Feel like shoplifting

Remem­ber, if you don’t want to pay for your cds, steal them — don’t down­load them. It might feel uncom­fort­able when you get dragged out of the store by the local police, but it should pay off in the long run.

Related: I always feel like shoplift­ing tag­ging in Copen­hagen — more on that story at Flix (in Danish).

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Functional Specs

The guys over at 37signals are spot on again; Get­ting Real, Step 1: No Func­tional Spec (Sig­nal vs. Noise).

The “specs are really hard to make until you’re sort of halfway through the project” is a clas­sic, and while the ‘just don’t do it’-idea sounds attrac­tive, I’ve often expe­ri­enced (as men­tioned by oth­ers in the com­ments) that clients often wants some idea of scope (and espe­cially price) pretty early on in the pro­ces. So far I’ve man­aged to basi­cally just drag the spec-writing by div­ing straight in to build­ing inter­faces and func­tion­al­ity that I know is going to be there any­way, which usu­ally ends up being a far bet­ter way to start dis­cussing the final details. On the other hand, not all clients allow this to hap­pen. Either because they’re trigger-happy, basi­cally not smart enough to be in the software-buying-business or what­not. And while I usu­ally have a pretty good idea of what not to accept with regards to the final pric­ing, I kind of like get­ting some­thing down on paper so I don’t end up in the “well, we thought this was included in our agreement”-problem. Most clients accept that at some point, there’s sim­ply not more money — but again, this is quite nice to have on paper…

Part of the prob­lem defi­nately has to do with the fact, that I’m a small player, work­ing with clients more con­cerned with price and launch than a good, con­struc­tive process — and/or work­ing on projects where the actual spec work takes up a sub­stan­tial part of the total amount of work because of the project size. A good dia­logue goes a long way, but what to do when you can’t aim for the ideal solution?

I really like the idea of ‘mov­ing tar­gets’ as men­tioned in the com­ments; it’s the agile approach and often what every project ends up being any­way. Only prob­lem is, how do you struc­ture that process so every­one is happy and under­stands what’ going on?

I’d like to write more about work-realted issues as a free agent type of busi­ness; this is what this com­mu­ni­ca­tion thing should be all about. And who knows, maybe some day I’ll even sug­gest solu­tions instead of just ask­ing ques­tions. What do you say, how about mak­ing it a bit more per­sonal, share some of your expe­ri­ences, see if we can become bet­ter at what we do by, well, doing some of tthe other stuff we do?

Also, White­space men­tions another clas­sic; free­lancers tend not to spend any real amount of time on mar­ket­ing. Which, when I come to think about it, is stu­pid. And bor­ing. And I don’t like doing it. But I like when I have nice projects. Go figure…

Blogging, Web Development
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Art? Phenomenon? Thief?


Two things I really enjoy; Lego and iPods. And now it’s a lim­ited edi­tion art piece as well. And while pretty cool, I’m feel­ing that maybe the Apple craze has gone a bit over the top. Sure, we keep telling each other that once you get peo­ple to talk about your prod­ucts you’re there, you’ve made it. And we try to sell them weblog solu­tions to make the dia­logue hap­pen and mar­vel at their cool­ness. On the other hand, we are sup­posed to be crit­i­cal con­sumers as well — and maybe we’re not doing our selves any favours by wor­ship­ping every piece of well-designed plas­tic to come out of Cuper­tino. I don’t know..

But, it’s not all fun and games. This cute-looking piece of art might fuel an Apple-craze among some, among oth­ers I’m sure it’s just a mat­ter of “yet another black guy steal­ing some portable play­ing device and parad­ing it around in a park that used to be ours”.

