BLEEP — Digital Downloads from Warp Records

BLEEP — Dig­i­tal Down­loads from Warp Records is finally here. Oh joy.

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XML weather

Btw: While it’s rel­a­tively easy to get xml weather feeds with US/UK weather, I haven’t found any Dan­ish equiv­a­lents. DMI wants DKR 400,- ex. VAT pr. quar­ter — which I’m not too keen on pay­ing. Does any­one know of any free feeds?


Messy templates

Mess­ing with tem­plates — stand back. Apolo­gies in advance…

Doug Engelbart on mouse buttons

Doug Engel­bart on mouse but­tons:

We set­tled on three. That’s all we could fit. Now the three-button mouse has become stan­dard, except for the Mac. Steve Jobs insisted on only one but­ton. We haven’t spo­ken much since then.

Price­less. [via Com­monMe]

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I’m afraid — ban anything!

What’s going on in this world? Now Dan­ish media has picked up on the British story that cam­phones (3G in par­tic­u­lar for some rea­son) will prove a threat to chil­dren per­suaded to pho­to­graph them­selves and send the images off to pae­dophiles. And while this of course isn’t to be ignored, I’m sick and tired of the clas­sic, instant reac­tion of our times: Ban it! Chil­dren under the age of 18 shouldn’t be allowed to pur­chase this tech­nol­ogy (actu­ally, I’m look­ing for­ward to see how the big tel­cos will han­dle that; los­ing their biggest mar­ket while try­ing to be polit­i­cally cor­rect). Just as largest Dan­ish telco TDC had to make it clear, that their prod­ucts wasn’t to be used as instru­ments of bul­ly­ing fel­low class mem­bers. Sur­prise, surprise.

Dan Hon, ext|circ has a similar-sounding post: Burn the witch:

1. Child porn is evil and bad (not dis­puted in any way at all).
2. Tele­phones let pae­dophiles order porn using credit cards.
3. Actu­ally, credit cards let pae­dophiles order porn.
4. Cam­eras let pae­dophiles take pic­tures.
5. In fact, some­times porn is printed on paper.

In related news: Gutenberg’s bones were dug up today and cer­e­mo­ni­ally hung when it was dis­cov­ered that his inven­tion of the print­ing press enabled pae­dophiles to be billed for the porn they ordered.

Good news is, pres­i­dent of Red Bar­net Mimi Jacob­sen was inter­viewed this morn­ing, say­ing I don’t really believe in ban­ning evey­thing.

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More on blog comment spam — doesn’t look good

Squawks of the Par­rot: Like crap, falling from the sky. Some­one wrote an auto­mated com­ment spam­mer for Mov­able Type, forc­ing blog­gers with more traf­fic than the rest of us to turn off com­ments on older posts, older posts maybe not get­ting the chance to become that old… I’m still on the “Don’t give up team”, keep­ing con­ver­sa­tions alive is utterly impor­tant, but I have to admit, this i shite.

On the other hand, a sim­ple Tur­ing test shouldn’t really pose a real prob­lem to com­menters if the UI is right; slap the image just above the input fields — they’re gonna have to input some text any­way. And though I’m well aware (pre­vi­ous post) that this could become the next McJob, it should keep some of them from doing their thing. Or what?

Any­way, spam isn’t all bad:

Travel and fly on planes under any name!

Get job at preschool if con­victed molester!

(This is not spam. You signed up as Arab decent per­son look­ing for new iden­tity infor­ma­tion for new mission.)

(via Rel­e­vant His­tory)

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Speed test: G4/1 GHz iBook vs G4/1 GHz PowerBook

C.K. of 3650 and a 12-inch fame on the Speed­Zone duel show­ing lit­tle dif­fer­ence in hard­core pro­cess­ing abil­ity: Oh, yeah? Well my 867mhz first gen 12-inch is miss­ing all its feet! So there…

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File access

Every­one is get­ting more mobile, but what to do with all your files? Dan­ish Amitech just announced Home­Cen­ter, an easy-to-use file server for your home. Var­i­ous wifi-enabled hard dri­ves exist on the mar­ket as well. Or how about Tune­sAt­Work, OS X soft­ware for access­ing your iTunes music col­lec­tion from any­where. I guess some­thing sim­i­lar but not demand­ing either OS X or iTunes must exist. Seems as if it needs eg. WinAmp to stream files anyway.

