WP Tiger style dashboard

While wait­ing to start on some real work, I get to play with Word­Press: WP Tiger Administration.

I’m not really sure whether I like the appli­ca­tion approach to what really are web­pages but it sure as hell is one tasty-looking dash­board. 5 sec­ond instal­la­tion. The power of CSS, yay.

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Recording while moving

This guide on how to build a helmet-mounted cam­era for moun­tain bik­ing for $35 might add some cool­ness to another idea I have: Doing an on-the-go pod­cast record­ing while run­ning through the streets of Berlin on one of the Call-a-Bikes. I’m think­ing hat-mounted micro­phone… In Dan­ish that would be ‘mikro­fon­hat’ which just sounds too coll not to be tried… Does any­one hap­pen to know where I can get a wind screen for my Electro-Voice some­where in Berlin? I expect to go fast…

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[DK] Medie-perspektiv

Og mens man i bar­nagtig vrede og med teenagepa­raderne oppe brokker sig over E.B. falder man over lidt per­spek­tiv i gÃ¥rsdagens Berliner Zeitung.

En 13-Ã¥rig dreng har fun­det en Edelweiss-plante midt i Berlin (i alt for lav højde forstÃ¥s) og biologerne undrer sig lidt. B.Z. hiver den pÃ¥ for­si­den, bruger led­eren bare pÃ¥ det. Den ind­kaldte ekspert? DJ Ötzi naturligvis…


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Reizgasanlage at Kaisers

30875678 5Feeb84550 M
Found this dis­turb­ing pic­ture at the Metroblog Berlin. I’m think­ing of just tak­ing my shop­ping some­where else.

Dear Kaisers Super­mar­ket at Schönhauser Allee, now where do you guys think we are? Well, here´s the news: Pren­zlauer Berg ain´t Jo-burg!

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[DK] Ekstra Bladet: Luskede paparazier

Ekstra Bladet: Hur­ley og Janet slikker sol­skin.

Det er næsten umuligt for kendisser som Janet Jack­son og Eliz­a­beth Hur­ley at smide bikinien og tage sol­bad, uden de luskede paparazz­i­fo­tografer stiller skarpt med telelin­sen og fore­viger øjeblikket.

Luskede? I betaler dem, ergo mÃ¥ I stÃ¥ inde for deres metoder…hvilket vi andre sÃ¥ ikke kan, men ok…resten af ‘artiklen’ er knap sÃ¥ kri­tisk, der bliver blot jublet over bar røv osv. Fuck­ing hyk­lere.


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Book review: Drawing Trucks & Diggers

TrucksanddiggersToo lit­tle book review­ing going on here. Wait no more. Draw­ing Trucks & Dig­gers. Not very long, not hard to read, not expen­sive, not pos­si­ble to dog-ear. But boy, is it use­ful. It’s made by Cater­pil­lar and should really be con­sid­ered pure com­mer­cial. But then again. It’s biiig machines. Which you gotta love. Aimed for chil­dren aged 2–10 it’s per­fect for the aspir­ing street artist. And at the dis­count price of €3.95 (book­shop in Martin-Gropius-Bau) it’s a steal.

Aspir­ing artists can learn how to draw a “Track-Type Trac­tor” and a “Soil Com­pactor” in the spiral-bound vol­ume Draw­ing Trucks and Dig­gers, A Book of 10 Sten­cils. Each die-cut sten­cil page acts as a frame for a color pho­to­graph and a drawn illus­tra­tion of the machine (with the parts labeled, along with a descrip­tion of what each does) on either side of it, so that it frames both pho­to­graph and draw­ing perfectly.

Couldn’t care less what the dif­fer­ent part do. This is heavy machin­ery cut out of heavy card­board. Rip the pages out, buy a can of paint and get going. I know you want to, after­all you’re all Hack­ers & Spray­painters.

Tags: sten­cils, stree­tart, tag­ging

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A cou­ple of days ago I went to Ostkreuz to shoot a few picu­tures. I like the over­all bea­tup ath­mos­phere (and look) of the old train sta­tion and its mix of daily com­muters on the S-bahn and the regional trains roar­ing by.


As luck would have it, this weeks zitty has a fea­ture on the sta­tion. It turns out that it is actu­ally one of the busiest S-bahn sta­tions in Ger­many with over 150.000 daily trav­ellers. It is to undergo major ren­o­va­tion work, pos­si­bly begin­ning at the end of the year. Which in a way is kind of sad as very lit­tle of the old charm can be expected to sur­vive the heavy machin­ery. So the zitty story goes any­way. To the point: The fea­ture included a link to a pho­to­blog fol­low­ing the sta­tion; the Ostkreuz guide. Good stuff. There I found a link to another excel­lent site, Kopf­bahn­hof:

Die Galerie Kopf­bahn­hof zeigt Pho­togra­phien ver­schiedener Autoren zum Thema Bahn.