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[DK] Sprog-gener

I dagens Børsen kan man læse en anmeldelse af Dansk Industri’s På jagt efter iværk­sæt­ter­genet. Anmeldelsen og bogens ind­hold er ikke emnet her, det er der­i­mod bogens titel. Jeg er træt, så umådelig træt, af at høre ‘gener’ lem­pet ind over­alt. Det er udtryk for sprog­ligt armod, mis­visende og irriterende. Og selvom det sikkert er opstået i et vel­ment forsøg på at inklud­ere nyopdaget viden som vi alle sam­men jo ved alt om, anty­der bru­gen af ‘gener’ over­alt noget lidt andet; man har ikke fat­tet noget som helst…

Den mind­ste psykiske ska­vank “lig­ger nok i gen­erne” og lysten til at skråle med højt og længe, så snart en pop­sild bræger på en af de utal­lige kom­mer­cielle ‘flade’-orienterede sta­tioner “lig­ger helt sikkert i gen­erne”, siger man og fniser ind­forstået og trækker vejret gen­nem sin Look100. Havde salig Højholt lavet Gitte-monologer i disse dage, ville Susanne nok have fået en tilsvarende fork­lar­ing, og vi ville have grint og hus­ket, at den vend­ing skulle man nok holde sig fra, og hvor var det godt set og hvor­dan kan folk dog også finde på at sige sådan noget vrøvl, det har jo intet med gener at gøre.

Og når bøger om iværk­sæt­tere, der forhåbentlig inde­bærer bare en smule opfind­somhed, så bærer titler spun­det om dumheder, fla­gende med sin uopfin­somhed, så synes jeg måske godt lige man kunne…

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TV nostalgia: Colt Sieverts


A Ger­man (almost) his­tory les­son for the week­end: Ein Colt für alle ¤lle. When I was a kid, this guy and his two friends were on Ger­man national tv a lot. Big trucks (with a secret com­part­ment for hid­ing the blonde girl dur­ing mis­sions), rocket-backpacks, and lots of action — all of it with Ger­man dubbing.

The story of the stunt­man (whose real name is Colt Seavers, but try telling that to kids watch­ing the show every day in Ger­man) with a bounty hunter-hobby and trusty side­kicks is rumoured to be made into a film starring…George Clooney! More info in this Dan­ish site — where the vis­i­tors seem to share my expe­ri­ence thatt good old Colt maybe is German.

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Flickr camblogging

In between server crashes, I’ve man­aged to switch to Flickr for cam­blog­ging. So far, so good — expect pos­si­ble cam­phone weird­ness, site incon­sistin­cies and lay­out trouble.

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I’ve been watch­ing the devel­op­ing story on trackback-spam in hor­ror (it’s in to be scared these days, remem­ber) recently, think­ing of what to do. I like track­backs so the easy “just cut’em” solu­tion didn’t seem attrac­tive, how­ever — this is what have been done. Not by me, but by my host. Iron­i­cally, the server crashed just as I tried to log in to close all track­backs on old entries and set the default to ‘no’ on new entries. Ide­ally, you would have mod­er­ated track­backs but this doesn’t lower the server load I guess…

Any­way, my host under­standibly got really tired of hav­ing do deal with the MT-fuckers, so he just killed mt-tb.cgi — which seems to be the only decent solu­tion for now. These days, when some­one geeky enough to own a server uses the phone to con­tact you, you know something’s wrong.

What to do? Change of plat­form, new weapons to fight off the pings of evil?

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Bandwidth limit

Jesus, with an URL like this japanese-teens.netfirms.com/thumbnails.html, how can you expect to suc­ceed with a traf­fic quota like this:

The web­site you have requested has exceeded its daily band­width quota of 56MB and has been tem­porar­ily de-activated.


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RTFM — lesson learned

Today’s les­son: When your lat­est phone won’t act as a blue­tooth modem, don’t let that bug you for months while you take a shot at it once in a while, while think­ing the son of a bitch will never work.

Instead, check with your oper­a­tor what GPRS con­nec­tion point you should really use (it worked with your last phone, but you know what: You prob­a­bly for­got all about that) and then read the fuck­ing man­ual for the modem scripts you’ve downloaded.