I’m think­ing of build­ing my own litle server using a Mini-ITX board and cus­tom cas­ing. I’ll let you know how I get along. Any must-have soft­ware for a per­sonal file/web-server?

Update: Hartvig reminds me of Samba — and Matt Croy­don of post­neo posts a link to The Guide to a Linux iTunes Server

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Living is…

…hav­ing your strong as hell lattes accom­pa­nied by free wifi access and iTunes play­ing your newly ripped-from-vinyl “Latino Vir­gins” drum’n’bass track.


Pumpin elektroclash featuring chicks with powertools. Bullet proof concept: Benn001/ PowerTool Movie

Pumpin elek­tro­clash fea­tur­ing chicks with pow­er­tools. Bul­let proof con­cept: Benn001/ Pow­er­Tool Movie

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Subscribing to OPML — get that RSS rolling

It’s all hap­pen­ing at Dawe Winer’s. The Who sub­scribes to my feed thing is a nice idea, more pow­er­ful, though, is the idea of sub­scrib­ing to OPML files.

Imag­ine Jenny the Librar­ian man­ag­ing a set of librar­ian feeds for pro­gram­mers. Or Tae­gan God­dard keep­ing a set of polit­i­cal feeds for peo­ple who want to watch all the cam­paigns. Script­ing News: 1/8/2004

I’m still wait­ing for the big RSS rev­o­lu­tion. Last year I started preach­ing a bit, but didn’t really put enough of an effort into it. That’s gotta change. RSS is pow­er­ful and for all of us using it, nearly impos­si­ble not to have. To a point where I don’t really read sites with­out them. In the last cou­ple of days I’ve found quite a lot of really inter­est­ing blogs … that I already know I’ll for­get in a day or two. Which is a shame.

What we need is feeds on all the blog­ging tools, some sort of stan­dard help text on those stu­pid, orange XML but­tons which con­tinue to puz­zle non-techies and a cen­tral (or at least just rea­son­able) “What is an aggre­ga­tor and where can I find one” page (I know of a few, but we still all need to make some use of them). And maybe the styling of the XML-files them­selves so that they don’t come up as com­ple gib­ber­ish would be an idea to implement.

All this just to say, that for RSS and OPML to become truly use­ful, we need to get every­one to use it. Email wouldn’t be fun either, if only the techies had access. Sub­scrib­ing to trusted people’s OPML is hard to explain when RSS, aggre­ga­tors etc. have to be intro­duced at the same time. RSS preach­ers, any suggestions?
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Man is suing his cable company for making his wife fat and his kids lazy. “I believe that the reason I smoke and drink every day and my wife is overweight is because we watched TV every day for the last four years”

Man is suing his cable com­pany for mak­ing his wife fat and his kids lazy. “I believe that the rea­son I smoke and drink every day and my wife is over­weight is because we watched TV every day for the last four years“

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TV2 is moblogging

Dan­ish national tele­vi­sion is offer­ing a moblog ser­vice. Could very well be the move to spread the moblog­ging con­cept to a wider audi­ence. In any case, now it’s defi­nately mainstream

Update: They even got RSS feeds. Why not check out mad­man comic Geo’s feed? (no images in the feeds, though)

Btw: I know I’ve been a bad blog­ger. Apolo­gies. Too much work. Will return soon. Happy new year, everyone.


Johnny Cash: Desperado / Monkey on a horse flash tribute. Excellent!

Johnny Cash: Des­per­ado / Mon­key on a horse flash trib­ute. Excellent!

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Vesterbro vinyl online

Good news: Copeland is now online!


Is Mr. Smithers gay?

Is Mr. Smithers gay?

