Testing w.bloggar

Haven’t really put that much thought into blog­ging directly from my desk­top, but I just stum­bled over w.bloggar again so this time I’m giv­ing it a go…

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Meantime in La-La land

Hard at work on com­puter restor­ing and var­i­ous yummy projects, I thought I should share Pro­tein° OS with you. Loads of deli­cious radio sta­tions in there, some old faves and quite a lot I haven’t come across before. Some­how I feel every­body else prob­a­bly know this already… Good news is, I found it while check­ing up on good old AmmoC­ity which appears to be a bit closer to a proper relaunch.

Until then I’ll be work­ing on the launch of geezer.dk (it’s get­ting closer, really), the UI devel­op­ment of some of my back­end tools, two client projects I’ve been work­ing on for some time now — and get­ting my main com­puter back to nor­mal… When that’s all cool and sorted, I’ll try to do the much needed re-coding of this site — added a feed image ear­lier today, but there are loads of other stuff I’d like to exper­i­ment with as well. Much.work.faster.or.sleep.less…

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Hardware trouble

My main com­puter crashed yes­ter­day and I haven’t been able to boot it ever since. I’m post­ing this from my ancient lap­top which is sort of up and run­ning, but I might not get to my mail as quickly as nor­mal, so apolo­gies if I don’t get back right away. I lost a good amount of mails as well as my cal­en­der, so if you sent me any­thing impor­tant over the past week, please send it again. Hope­fully, a Sat­ur­day spent buy­ing and installing hard­ware should solve the prob­lems…
UPDATE: Appa­rantly, Win­dows XP just crashed itself, so I saved myself the trou­ble buy­ing new hard­ware and did a refor­mat of my main hard drive. SO now I’m up and run­ning, lost quite some mail though. Lead­ing to this ques­tion: What mail client do you use? Good backup pos­si­bil­i­ties and mail fil­ter­ing are top pri­or­i­ties. Sug­ges­tions greatly appre­ci­ated as I haven’t got a clue what’s going on in that part of world…
UPDATE II: Oh, and more good news, the file sys­tem wasn’t com­pletely mashed, so the files copied to a sec­ondary drive dur­ing my des­per­ate attempts to res­cue data with mount­ing the drive on another machine seemed to have been worth it — my mails are back! Work­ing like a dog to set up proper backup rou­tines and chang­ing my main email addressess to IMAP. And once you get over los­ing loads of time and var­i­ous data, it’s amaz­ing what a clean install of the good ol’ OS can do for you… My machine boots at least three times as fast, my desk­top and my pro­grams aren’t clut­tered with junk etc. etc. It’s a brain cleanup…


PM gossip

Damn, this SKUM fea­ture (in Dan­ish) is bal­anc­ing on the edge… Good fun, though — so is the Guantanamo-gotchi and oh, the Nik & Jay $ell-out con­struc­tion set is kind of funny too. Try to cen­sor that, Quasi :)

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Received a mail from Peter of the bril­liant Rip­tari Fil­ter, ask­ing me to test his Geo::Sketch MT plu­gin. It’s an excel­lent plu­gin facil­i­tat­ing geo­graphic ani­ma­tion in blog posts and though still in an alpha test­ing state, it’s not that hard to set up. I tried it out on the IIS host­ing pollas.dk and beside my own stu­pid mis­takes (RTFM) it all went well. Now I just need to talk to my host­ing provider about some PNG issues, then I’ll be post­ing away using nifty lit­tle geo animations.


Open Space Silly Head

I attended Myg­dal’s open­space gath­er­ing (which is an excel­lent way of orga­niz­ing meet­ings!) and beside some really inter­est­ing dis­cus­sions on how we facil­i­tate the energy, work together, share thoughts and ideas while find­ing joy in our envi­ron­ment of work, relax­ing, social­iz­ing (it’s about the buzz, baby — not the hype) — the meetup included meet­ing some really nice peo­ple. Unfor­tu­nately I hadn’t got the time to stay and find out who was who, but what do ya know, mblog comes to the res­cue. It turns out I’ve been read­ing some of these people’s blogs for quite some time and this blog even appears on one of the blogrolls. What my point is? Well, when offered the chance, one (read: I) should really go for some good, old-fashioned human-to-human inter­ac­tion. Every­thing else is just plain silly…