Some­times it takes an upcom­ing 5h train­ride to get stuff like that sorted out. Which reminds me: I’m going to Ham­burg — some­thing I should check out while there? Hints appreciated.

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[DK] Valgvideoer

Efter at have set Kryd­sild på DR i går aftes, er jeg nu lidt i vil­drede. Mens de Radikales val­gvideo sikkert ikke var det mest gen­nemtænkte spin­stunt (ikke fordi den var tåbe­lig, men fordi point­erne er spildt på den brede befolkn­ing og ikke var præsen­teret videre klart), undrer det mig stadig hvor meget tumult der kom i køl­van­det. Jeg mener, DF’s val­gvideo er da mere prob­lema­tisk idet den ikke blot er en hån mod almin­deligt tænk­ende men­nesker på ind­holdssi­den, men også er en god, gam­meldags, syn­gende kind­hest til alle, der nogensinde har sat fod i en biograf.

Ældre i fokus? Jo, tak. De har tydeligvis både pro­duc­eret videoen og spillet musikken. Tag et kig — det er spas…

Update: Hos Pejk kan man læse, at val­gvideoen ikke er lavet — som jeg troede — af et seniorhold i ter­apien, men af Casper Thorsøe. Pejk anbe­faler man benyt­ter tilbud­det om døgnservice til at fortælle, hvad man synes om fil­men, men fÃ¥r kam til sit hÃ¥r over tele­fo­nen med beske­den “det er lige­meget om man kan lide poelsen eller ej”; pro­duk­ter er pølser er ikke vigtigt, jo.

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Multimap with geotagged blogs

Great. Clagnut posts that Mul­timap now har­vest geo­tag infor­ma­tion and is adding blogs to its maps. Take a look at the book­marklets at clagnut.com — nifty stuff; on a blog with geo­t­ags, click to see a map of the area with links to sur­round­ing bloggers.

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[DK] Din bank vinder — altid

Den berømte 50-øre, val­gflæsk, protes­tak­tion, griskhed, flip-floppin landbetjent/økonomiminister, civil uly­dighed, sjov og spas. Glem det: Bankerne er smartere (og, indrøm­met, sjo­vere) end som så. Morten havde en sær­præget oplevelse, da han forsøgte at gøre sit i den gode sags tjen­este: Se selv.

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[DK] Budskaber uden lyd

Er jeg den eneste, der ikke helt forstår for­målet med ‘fjern lyden’-knappen på de Kon­ser­v­a­tives ellers fancy flash-banner annon­cer? Indrøm­met, de giver bedre mening på den måde, men kultur-brian ser altså skæg ud, når han i fulkom­men stil­hed blinker med øjnene og håber på min stemme.

Tillægsspørgsmål: Hvad er den midter­ste gen­stand på denne side? Det øver­ste er fine kuglepenne, det ned­er­ste resto­plaget af ordens­magtens forsøg på at blive ung med folket med en ‘cap’, men det midter­ste? Læbestift? Cam­ou­flages­tift? Peberspray?


Temporary feed redirect

It’s been a while since I’ve done a ‘it won’t be long before some­thing amaz­ing hap­pens on this blog’, so to not dis­ap­point any­one, I’ve tem­porar­ily redi­rected requests for my rss-feed to my Feed­Burner–feed which is spliced with my del.ico.us-bookmarks.

I’ve men­tioned it before and hoped that I got round to do some splic­ing of my own to get camblog/sideblog feeds in there as well, but for now I’ll set­tle with just tak­ing a look at the sta­tis­tics of the blog feed.

I’ve done a
Redirect temp /blog/index.rdf http://feeds.feedburner.com/pollasatom

which I hope is cor­rect pro­ce­dure (I’m a .htac­cess ama­teur for those of you who haven’t guessed it). Don’t sub­scribe to the feed just yet, things might change.