I’ll go back to Ostkreuz one of the fol­low­ing days. I didn’t have my tri­pod with me the last time and I need to do a few shots using that. And accord­ing to the trainspot­ters inter­viewed in the arti­cle, a Czech train with Pol­ish wag­gons come by every day at 17:15…

Tags: pho­tog­ra­phy, ostkreuz, berlin

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I’ve been want­ing to imple­ment Tech­no­rati tags for some time, but couldn’t find the time to get a decent overview of the var­i­ous Word­Press plu­g­ins available.

I’m using ecto as my pri­mary blog post­ing tool, and next to the cat­e­gories tab, there’s a nice lit­tle tags-tab. It appears that it doesn’t need to hook into any­thing, but that it can gen­er­ate the tags itself, based on a tem­plate you can tweak to meet your needs.

So prob­lem solved for now — I’ll give this approach a spin.

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[DK] Festtips

Husk: ¥r du er i økseland, skal du undgÃ¥ kontroverser.

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Why All Headphones (might) Suck

Word of advice from Tod Maf­fin over at I Love Radio: Why All Head­phones Suck.

In sum­mary: Your lis­ten­ers might lis­ten to your show through reg­u­lar speak­ers — so that’s how you should mix your show. Which sort of makes this only true for the typ­i­cal radio show pro­ducer; the rest of are more or less specif­i­cally tar­get­ting the head­phones crowd.

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Comments working again

I’m not mak­ing any promises, but it appears that com­ments are work­ing again. I’ll keep the rea­son for the fuckup to myself until I know for sure that they are indeed work­ing again. But lets just say I’ve down the wrong path try­ing to solve this one…

I would greatly apprea­ci­ate any read­ers tak­ing a few min­utes to post any com­ment any­where to test this a bit more thouroughly. Thanks.

Update: Thanks to mess from http://poker-chips.neasoc.org breath­in­ser­tours for prov­ing that com­ments are indeed work­ing again. Now, where did I put that WP-HashCash–link…

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Audiotour Berlin: Berlin Sounds

While brows­ing the shelves of pro qm, a most excel­lent media/architecure/design book­shop in Alte Schönhauser Str., I stum­bled upon Berlin Sounds — an audio­tour of Berlin focused on the beats of the city. Right up my audio alley.

The idea is great: Anja Schnei­der gives you a tour of Berlin’s Mitte while spin­ning records. Artists include Bar­bara Mor­gen­stern, Chris­t­ian Kleine, Jaz­zanova, Max­i­m­il­ian Hecker, Mia and Mod­e­se­lek­tor. The walk­ing pace is given by the beat; 75BPM.

But. The infor­ma­tion pro­vided is some­what triv­ial, and though she intro­duces audi­ol­o­gos, city sounds etc. it never really takes off. The thoughts on the peo­ple of Mitte are pretty naive and the over­all tone a bit too pädagogish

for my lik­ing. If you ever lis­tened to elec­tronic music or thought just a lit­tle about the sounds of the street, you won’t learn any­thing. Which prob­a­bly just means that I wasn’t in the tar­get audi­ence. Just as I found it impos­si­ble to walk that slow… How­ever, I can imag­ine it will be a great way to expe­ri­ence that part of Berlin for the first time if you’re not the typ­i­cal recordbag-carrier and to be fair, you can find a cou­ple of decent sto­ries on the var­i­ous build­ings you pass as well as some info on the club scene of the area.

Tak­ing the tar­get audi­ence into acount, I’m still sorry that the actual music doesn’t take up more space of the tour, though. Too much talk, way too lit­tle beats. Again, the idea rocks.

It’s avail­able as an MP3 down­load at reduced cost, just as Hear We Go has made other audio­tours.

On a related note, I picked up 100% Pure Ham­burg by Pure­Or­bit when I vis­ited Ham­burg in February.

Their approach is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent; it’s not an audio­tour but record­ings from dif­fer­ent places of the city. The sound itself is a lit­tle muse­um­like, as if it got post­processed a bit too much, but over­all it gives a good pic­ture of the “typ­is­che Geräusche aus der Hans­es­tadt”. The­ater of the mind!

One last note. Credit to Berlin Sounds for solv­ing a lit­tle mys­tery. The I hate CBS grafitti doesn’t relate to the net­work, but to a Ger­man grafitti group by the name of CBS (Cow­boys Crew) — and they prob­a­bly put the grafitti up there themselves.


