I tend to think that every­thing is poti­en­tially funny and that you can make jokes of almost every­thing. This bit from Details mag­a­zine sort of had me laugh­ing as well, but I’m not sure it’s all that funny… Or put another way; I can see why some mem­bers of the Asian com­mu­nity — or of the gay com­mu­nity — feel some­what offended.

WHITE T-SHIRT: V-neck nicely show­cases sashimi-smooth-chest. What other men visit the salons to get, mem­bers of the Asian gene pool pro­vides for free.

If you’re Asian, there’s an online peti­tion against igno­rance, if you’re gay, let me know of any online activ­i­ties (peti­tion wise, that is — I get my bit of strange blog searches already, thanks). In any case, while a joke is a joke, you might want to save those for the pub instead of pub­lish­ing them in mags…


Female nude photographer: “I must be the luckiest photographer alive. Unlike many photographers I don’t actually want to give up my day job as I am a helicopter pilot, flying Hueys and CH47 Chinooks in the Italian army.”

Female nude pho­tog­ra­pher: “I must be the luck­i­est pho­tog­ra­pher alive. Unlike many pho­tog­ra­phers I don’t actu­ally want to give up my day job as I am a heli­copter pilot, fly­ing Hueys and CH47 Chi­nooks in the Ital­ian army.“

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Fullscreen QTVR

Fullscreen QTVR

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TDC Hotspot launch

TDC launches 400 hotspots today. I’m not too impressed with the cov­er­age in Copen­hagen; apart from a few Baresso cof­fee shops it’s all gas sta­tions and burger joints which isn’t really where I would use wifi. But of course, while on the move, a wifi gas sta­tion would defi­nately come in handy.

DK note: “Inter­net stoppested”? Ahh, det er jo ikke fedt…

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Setting the price

Another piece on “set­ting the price”. It’s a free­lancer clas­sic; you worry you will lose the client, so you under­charge. I’ve stum­bled across var­i­ous posts on this the last cou­ple of months but some­how for­got to post them (which unfor­tunal­tely goes for a lot of stuff these days — I’ll try to tighten up…).

If nobody is com­plain­ing about your cur­rent price, they are too low.

[via the most excel­lent Whitespace]

Easy as that, really. If you never ever need to nego­ti­ate in order to close your deals, do your­selv a favour and rethink your billing scheme. It’s bad for you as you’ll have a hell of a time try­ing to raise your price if you end up in a long term rela­tion­ship with your client, and it’s bad for the indus­try. And think about it: It doesn’t only take tal­ent and love of design­ing, cod­ing or what­ever your trade is (“If fash­ion is your trade, then when you’re naked, I guess you must be unem­plyed, yeah” — from some Pulp-song). You spend oceans of time keep­ing your­self updated on this and that and remem­ber, you’re pay­ing for your own machine park, you don’t get pen­sion plans and you prob­a­bly spend quite some time just clos­ing the deal. Phew, it’s a tough job…


Kubrick on typefaces (and a bunch of other things): “It’s Futura Extra Bold,” explains Tony. “It was Stanley’s favourite typeface. It’s sans serif. He liked Helvetica and Univers, too. Clean and elegant.”

Kubrick on type­faces (and a bunch of other things): “It’s Futura Extra Bold,” explains Tony. “It was Stanley’s favourite type­face. It’s sans serif. He liked Hel­vetica and Univers, too. Clean and ele­gant.“

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I am Banksy

I am Banksy

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Firefox Bookmarks Synchronizer (FTP)

Fire­fox Book­marks Syn­chro­nizer (FTP)

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From web to print, Norwegian style

Strangely inter­est­ing con­cept:

In a one-time mar­ket­ing ploy, the online news­pa­per TV2 Net­tavisen in Nor­way pub­lished 20,000 copies of a print ver­sion of the web­site on Fri­day (19/04/2004), with a resound­ing suc­cess: all media in Nor­way and many media out­lets around the world have been talk­ing about it. The paper was printed in tabloid for­mat and dis­trib­uted to com­muters in Bergen and Oslo.

[via hypulp where you also can down­load a copy]

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Guardian interview with Kevin Shields | I lost it

Guardian inter­view with Kevin Shields | I lost it

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Cph Wifi — the good and the bad

When not at the office, I often (almost every day) pop out for a cof­fee (ok, actu­ally I pop out for cof­fees no mat­ter where I am or what I’m doing). It’s nice to get out dur­ing the day, and if I can get inter­net access I don’t even have to feel guilty of not work­ing — I can man­age most of my busi­ness from the com­fort of a cafe table, fresh cof­fee being served in a steady flow.