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Full posts

Meet­ing some peo­ple today con­firmed my sus­pi­cion, that the few peo­ple actu­ally read­ing this weblog, pre­fer — just like myself — to read it through their favorite aggre­ga­tor, so I finally got my act together and full posts are now served in my xml. Recently I’ve dis­cov­ered quite a few really inter­est­ing blogs, but I find myself for­get­ting to check in on them and as I’ve pre­vi­ously stated, blogs not serv­ing xml feeds don’t make it to my blogroll which is a shame as I think the blogroll is a vital part of any weblog (well, this one hasn’t got that many read­ers, but the­o­ret­i­cally, any­way). My ear­lier attempt to launch a “Feed me” cam­paign try­ing to con­vince non-feeders to pro­vide this won­der­ful fea­ture, some­how drowned in a heavy work­load. I’ll try to do some­thing about it soon — any ideas on this are very wel­come! How about you — did you read this through an aggre­ga­tor or did you actu­ally enter the site? Leave a com­ment, thanks.



Uh, looks like I just missed the launch of Homebrew’s new site. Look­ing nice and fresh! Appa­rantly good things are going to hap­pen in the time to come…yum yum.

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I just hijacked my com­pany web­site.

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Day or Night

curi­ousLee has found some apps to keep track of day and night and the time around the world. Now I know if it’s still dark in Cow­boy World.

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War visuals

After 1991 you just instinctly know what just hap­pened when you see those green CNN shots, don’t you…

Ear­lier tonight, I sub­scribed to this ser­vice from Dan­ish national tele­vi­sion to get updated on the war. BBC (Radio1 actu­ally :) beat them to it, though — 5 min­utes ago I received an sms announc­ing Bush’s speech — which took place half an hour ago…


War on Iraq begins

Well, it’s on… Not exactly a sur­prise, but still sad. Thoughts go out to peo­ple in and around Iraq…

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Please order your abbreviation here

M.O.A.B., sir? No, thanks, I’ll have the F.O.A.F. And I don’t want Free­dom Fries to go with that…

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Amazon APIUK style

Ben Ham­mer­s­ley reports of Ama­zon open­ing their web ser­vices API from their UK site which is excel­lent news for those of us liv­ing in Europe. I’m feel­ing all moti­vated now, to play with the kit as it’s now a great deal more use­ful. Way to go, Ama­zon! (would have liked to for­mat this entry with the Cockney-MovableJive plu­gin to cel­e­brate, but can’t as it break up links…)

Web Development
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I want one…well, actually…

While a 4 Giga­byte Com­pact­Flash Mem­ory Card would defi­nately solve a lot of my dig­i­tal imag­ing prob­lems (appa­rantly 6GB ones are just around the cor­ner) the main prob­lem is still bat­tery life. Even with a 64MB card, I’m hav­ing trou­ble keep­ing my bat­tery alive while fill­ing the card — same goes for my old lap­top. Yes, it’s old and noisy, but would make a great trav­el­ling com­pan­ion if it wasn’t for the poor bat­tery. You think wifi’s cool? well, if I can’t have proper bat­ter­ies, I want wire­less power…

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Hard at work

While hard at work with var­i­ous projects, the redesign of geezer.dk doesn’t get the proper atten­tion. But while doing some client graph­ics, I acci­dently made some geezer wall­pa­pers. One of them is uploaded to geezer.dk — it’s noth­ing pretty, but it’s the thought that counts, you know. Put a cou­ple of lomo style cov­ers up there last week by the way…

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Usability wins over Saddam Hussein

The fight between usabil­ity and Sad­dam Hus­sein — and the win­ner is… [off the mighty fine GUUUI]

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Traffic Island Disks

While brows­ing the par­tic­i­pant list of the Copen­hagen Inter­po­la­tion, extract­ing a bit of domain names (come on, you do it as well…), I stum­bled across the Traf­fic Island Disks, a Lon­don based radio stream­ing through Resonance104.4fm. Beside mak­ing me miss liv­ing in Lon­don (which I been think­ing more and more about for the past months), it is based on a great idea; stop­ping peo­ple in the street, ask­ing them what they lis­ten to on their mini­discs, ipods etc., play­ing a mix of the actual music in a half hour show. Lon­don is lit­er­ally packed with peo­ple tak­ing their portable music pretty damn seri­ous, and the fact that peo­ple are using their music for all sorts of things makes the city vibrate with dif­fer­ent moods and states of mind based on the music play­ing in their ears. Must.get.ipod.and.plane.ticket.soon.