[DK] Kapster er tilbage, yay

His­to­rier fra det pulserende nat­te­liv — gotta love it.

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Sankt Oberholz

Free Berlin wifi tip: Sankt Ober­holz (already a plaze — pic­tures by your’s truly) at Rosen­thaler Platz. Laid back and spa­cious. Free wifi and the option to have today’s spe­cials mailed to you every morn­ing. Cof­fee and sand­wiches are fine — appa­rantly they are pub­lish­ers as well.

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Zur Semiotik des Widerstandes

Some­what of a messy post, but here goes:
Went to see THE ABC-SEMIOTICS OF RESISTANCE at Neu­roti­tan, a really nice gallery in Berlin’s Mitte yesterday.

Good exhi­bi­tion, “Ein mul­ti­me­di­ales Spek­takel über Dada, Cut-Ups, Inter­na­tionale Sit­u­a­tion­is­ten, Urban Art, Cul­ture Jam­ming u.v.w.” Seri­ous stuff includ­ing sev­eral calls for action; boxes with stick­ers for you to take and use. Will try and post pic­tures later. Will skip the proper review (take a look at the rebe­lart review), it’s all in the links…

More here: m e m e f e s t 2 0 0 5 | world­wide com­mu­ni­ca­tion cen­ter.

A dif­fer­ent take on reboot­ing here: G8 reboot.

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Berlin Snap Shots — del.icio.us tags

Damn, del.icio.us/technorati etc. tags are nice.

New city, new tem­po­rary sub­scrip­tion pro­vid­ing valu­able hints and more, such as Berlin Snap Shots, a nice snap­shot blog from Berlin.

Had good fun sub­scrib­ing to the roskilde tag dur­ing the fes­ti­val (the next best thing if you can’t go) and to the reboot7 tag the days fol­low­ing the con­fer­ence (great, espe­cially if you went).

I won­der if you can setup your aggre­ga­tor with a ‘sub­scribe until’-date — or ‘sub­scribe for the next n days’…?

Nyholm has got some good thoughts on Liv­ing through tags. Quick com­ment: The mas­sive num­ber of entries added to del.icio.us (or the other ser­vices) cer­tainly is quite over­whelm­ing. But for the first few days, I’ve found that tak­ing the time to quickly sort through it all usu­ally pays off. Often stuff pops up that I hadn’t thought of. but yes, I have nar­rowed down my ser­ach now.

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As an update to the news about the clos­ing of Loud (which appear to have redesigned their site a bit?!), a name has now been put on the record store to be housed in the back room of Nad­sat: Amoeba Record Shop.

Look­ing for­ward to check­ing their stuff…

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Police guidelines: aim for the head

Boing Boing: New police guide­lines: shoot sui­cide bomber sus­pects in head (reported heav­ily a lot of other places).

Fol­low­ing the recent killing of an inno­cent elec­tri­cian in Lon­don, the ‘sus­pected’ part makes you think.

Beside (as noted in the Boing Boing post) mak­ing me recon­sider my choice of cloth­ing — maybe I should just stay indoors, keep­ing my skin pale, and go for a more innocent-looking touristy non-gadget-carrying style — it seems as if this approach is incred­i­bly short-sighted.

For how long exactly will suicide-bombers con­tinue to look sus­pi­cious prior to set­ting off their bombs? I rode the Berlin unde­ground yes­ter­day and dur­ing a ticket-inspection, the inspec­tor failed to iden­tify the owner of a bike parked in the car (prob­a­bly bea­cuse the owner didn’t want to pay the extra money for it). It’s a pipe bomb on wheels, damnit. Shoot the (pos­si­ble) owner in the head? Great. Now he can’t push the dead man’s han­dle which is the only rea­son­able ter­ror­ist approach to trigger-happy police­men look­ing to kill them.

Sui­cide bomb­ing is gonna be so last year real soon. Remotes, proxy bombers or sur­bur­bian house­wives — you can’t expect being able to rec­og­nize these people.