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Kings of Leon concert

Went to the sold out Kings of Leon con­cert at Lop­pen last night. They went on stage pretty late and the whole thing was over in about 40 min­utes. Heavy applause didn’t make them come back, instead the light came on… But what 40 min­utes it was! Good sound at the venue, loads of happy peo­ple hav­ing a huge party and a tight, cow­boy style set of good rock. They played most of the songs from their record, Youth and Young Man­hood (which I hereby rec­om­mend), and kept the pace all the way. All in all a good experience.

Frekvens posts a link to an arti­cle in the Guardian: The hell­fire keeps on burn­ing.

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Click for thumbnail…

Blog­fo­rum atten­dees Flix has posted an arti­cle. The front page has a strange fea­ture; when you click at the forced-enlarged blurry image, you get the orig­i­nal sized one…


Adios Comments — from the .NET guy

The .NET Guy is say­ing “Adios Com­ments”, so is a lot of other peo­ple, tired of com­ment spam and con­vinced that the tools for fight­ing it won’t suf­fice. I’ve men­tioned it before and while I have to admit that I too believe we haven’t seen the worst part yet (and that we have to get used to it ) I’m not too pleased with the fact, that blog­gers world­wide are shut­ting down com­ments and track­backs. It’s one of the things that makes blog­ging worth­while, hav­ing the pos­si­bil­ity to host inter­est­ing dis­cus­sions. I would prob­a­bly sur­vive even if I didn’t have com­ments, but if I can find some way of mak­ing it bear­able to fight spam, I defi­nately will. Spam­mers will do to blog­ging what they’ve done to email? Prob­a­bly true, it’s a pain in the ass — but we’re still using email, right…?!

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Save the HREFs

While con­tin­u­ing my incre­men­tal live updat­ing of this blog, I finally got around to try­ing to do some­thing about the highly annoy­ing REFC delim­iter val­i­da­tion errors that have been bug­ging me since I started with MT. It’s all about char­ac­ter escap­ing — no sur­prises there — but for some rea­son MT doesn’t encode URIs when sav­ing posts. SafeHref to the res­cue! A nifty con­tainer tag, where you just spec­ify that you wants your urls “safe” — and that’s it. A few tweaks here and there around the site and it all val­i­dates. No, really. I even did a few bad hacks to the google­hits and MTre­f­er­ers scripts sup­plied by code mas­ter Dalager, mak­ing the links pass the val­ida­tor as hot but­ter. Now I’m afraid to get caught by the PHP police, though… Still need to check my markup for mean­ing but once I fin­ish, I’ll try to look into the var­i­ous plu­g­ins for MT and list the ones I find par­tic­u­lar use­ful. Some good stuff out there, which ones can’t you live without?

Web Development
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Belkin iPod Voice Recorder

I’ve bitched about the miss­ing mic option on the new iPods before, but totally for­got to post the link to the Belkin iPod Voice Recorder. Nice one. Sorted.

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Does Madonna have the right to tell you how to dispose of your jeans?

Does Madonna have the right to tell you how to dis­pose of your jeans? From the way Time Warner, the Gap stores, and eBay are act­ing, you’d think she does

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Standard compliance with ASP.NET around the corner

ScottGu’s Blog: Next ASP.NET mile­stone to offer stan­dard com­pli­ant XHTML. Hooray, at last, yummy, yahooooo — or “maybe the back­end peo­ple won’t screw my pre­cious markup up any­more, then”. Great news. [via WaSP]

Web Development

Warp Records to launch pay-per-track MP3 service

Elec­tronic record label Warp Records is launch­ing in Decem­ber 2003, offer­ing their whole back cat­a­logue as well as any new releases to come as pay-per-track down­laods. No pro­pri­etary soft­ware will be needed to download.

Great news — and nice to see one of the most inter­est­ing record labels out there doing their bit for the cause. Hope­fully, the money will actu­ally get into the pock­ets of the artist…

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Flash site created “live”

Flash site cre­ated “live“

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