So as often before I found myself at Eugene this after­noon. I have a few cafes closer to my home that offer access as well, but Eugene gen­er­ally has more room and a more suit­able noise level for my lik­ing. Today some­thing bad hap­pened, though. I couldn’t get online and after check­ing this and that, a HotspotLive AP quickly emerged just to dis­ap­pear again. Which was about the same time I noticed the two guys in the cor­ner equipped with lad­ders, lap­tops and var­i­ous power tools. The nice lady behind the bar con­firmed, that they were “get­ting HotspotLive installed” and asked if I didnt think that was ok. Hon­est as I am, I answered that in my book, this wasn’t exactly the coolest move ever, but know­ing she couldn’t do any­thing any­way, I returned to my seat.

This is where the good thing hap­pens. I check for other APs and find one, inge­niously named as a cell­phone num­ber. A text mes­sage and two min­utes later things are start­ing to look bet­ter. This is roughly how the con­ver­sa­tion went:

Me: “Hi, I’m stuck at Eugene with wifi-trouble. Can I bor­row your con­nec­tion? Best regards /Anders — pollas.dk“
AP-guy: “I’m just return­ing home, I’m there in 5 min­utes if you’re still there“
Me: “Sounds per­fect!“
AP-guy: “I’ll be there in two, I’ll be the guy in the white jacket with a com­puter store car­rier bag”.

Friendly guy comes in, remem­bers his AP actu­ally is open already and gives me the WEP-key. He’s block­ing access tomor­row any­way, which is why I dare to post this bit — I hope it’s ok. Infor­ma­tion and access want to be free, but AP own­ers are to be respected.

Unfor­tu­nately the sig­nal proved not to be strong enough for a steady con­nec­tion, but that’s not really the point. The point is, that I can’t really under­stand why cafe own­ers are tempted by the HotspotLive solu­tion — espe­cially if they’re oper­at­ing their own AP already. As far as I can tell from their part­ner pages, the only thing they offer is the con­nec­tion itself. So if the cafes aren’t get­ting a cut of the money we are intented to pay each month, then why bother hav­ing two guys strapped with cables and power drills make a mess for four hours? Just to scare off poten­tial customers…

You see, the cof­fee isn’t that bleed­ing good. And the wire­less ISP idea has a few down­sides: I defi­nately don’t mind pay­ing for ser­vices in gen­eral, but in order to get the close-to-reasonable price (the monthly sub­scrip­tion), I’m rely­ing on a monop­oly. Can’t be done any other way — I’m not

going to pay more than one com­pany for this. And I don’t like monop­o­lies. And by the way: This is not an ordi­nary ser­vice, it’s a ser­vice meant to keep me longer in the cafe, get­ting me to buy more. Just like the news­pa­pers and mags. Would you sub­scribe to a ser­vice in order to have access to news­pa­pers in var­i­ous cafes? Thought not. If I don’t go for the sub­scrip­tion deal, then I need my credit card at hand, ready to be charged more than the cost of a cof­fee for just one hour’s access. So if I can get the access some­where for free, I sort of get my cof­fee for free…

But I’m ram­bling. The thing is, if we don’t down­right refuse to sub­scribe to these deals, I can under­stand why cafe own­ers get­ting offered a man­aged solu­tion is tempted to go with it. I’ll try to do my bit by try­ing to get to talk to the var­i­ous own­ers, but how do we spread the mes­sage? I would go for the “It’s just a ser­vice — it’s cheap too”-approach I think, but couldn’t you say, that at most of the places where cafes etc. are located, the pres­ence of a free AP is rather likely?

Input on this will be higly apprea­ci­ated. What to think, how to turn it around. What do you fuys think? I’m not even sure it’s the “free” aspect that mat­ters. If I got bet­ter secu­rity, var­i­ous fea­tures or what­ever, then I could see what it was about. For now, it’s just a mat­ter of how to dou­ble the cost of a trip to the cafe…


Coin operated access point

INter­est­ing con­cept: TT-1-WA Coin Oper­ated Con­troller Timer for Wire­less Net­work. [via Inter­net Alchemy] Don’t get me wrong, I like my wifi free and like to think the money to be made in this area has to do with other ser­vices than the bare access. And as most pub­lic bars, cafes etc. got their adsl any­way, it’s just a mat­ter of buy­ing a cheap ap — which is way cheaper than sub­scrib­ing to all those news­pa­pers any­way. It’s a ser­vice, remember.