Blogging, Pollas.dk, Syndication
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Talking Heads-cast

Andreas informs us that TV2 will be air­ing reallife.log, a two-minutes-per-head-a-day type show with per­sonal sto­ries soon. I think he’s absolutely right, that vide­ologs on tv is a strange con­cept, that the per­sonal pub­lish­ing bit is inter­est­ing and that most of it will be talk­ing heads on tape.

What’s inter­est­ing about weblogs is not that peo­ple all of a sud­den can pub­lish on the web (they’ve had that pos­si­bil­ity for years), but that it got a whole lot eas­ier when blog­ging tools emerged, that blogs share a for­mat, that there’s no limit and that it’s easy to sub­scribe to — and con­sume when­ever you want. The per­sonal aspect (which TV2 empha­sizes) is the only bit left and while defi­nately inter­est­ing (DR has done it sev­eral times, hand­ing out DV-cameras and using the tapes as an ongo­ing ‘while we wait for the next show’-thing) it doesn’t really do jus­tice to the blog for­mat and the com­mod­ity hard­ware fuelling the scene.

Enough bitch­ing. It’s practice-what-you-preach-year: How about the Dan­ish blo­gos­phere did a com­pet­ing show, ‘aired’ at the same time, but with a slight change in con­cept. No air­ing, no rules, no lim­its in par­tic­i­pants or posts per day. Just one sin­gle site pick­ing of all the stuff, pod­cast­ing it to the peo­ple. Maybe the two-minute for­mat could be inter­est­ing (sim­i­lar shaped chunks), I don’t know…

I don’t even have a DV-cam, but any cam­phone should work…

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[DK] Die Dänische Volkspartei

Uha. Af grunde jeg ikke kan fork­lare (gæt­ter på for­doms­fuld­hed og angst for det fremmede), bliver jeg lidt bange, når jeg læser Pia Kjærs­gaards tyske udgave af par­tipræsen­ta­tio­nen (DF bruger frames, who would’ve thought):

Ich freue mich, Ihnen das Grund­satzpro­gramm der Dänis­chen Volkspartei vorzustellen.

Unser Grund­satzpro­gramm basiert wie bisher auf unserer warmherzi­gen, dur­chaus national geprägten Gesinnung.

Wir von der Dänis­chen Volkspartei sind stolz auf Däne­mark. Wir lieben unser Vater­land und empfinden eine his­torische Verpflich­tung, unser Land, unser Volk und das dänis­che Erbe zu schützen und zu bewahren.

Zu dieser Verpflich­tung gehört die Notwendigkeit des Vorhal­tens wirk­samer Stre­itkräfte wie auch der Gewährleis­tung sicherer, geschützter Gren­zen. Nur in einem freien Däne­mark kann sich die Nation im Sinne des Volkes weiterentwickeln.

Den findes på en del andre sprog også. God stil. Sære tegn klares pr. pdf.


[DK] Sund og rask DF’er

Bedst som man tror Ekstra Bladet har fået vin­klet en his­to­rie lige lovlig meget — og lig­e­gyldigt (rygtet vil vide, trods solid intol­er­ance, at ikke alle DF’er er skingre racis­ter med angst for brunt) — får Hans Kris­t­ian Skibby (med neger-blod i årerne, forstås) udtalt:

Det lig­ger i gen­erne. Og jeg har fået at vide, at vi helt ud til 1/32 del kan få børn med negroide træk. Men jeg synes ikke, jeg kan mærke det i blodet. Jeg er sund og rask.

Pyha. Red­det fra den brune syge med nød og næppe. Selvom man er stolt og ikke spor flov over at have ekso­tiske for­fæ­dre, er det nu meget rart man ikke lige­frem fejler noget. Få ham nu lige DNA-tjekket alligevel. Sådan bare fore­byggende. Det lig­ger til dem, det der kriminalitet.

Man aner chan­cen for et ekstra mulepose-design.

¥ er den der: Mule­pose, Lim­ited Hans Kris­t­ian Skibby Edi­tion.