What about a reli­giously and polit­i­cally indif­fer­ent poor house­wife from sub­ur­bia with a bad con­science, hav­ing never really done some­thing good for her kids. Could she be talked into car­ry­ing a pack­age for money? Prob­a­bly. Is shoot­ing jumble-sale mums wear­ing flow­ery dresses in the head the answer? I doubt it…

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[DK] Bergensbrag

Er desværre ikke i lan­det til denne her:

30 uafhængige litterære aktører fra hele Nor­den
sam­les 11.-14. august til et sem­i­nar i Lit­er­aturHaus. Aktive fra
tidsskrifter, smÃ¥forlag, net­sider og fes­ti­valer mødes
for at diskutere stÃ¥steder og strate­gier og udvek­sle erfaringer
med det konkrete arbe­jde med lit­ter­a­turen. Sem­i­naret inde­holder
også to oplæsningsarrangementer, som er åbne &
gratis for pub­likum, i Lit­er­aturHaus, ¸llegade 7, kld., 2200
¸benhavn N.

Fredag d. 12. august, kl. 20:00: Oplæsning ved delt­agerne samt
gæsteoplæsning ved Claus Beck-Nielsen 1963–2001) og Lone
¸rslev. Musik ved Bodega Boys (Andreas Ugorskij (Gui­tar),
Daniel Lind­berg (Harmonika/Sax), Mar­ius ¸rup-Nielsen (Vokal),
Wamsler & ¸rup (Tekst), Stine Tange (Instruktion).)

¸rdag d. 13. august, kl. 20:00: Oplæsning ved
delt­agerne samt gæsteoplæsning ved Niels Frank og Pablo
Hen­rik Llambias.

Bag­grund: Dette er en fortsættelse. Det første sem­i­nar
blev afholdt i Bergen i 2003 – deraf navnet bergens­brag.
Delt­agerne var fra en række tidsskrifter, smÃ¥forlag og
fes­ti­valer i Norge og Dan­mark, og mødtes for at diskutere og
lære af hinan­dens syn­spunk­ter og erfaringer. Det første
Bergens­brag stim­ulerede til en række gode samar­be­jd­spro­jek­ter
og udvek­sling imellem uafhængige litterære
aktører. Med bergensbrag/københavn fortsætter og
udbyg­ger vi denne kontakt.

bergensbrag/københavn arran­geres af Appa­ratur (Maja Elverk­ilde
& Mar­tin Glaz Serup, DK) og Gasspedal (Susanne Chris­tensen & Audun
Lind­holm, NO).
Spørgsmål kan rettes til: bergensbrag2@hotmail.com, Maja
Elverk­ilde (mob:
20 61 24 94) eller Mar­tin Glaz Serup (mob: 50 91 24 76).

Mere infor­ma­tion:






Arrange­mentet er støttet af BG Banks litterære pulje.

Skulle nok være et besøg eller to værd.

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Wanna be Flickr-famous?

You have two options:

1. Invest some cash in a nice D-SLR, brush up on your pho­tog­ra­phy skills, splash some more money on CF-cards, put time aside for pho­tog­ra­phy. Prac­tice, shoot, get your hands dirty with the dig­i­tal work­flow; RAW-conversion and what have we. Tweak and tweak, upload care­fully tagged stuff to your Flickr-account.

2. Shoot some­thing Mac-related with a cheap cam­phone and let the Mac-heads do their magic: TUAW and BYODKM.

Option #2 is hereby rec­om­mended. My lat­est shot didn’t make it to the top of my Most Polular-list, though. That spe­cial place is reserved for… A snap­shot of my Powerbook…

Well, that didn’t last long. The Mac mini shot is now the most popular…and will prob­a­bly con­tinue to be for the dura­tion of my time on Flickr…

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Polizeiticker Berlin

Polize­i­ticker Berlin (rss) — giv­ing ¸benhavns Poli­tis ¸gnrapport a run for its money.

Not nearly as fun as the Dan­ish one; basi­cally just assaults, rob­beries and traf­fic incidents.

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Flickr: The X-Berg Pool

Fun is to be had over at Flickr: The X-Berg Pool.

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Self-help; Business

All of us wannebe-hackers seem to find great joy in the fact, that every­thing in life is actu­ally hack­able; you can tweak your habits and your mind just as you can tweak your data­base or your OS of choice.

GTD, ‘hacker’-blogs and var­i­ous books on self-hacking is all the rage, and I cer­tainly have read my part from the almost oblig­a­tory list of must-reads.

Classy reports that Kom­mu­nika­tions­fo­rum now fea­tures RSS (which, just to prove his point that you can’t under­es­ti­mate the power of… trig­gered this very post as I was brows­ing by K-forum for the first time in ages), so I just dis­cov­ered their review of Blink.

All of this just to say, that while I enjoyed Blink (I read it on my way down here), enjoyed The Tip­ping Point (also by Glad­well) and have gained a good amount of pro­duc­tiv­ity by think­ing along the lines of GTD, I fell for the temp­ta­tion and bought The Now Habit — which I didn’t enjoy all that much.

