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Author Archives: geezer
The state of wifi
I’m doing a tour through the outskirts of Denmark again. At time of writing I’m sitting at a cafe in Kolding. I’ve been here before and even though I don’t like the place all that much (the music’s loud and … Continue reading
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Feel like shoplifting
Remember, if you don’t want to pay for your cds, steal them — don’t download them. It might feel uncomfortable when you get dragged out of the store by the local police, but it should pay off in the long run.
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Art? Phenomenon? Thief?
Two things I really enjoy; Lego and iPods.… And while pretty cool, I’m feeling that maybe the Apple craze has gone a bit over the top. Continue reading
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[DK] Sprog-gener
I dagens Børsen kan man læse en anmeldelse af Dansk Industri’s På jagt efter iværksættergenet. Anmeldelsen og bogens indhold er ikke emnet her, det er derimod bogens titel. Continue reading
Flickr camblogging
In between server crashes, I’ve managed to switch to Flickr for camblogging. So far, so good — expect possible camphone weirdness, site inconsistincies and layout trouble. v for vendetta download ipod
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I’ve been watching the developing story on trackback-spam in horror (it’s in to be scared these days, remember) recently, thinking of what to do. Continue reading
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RTFM — lesson learned
Today’s lesson: When your latest phone won’t act as a bluetooth modem, don’t let that bug you for months while you take a shot at it once in a while, while thinking the son of a bitch will never work. Instead, check with your operator what GPRS connection point you should really use (it worked with your last phone, but you know what: You probably forgot all about that) and then read the fucking manual for the modem scripts you’ve downloaded.
Multimap with geotagged blogs
Clagnut posts that Multimap now harvest geotag information and is adding blogs to its maps. Take a look at the bookmarklets at clagnut.com — nifty stuff; on a blog with geotags, click to see a map of the area with links to surrounding bloggers.
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[DK] Din bank vinder — altid
Den berømte 50-øre, valgflæsk, protestaktion, griskhed, flip-floppin landbetjent/økonomiminister, civil ulydighed, sjov og spas.… Morten havde en særpræget oplevelse, da han forsøgte at gøre sit i den gode sags tjeneste: Se selv.
[DK] Budskaber uden lyd
Er jeg den eneste, der ikke helt forstår formålet med ‘fjern lyden’-knappen på de Konservatives ellers fancy flash-banner annoncer? Indrømmet, de giver bedre mening på den måde, men kultur-brian ser altså skæg ud, når han i fulkommen stilhed blinker med øjnene og håber på min stemme.
[DK] Die Dänische Volkspartei
Af grunde jeg ikke kan forklare (gætter på fordomsfuldhed og angst for det fremmede), bliver jeg lidt bange, når jeg læser Pia Kjærsgaards tyske udgave af partipræsentationen (DF bruger frames, who would’ve thought): Ich freue mich, Ihnen das Grundsatzprogramm der Dänischen Volkspartei vorzustellen.… Zu dieser Verpflichtung gehört die Notwendigkeit des Vorhaltens wirksamer Streitkräfte wie auch der Gewährleistung sicherer, geschützter Grenzen. Continue reading
[DK] Sund og rask DF’er
Bedst som man tror Ekstra Bladet har fået vinklet en historie lige lovlig meget — og ligegyldigt (rygtet vil vide, trods solid intolerance, at ikke alle DF’er er skingre racister med angst for brunt) — får Hans Kristian Skibby (med neger-blod i årerne, forstås) udtalt: Det ligger i generne.… Selvom man er stolt og ikke spor flov over at have eksotiske forfædre, er det nu meget rart man ikke ligefrem fejler noget. Continue reading
[DK] Kære lyd-internet
Jeg får sjældent tjekket op på de forskellige sites med ny musik til download, men en ‘nyt fra danske upcoming acts’-playlist ville jeg med glæde synce med min iPod.… Forskellige typer kunne være ‘virtuelt pladeselskab podcaster alt hvad de har’, ‘musikskribent laver et rigtigt program/sammensætter sin podcast ud fra en ide’ osv.
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Live from Cafe Lucca, Kolding: My recommendations for CampaignMonitor. One of my clients wanted to start sending out newsletters, 4–6 every year, showcasing their work and products. Continue reading
[DK] Dagens citat
“Du styrer Mogens Lykketoft med piletasterne” — I KNEW IT! [fra de slipsebærende ynglinge ovre hos VU] (ok, det var umodent, men jeg stemmer lissom noget andet, mkay?) Continue reading
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Clearing up confusion about the Mac mini
Clearing up confusion about the Mac mini (the Unofficial Apple Weblog : Yes, it will boot headless, meaning with no display or video device connected. While it is strongly recommended that you only have an Apple Autherized Service Provider crack it open and install RAM, hard drives, Airport and Bluetooth, it will NOT void your warranty if you do it yourself. Continue reading
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Little Mac
This is about the new Mac mini, as an added service to you and the big internet cable in the ocean I’m not posting the picture.… Anyway, since switching (getting a powerbook) I’ve been feeling the urge to get a non-laptop Mac; for file storage, as an extra play-computer — and for staying connected, turned on or whatever when I’m carrying the laptop around.
OS X Wipeout
It won’t let you listen to the music from the cd-tracks while you play, but iTunes will help you with that. I’m not into gaming at all, so I can’t tell you how different games work: I don’t have them and I don’t play games… Continue reading
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Travelling camera concept: That’s me in the first couple frames, and apparently one of the women in it posed in playboy. My mailman told me so, and as I recall, it’s not the one you’d suspect. Continue reading
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You know it’s new year’s eve…
…when the local pole dancers stop taking money from carpenters but instead hand it back in order to get their windows covered with plywood. Happy new year everybody.
[DK] Værktøjet i orden?
Computerworld, I er ikke just spændende i forvejen, men hvis der ikke er flere pressemeddelser I kan paste ind som egne artikler, og bevæger jer ud for at skrive selv, så sørg lige for at jeres interview-ofre har noget spændende at sige. Man er i sin gode ret til at bruge nøjagtig de værktøjer man vil, hey — måske de egner sig perfekt til opgaven…men det er jeres opgave at overveje, om det kan have nogen værdi for andre overhovedet.
Kickass christmas carol maker
Zefrank’s at it again: the carol maker. Drop your elves in the grid and watch the little animated movie.
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Kitchen AXers beware
A few seconds after I turned on the microwave, the music stopped playing and my iTunes came to a stop (which I’ve experienced before when the AXes don’t behave as planned). The microwave oven and the AX is both just put on top of the fridge — radiation fuckup?
Congratulations, Microsoft
You’ve successfully made the worst possible browser on the market the most popular, turning normal people into slaves and web development into a painful game of “let’s see if we can find some way out of having to throw in tons of stupid, little IE-hacks instead of spending time on real development”. On some projects, I think I spend about the same amount of time adjusting my orginal design for the IE users (aka ‘the real audience’), making designing a lot less fun and figuring out what to charge the client a big fat joke.
Web Development
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