[DK] Sportshaller med folk i

Fra Ud & Se:

Alle dem jeg har spillet hånd­bold med, de er stadigvæk i miljøet. Så skal de lige se ynglin­gene spille, og så skal de lige have en toast, og så bliver de, for nu løber her­rerne på banen. På den måde, selvom de er på min alder eller ældre, går de stadigvæk til hånd­bold uden at gøre det. [Rene Nielsen]

Lige i skabet.

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[DK] Kære lyd-internet

Ville det ikke bare være super, hvis unsignede bands og musikere kunne blive pod­castet til den brede danske befolkn­ing? Jeg får sjældent tjekket op på de forskel­lige sites med ny musik til down­load, men en ‘nyt fra danske upcom­ing acts’-playlist ville jeg med glæde synce med min iPod. Hvem ved, måske kunne man opdage noget godt.

Det er næppe nogen ny ide, men jeg kan ikke finde noget nogen steder. Forskel­lige typer kunne være ‘virtuelt plade­sel­skab pod­caster alt hvad de har’, ‘musik­skribent laver et rigtigt program/sammensætter sin pod­cast ud fra en ide’ osv.


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Live from Cafe Lucca, Kold­ing: My rec­om­men­da­tions for Cam­paign­Mon­i­tor.

One of my clients wanted to start send­ing out newslet­ters, 4–6 every year, show­cas­ing their work and prod­ucts. I’ve been in trou­ble with newslet­ters before; home­made sys­tems have crashed, actual list­servers seemed a bit tricky if the client didn’t want to man­age stuff via email etc. etc. Every­thing below 500 recip­i­ents should be pos­si­ble to do using Out­look or some­thing along those lines, but then you have the whole unsub­scrib­ing issue, lack of stats and dif­fi­cul­ties cre­at­ing the con­tent properly.

Cam­paign­Mon­i­tor to the res­cue. They claim to focus on web devel­op­ers want­ing a good fea­ture set for their clients and they’ve got an inter­est­ing deal going on: You pay $5 as a startup fee for each cam­paign you send out and one cent per recip­i­ent. First of all, it’s a good prod­uct and easy to man­age even if you’re not a web devel­oper (the thing here is sim­ply that it’s easy to offer this ser­vice using their web appli­ca­tion), but the pric­ing struc­ture is kind of inter­est­ing as well. Obvi­ously, if you have thou­sands of recip­i­ents and send out stuff fre­quently it’ll quickly get rather expen­sive. But for the small com­pany want­ing to focus on con­tent and not pay­ing for some­thing they might not use, it’s a sweet deal. Espe­cially because of the features.

The inter­face is sim­ple and ele­gant (Base­camp style), you can give your clients (if you run them through your account) access to the detailed graphic reports via your own sub­do­main (Base­camp style), put signup forms on your own page (Base­camp style) and you always have detailed infor­ma­tion on click-rates, unsub­scribed adresses, bounces and sta­tis­tics over time at your hand. Pow­er­ful shit. A day after we sent out the cam­paign, we can track down impor­tant recip­i­ents and see how they reacted to the cam­paign, see how many mails are opened at this time etc., giv­ing my client a solid knowl­edge base to build future cam­pagns on.

All in all a great prod­uct with good pos­si­bil­i­ties for pre­view­ing your con­tent, test send the actual cam­paign and export the reports. I’ve men­tioned Base­camp a cou­ple of times which isn’t a coin­ci­dence; I only know of Cam­paign­Mon­i­tor because of a prod­uct plug over at Sig­nal vs. Noise. Oh, the power of sharing.…

And now back to real life in Kold­ing where the weather’s hor­ri­ble, the wifi-access expen­sive and the girls far from pretty — but where you can charge your lap­top while sip­ping coffee.

Web Development

[DK] Dagens citat

“Du styrer Mogens Lykketoft med pile­tasterne” — I KNEW IT!

[fra de slipse­bærende ynglinge ovre hos VU] (ok, det var umod­ent, men jeg stem­mer lis­som noget andet, mkay?)