It should be noted, that this might have some­thing to do with the fact, that it turned out I’m not a real pro­cras­ti­na­tor but just lazy, so the book wasn’t really for me. Nev­er­the­less, some­thing on the back of the book trig­gered some­thing I’ve been think­ing about for a while: Where do you draw the line between Self-help and good, ol-fashioned reality-hacking?

I enjoy mak­ing fun of the grow­ing self-help scene that has almost taken over the space of any Dan­ish book­store, rid­ing on the back of numer­ous tv-shows, turn­ing aver­age peo­ple into help­less babies, need­ing help for mov­ing in together, mov­ing out again, con­vert­ing an ugly gar­den into a just as ugly — but dif­fer­ent — gar­den, apply­ing wall­pa­per etc. etc. But maybe, just maybe, I some­times read books or weblogs that are just as bad?

What trig­gered my raec­tion was the rec­om­men­da­tion for plac­ing the book in the store, put on the back of the book by the pub­lisher: Self-help; Business.

This pretty much says it all. This blurry zone between psycho-babble and ‘busi­ness’ I don’t need. Explicit guide­lines for sort­ing infor­ma­tion, focus­ing on sys­tems rather than state-of-mind and what have you: Yes, please. Books on var­i­ous sub­jects that’s nice to know some­thing about and might improve your think­ing about cer­tain areas: Defi­nately. “Just say to yourself”-type books: No, thanks.

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[DK] AUX Audiograf #3 med Else Marie Pade

Glemte næsten:

AUX Audio­graf #3 finder sted den 4. august. Elek­tron­musik­pi­oner Else Marie Pade vil fortælle, hvor­dan hun udvælger lyde til sine kompositioner.

Kan ikke selv være til stede, men har haft fornøjelsen af at se Else Marie Pade et par gange. Don’t miss it!

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RAW workflow with iPhoto

Since I got my D70s I’ve been try­ing to find a decent solu­tion for still using iPhoto as the pri­mary show­box but unleash­ing the power of RAW (no, not the power of Ra although that is

a good tune).

Prob­lem is, while iPhoto offi­cially under­stands RAW now, it doesn’t seem to like the Nikon ver­sion (stan­dards, pleeeease). And if you start edit­ing (you can hook up Pho­to­shop as your edi­tor of choice), it doesn’t edit the orig­i­nal RAW, but starts destroy­ing the JPG it made for dis­play. Com­pres­sion, compression.

So I’ve pretty much ended up doing what this guy sug­gest:

Shoot a RAW and JPG combo (unfor­tu­nately the D70s will only let you have a basic qual­ity JPG), put the JPG’s in iPhoto for easy view­ing and keep your RAW’s some­where else, keep­ing their orig­i­nal name. When­ever you need to edit a good shot (say, some of the ones you rated high when doing a quick browse of your JPG’s), find the cor­re­spond­ing RAW-file, do your magic, export as TIFF or PSD and import those into iPhoto in a spe­cial album. If you’re strapped for stor­age space (lap­top users unite), remem­ber to trash your orig­i­nal JPG’s after you’ve done your backup as iPhoto copies every­thing anyway.

For con­ver­sion to B/W, I find this method pretty good.

If you can’t remem­ber if you did edit­ing, see if there’s a match in your Con­verted RAW album, if not go to your RAW-collection.

For now I think it’s the best of both worlds. The con­trol you have over your pho­tos in RAW, even if your a full-blown ama­teur like me, is silly-impressive — on the other hand it’s a bitch hav­ing to con­vert all your pho­tos (mean­ing 17MB+ a shot as well), so the good old-fashioned way of “putting a lot of JPG’s into iPhoto really quickly for easy brows­ing” is attractive.

It takes up a lit­tle more space on your mem­ory card and it is rec­om­mended to get a nice big fast one (or more). iPhoto, how­ever will make a JPG-copy any­way, so once they’re at your com­puter, it should be the same.

Flickr export is easy with the Flickr export plu­gin — a JPG is auto­mat­i­cally gen­er­ated from your huge TIFF’s dur­ing export.

Now all I need is some stor­age sys­tem where I won’t lose track of where I put my RAW files. One thing’s for sure, I’m run­ning out of space real soon.

Note to self: Look into pho­tog­ra­phy in bright, bright day­light — my pho­tos are all burned out highlights.

Note to oth­ers: Being in a coun­try with its own Ama­zon rocks. Ordered some pho­tog­ra­phy books last fri­day, they just got in the door, deliv­ered free of charge.

Update: Andreas has a good post (in Dan­ish) touch­ing on the same subject.

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