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Copenhagen Interpolation

Attended the sec­ond day of the Copen­hagen Inter­po­la­tion which was truly inter­est­ing. I got what I hoped for; good dis­cus­sions and intro­duc­tions to the power of wi-fi — and more impor­tant — how we can put them to good use. ICT in devel­op­ing coun­tries sure needs more atten­tion from every­one — a shame more peo­ple didn’t attend the forum. The Col­lab­o­ra­tive net­work­ing part was really nice as well, map­ping out some of the legal issues that need address­ing if we want to rethink the way we pro­vide our infor­ma­tion infra­struc­ture, and pre­sent­ing some inter­est­ing projects. Missed the antenna build­ing bit, so I guess I’ll just have to impro­vise when I set up my cov­er­age of the park across the street (which I’ve been think­ing about way too long). Got the wire­less router, got my DSL line upgraded — now I just need an antenna and a lap­top with bat­tery power for a bit longer than the 20 min­utes I have now … Uh, and maybe some meshing-ish stuff … and a proper plan for actu­ally using wifi for some­thing really use­ful myself, like rethink­ing the way we work in net­worked envi­ron­ments, or the way we share knowl­edge within local com­mu­ni­ties and neighbourhoods.

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Blogging / Networks the american way?

Blog­ging is still like Live Jazz from iWire is mak­ing me feel all guilty for not actively giv­ing this sub­ject more thought. All the power of the net­works we develop and use every­day some­what relies on prin­ci­ples basi­cally under­min­ing the con­cept of truth. Not that big a sur­prise, but some­thing to take into con­sid­er­a­tion when we are work­ing on new sys­tems and net­works — and when using these tools. [via black­eltjones]

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The future of wireless

Aaron Swartz explains what will hap­pen. “By then it is too late. The peo­ple own the Inter­net now. When there is cen­sor­ship, the soft­ware routes around it. As long as there is a client and a server, they can com­mu­ni­cate. No more DMCA take­down notices, no more Car­ni­vore boxes, no more $40/mo., no more “capped upstream”, no more “running servers is not per­mit­ted”. The Inter­net is remade in its orig­i­nal image.”

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Just needed to try out the Mov­able­Jive plu­gin, and as I’m absolutely des­perat to go to Lon­don (it’s been too long, spring in Lon­don is always nice) I might as well put that totally unim­por­tant bit of infor­ma­tion to use as the base for a Cock­ney text for­mat­ting attempt.


MT 2.62 — and some plugins

Just ended a long night of work with the upgrade of Mov­able­Type to ver­sion 2.62. So far it doesn’t seem to have caused any trou­ble — and now I have the pos­si­bil­ity of even more plu­g­ins, some of them are already installed.

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Mail trouble at pollas.dk

Yes­ter­day I found out that some of the mails sent via @pollas.dk have been lost due to a host update which I hadn’t been informed about. So if you have tried to mail me the past five days or so, please try again. I prob­a­bly haven’t received it.

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I’ve been miss­ing my Bricks are Heavy cd by L7 for over a year. A cou­ple of weeks ago I found it under a shelv­ing unit and today I put it on. It’s truly a great record and in the light of the soon-to-be war against Iraq, the track War­gasm has a truth or two in there:

War­gasm, war­gasm one, two, three
Tie a yel­low rib­bon around the amputee
Mas­tur­bate watch it on TV
Croc­o­dile tears for the refugee
War­gasm, war­gasm one, two, three
Smutty, bloody pic­tures, ecstasy
Blue balls wait­ing impa­tiently
From Alca­traz to Lady Lib­erty
Body bags and drop­ping bombs
The pen­ta­gon knows how to turn us on
War­gasm, war­gasm one, two, three
Peo­ple, peo­ple, ecstasy
Wave those flags high in the air
As long as it takes place over there
Turn us on

(Ok, it not that damn pro­found — but hey, it’s a cool record. Chicks with gui­tars and all…)

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