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Moviestar, oh moooooviestar.…

While lunch­ing I watched the 12 o’clock news from DR and sud­denly dis­cov­ered some of my work. I’ve been help­ing spinnesiden.dk, try­ing to clean up the hor­ri­ble GoLive-generated tag soup, ajust the lay­out a bit, set­ting up Word­Press etc. It’s nowhere near per­fect as we didn’t have much time (and I’m buried in client work), the point how­ever, is that I just man­aged to per­suade a diehard GoLive user and a web pub­lish­ing new­bie to cre­ate all new con­tent using a text edi­tor. Clean code com­ing up. On the down­side, no form of CMS is used, leav­ing the blog as the only sec­tion with rss.

The fea­ture on the news started by men­tion­ing, that two web­sites are mon­i­tor­ing the spin dur­ing the Dan­ish elec­tion. Unfor­tu­nately, for some rea­son the never got around to men­tion more than one site. As a ser­vice, I’ll take a qual­i­fied guess at spinkontrol.dk. They are the ones doing the mon­i­tor­ing bit, while spinnesiden.dk are more focused on the com­mu­ni­ca­tion aspects, a lot of it on a the­o­ret­i­cal level. Or so I hear, I’m just the ‘I’ll code for dou­ble espres­soes at weird hours’-guy.

Also: Lis­beth Klas­trup is blog­ging on the weblog aspect of the elec­tion and got picked up by Poli­tiken. Yay!

Web Development
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This is cool: Skate video ‘Adapt’ from Stolen Moments; a 23 min­utes DVD-quality free down­load. Which you should go down­load. Right now.

Beau­ti­ful imagery, great music and trick skat­ing I’m not sure I would even have the guts to watch in real life. Great qual­ity, crisp cut­ting — obvi­ously a lot of atten­tion has gone into mak­ing slick con­nec­tions between image and sound; tricks are exe­cuted on the beat, replays are artis­ticly done using over­lays, reverse play etc. and the sound of wheels on asphalt and what­not is present through­out, giv­ing a good feel­ing of tex­ture while lis­ten­ing to the nice music.

I have no idea what the aver­age qual­ity level is in prod­c­tions on this scene, but I have a feel­ing this is pretty damn good. The chances of me buy­ing a skat­ing video are pretty low (as my brief affair with inline-skating turned out to look like a rolling death wish), but there you go; the won­ders of the inter­web — I’ve just spent hours down­load­ing the beast and 23 min­utes watch­ing it. So I imag­ine the cre­ator reaches a lot of peo­ple he wouldn’t have otherwise.

One major com­plaint, though. Adapt is waaay to short. [via Loud­Think­ing]

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Clearing up confusion about the Mac mini

Clear­ing up con­fu­sion about the Mac mini (the Unof­fi­cial Apple Weblog :

Yes, it will boot head­less, mean­ing with no dis­play or video device connected.

While it is strongly rec­om­mended that you only have an Apple Auther­ized Ser­vice Provider crack it open and
install RAM, hard dri­ves, Air­port and Blue­tooth, it will NOT void your war­ranty if you do it your­self. As is stan­dard oper­at­ing pro­ce­dure, how­ever, any­thing you break while attempt­ing any­thing on your own is not Apple’s responsibility.


The rea­son the TOP of the Mac mini doesn’t glow and pulse (this is my only gripe so far) is that there wasn’t
enough room to light it once the opti­cal drive went in :)

Which con­cludes today’s les­son: Go get one.

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@media 2005


Good stuff: A nice con­fer­ence fea­tur­ing good speak­ers, a rel­e­vant focus (to peo­ple like me) and it’s not that far away. @media 2005 in Lon­don, my favourite city. It just might be an oppur­tu­nity to get some busi­ness trav­el­ling under my belt.

Other Danes are con­tem­plat­ing a reg­u­lar out­ing (via k9k) — sounds good (not sure about that boat-thing, though — it’s two addi­tional days of work lost to a tacky bar). Any­one wanna come?

Web Development
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