But, if money is to be made for one rea­son or the other, this might not be that bad. I really like the juke­box approach: If some­one has a coin to spare, every­one benefits…

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Kvaksalveri galore — eller hvordan man ogsÃ¥ kan bruge advokater

Inter­es­sante posts, hvor en blog­ger kri­tis­erer den alter­na­tive behan­dler Michael Kast­berg. Stilen er set før, tum­let for­mu­ler­ing med ved­hold­ende indigneret tone — og uden den store lyst til reel doku­men­ta­tion. Men der er en sam­tale, pÃ¥ en blog, om noget vigtigt. Men sÃ¥ er der — lige sÃ¥ velk­endt efterhÃ¥nden — ogsÃ¥ en trussel om, hvad der kan ske, hvis man ytrer sig frit. For advokaten læser med, og det vil nok være bedst, hvis man bare holder op. Eller kom­mer forbi, og fÃ¥r det hele fork­laret. Fork­laringerne holder jo bedst vand, nÃ¥r man kan præsentere dem selv…lidt som Sci­en­tol­ogy, der altid gerne inviterer inden­for… Hvad sker der? Er trusler og dÃ¥rlige und­skyld­ninger virke­lig stilen alle vegne. Der er ikke meget ved dialogværktøjer, hvis man kun mÃ¥ tale happy-talk om ingent­ing. Og, ja — jeg er nu sikkert ogsÃ¥ pÃ¥ kant med injurielov­givnin­gen aka “er du uenig skal du have en straf”. Well, screw you. [via Tor­ben Sangild]


Lost in Translation Fans Archives

Lost in Trans­la­tion Fans Archives

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Blog & beer @ dalager.com

Hav­ing a blast. Peo­ple are nice.

Good news: Peo­ple are nice. Gui­tars have been played.

Bad news: Nobody’s responded to my tooth­ing–bluetooth-thing… Doesn’t any­one own any gadgets…aren’t any­one just a lit­tle bit … you know…


Blogging ipsum

Dan­ish blog, but don’t feel left out if you don’t speak Dan­ish: Lorem ipsum.

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Gay marriage

Zenarchery.com on Gay Mar­riage:

…if you oppose gay mar­riage, you’re a cunt and you’d bet­ter pray I don’t catch you on the street, because I’ll kick you to fuck­ing death. You were one of the rea­sons my uncle led such an unhappy life.

Just shoot your­selves, okay? Jesus is wait­ing, arms wide open. He wants you out of the gene pool just as much as I do. The rest of us are try­ing to evolve past the twelfth century.

Pretty hard­core, but you might as well get used to it. Uncle George has made the dis­cus­sion a major part of his elec­tion cam­paign, reas­sur­ing all his fel­low Texan farm­ers that it’s cool being scared of two men hold­ing hands. This is going to get messy…

Think­ing of adding a Mid­dle ages cat­e­gory to this weblog as it seems this is a rec­cur­ing theme.

Misc., Uncategorized

From grey to the dark ages

Ok, everyone’s heard of the Grey Album by DJ Dan­ger­Mouse by now (which now is a point in itself). Usu­ally I would have posted some­thing about stuff like this as I find these thing incred­i­bly impor­tant, but I’ve been busy and think­ing a bit about what I want with this weblog. So I sort of con­cluded that I couldn’t really add some­thing to the debate, con­sid­ered going grey just for the fun of it, but didn’t even find the time to do that.

But. It appears men­tion­ing what is going on out there on the dan­ger­ous inter­net is some­thing any­way. See, this is get­ting waaay out of hand. You don’t find remixes of stuff you own the rights to amus­ing? Ok, I can see where you’re going. This is the usual stuff. You won’t add any­thing apart from bul­ly­ing to the debate, even though the copy­right laws obvi­ously don’t take the net­worked struc­ture and capa­bil­i­ties of the net into account? Ok, this isn’t exactly news either; the most of us don’t take you seri­ously any­more for that very rea­son. But threat­en­ing peo­ple link­ing to a highly inter­est­ing debate in a civ­i­lized world in the 21st cen­tury? Come on, you can do bet­ter than that. And even if you don’t get the net at all (which more than likely will reflect on the value of your poor com­pa­nies in a year or two), please behave your­selves anyway.

No, I don’t want to encour­age peo­ple to sam­ple any­thing they come across, but don’t you see what is going on here? The world is chang­ing, guys. And while you sit on your asses, afraid that you haven’t got what it takes to make it in the new world, you take on the aggre­sive atti­tude, think­ing that if you just scare peo­ple enough, the demand for inter­est­ing con­tent, eas­ier dis­tri­b­u­tion, the pos­si­bil­ity to (legally) link to inter­est­ing stuff etc. will go away? Dream on.

Any­way, stuff is going on:

Dis­claimers? Huh? No, you see — this is a weblog meant for adult peo­ple with minds of their own…


Eidos announces acquisition of IO Interactive

Some­one’s doing some­thing right here. Accord­ing to Dan­ish national radio they got DKR 256 mil­lion. Good going!

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Choosing glue

How cool is that? A web­site telling you how to suc­ceed when glu­ing This to That . Want to attach a sock to your favourite take-away cof­fee cup? No prob­lem, the 3M77 is your friend…
[via Cool Tools]

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