
Doing some updates on the blog, so bear with me while I’m get­ting every­thing into place. Loads of but­tons etc. not work­ing at the moment — I started off with the lay­out, so now it’s up there with­out the cod­ing to back it up ;-) Also, Lars updates, test­ing Type­Pad and Lizet has made s nice port­fo­lio site. And by the way: Psy­cho­sium is offer­ing a dan­ish pro­duced PDF mag­a­zine, five issues up so far.



It’s been a while. Not because of hol­i­day or time off, on the con­trary… I’m being a busy geezer, try­ing to get loads of work done in order to take a cou­ple of days off before the snow sets in. But I just stum­bled across an inter­est­ing lit­tle thing: Cph­Blog. And you guessed it; a blog writ­ten by peo­ple in the lovely city of Cph. I’ll try and get my act together and fin­ish the cod­ing and design of my own blog, as well as set­ting up the long-promised moblog sort of soon-ish…

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Digital shoplifting

Accord­ing to BBC Japan­ese book­stores are launch­ing a nation­wide cam­paign to stop what they call infor­ma­tion theft. Teenagers are tak­ing pic­tures of mag­a­zine cov­ers etc. to dis­cuss var­i­ous lifestyle issues — the pub­lish­ers fear they are miss­ing out on pos­si­ble sales. Even­though dig­i­tal cam­eras have been here for some years now, the real issues regard­ing pub­lic pho­tog­ra­phy first arise when peo­ple are car­ry­ing them prac­ti­cally every­where, all the time. I’m sure more prob­lems will sur­face as the cam­phones become more com­mon, some of them prob­a­bly chang­ing the way we think about copy­right, pri­vacy etc. for­ever. But all in all, get­ting all our gear wear­able and online is damn cool ;-)

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Feed­De­mon beta is here — go download…


Finding wireless access in Denmark

Is there any proper lists of open net­works in den­mark any­where? I know of a few, but they just include the hotspot at Copen­hagen Air­port… I’m going to Kold­ing tomor­row — any­one know of a spot to get access?

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RSS on all BBC News indexes

Good news! Black­beltjones reports of the BBC (good old BBC, if it’s good enough for the queen mom then it’s good enough for me) RSS’ing all their news indexes. Bril­liant! Now I come to think of it, Hoe­jberg did a post once, claim­ing that DR (the dan­ish equiv­a­lent to the BBC) should have done the same… Won­der if it’s true… Any­way, defi­nately the way to go… [via Boing­Bo­ing]

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… And back again

Been down for a while. Moved to yet another host, this time I’m stay­ing. Got some stuff planned design– and fea­ture wise, so this tem­po­rary design will have to do for a cou­ple of days — just wanted to re-surface, hop­ing that I’m not per­ma­nently removed from news aggre­ga­tors etc. I’m aim­ing at full Xhtml 1.0 Strict com­pli­ance and have started imple­ment­ing some of the code. Apart from the main index though, every­thing is pretty much hor­ri­ble. I apologize.

reboot was a blast, it felt weird not being able to blog at this site dur­ing the event, and a lot of inter­est­ing things are going on in these weeks, so I’m glad to be back. More thoughts on reboot later, check out the excel­lent speak­ers from the reboot video site ’till then.

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Back again

I think I man­aged to move the files to the new server all­right. It appears to be work­ing, but I had to get rid of some of the lit­tle ASP-functions around the site. I’ll be replac­ing them with PHP ver­sions as I go through the code of the site… which is going to hap­pen soon. If you find any bugs, please mail me.


Host change

I’m going to change the host on pollas.dk later today. I’m not exactly sure when and how, and in a cou­ple of hours I’ll be away from my com­puter so I won’t be able to sort it all out imme­di­atly. So the site might crash later today, email accounts too, so in case you need to con­tact me, please use my com­pany address, anders@geezer.dk.

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News aggregator synching

Inter­est­ing com­ments added to this post by Jeremy Zawodny. He men­tions a prob­lem becom­ing increas­ingly annoy­ing to me, the lack of syn­chro­niza­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties between dif­fer­ent installs of aggre­ga­tors on dif­fer­ent machines. But what d’ya know — Brent Sim­mons of Ranchero is work­ing on this exact issue and even bet­ter, he’s plan­ning on work­ing with other devel­op­ers, allow­ing synch­ing between dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions. Damn, that’s the spirit.


A guide to the A-list bloggers

Quite funny Sim­ple Guide to the A-List Blog­gers. [lifted from Roland Tanglao’s Weblog]

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Rebuilding MT indexes

Found this excel­lent post by Jeremy Zawodny explain­ing how to get your indexes rebuilt when Track­Backs are posted to your blog. The thing is, if you’re not too fond of pop­ups (which I’m not, I killed mine some months ago), you’re prob­a­bly using Sim­pleCom­ments or some­thing sim­i­lar, inte­grat­ing your Track­Backs into your ordi­nary tem­plates. But as you then no longer use the stan­dard Track­Back tem­plate, your Track­Backs aren’t being mon­i­tored. Indexes don’t get rebuilt by default when you’re pinged, so you end up with miss­ing Track­Backs. And that we can’t have. Some hack­ery exist already, but this is the typ­i­cal “goes miss­ing when you upgrade”-scenario; here you have a command-line script you can acti­vate from a cron job. Superb! Reminds me, I need to get off this stu­pid MS host. Must.change.host.soon…

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News aggregator happiness

Some pleas­ant news: Shrook, an RSS reader for OS X. It’s look­ing mighty fine — I’m giv­ing it a go side-by-side with Net­NewsWire. SharpReader is out in ver­sion 0.91. Var­i­ous bug fixes and my favourite: Space­bar moves to next unread item. Been miss­ing that since Fee­dReader. Also, Feed­De­mon should be out soon. It’s an RSS reader/organizer from the guy behind Top­Style and Home­Site. Rumour has it that some nice, inven­tive fea­tures are in there. Unfor­tu­nately, I can’t remem­ber what they are or where I read it…

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Upgraded Movable Type


Just upgraded to Mov­able Type 2.51. Still look­ing for­ward to adding more fea­tures and proper XHTML … just found out this looks really bad in Mozilla.


Blogspot, or how to spot bloggers

I’m pretty sure I saw these two blog­gers in the back of a bus as I was dri­ving up north, relax­ing and get­ting some of that good sun. Pretty scary when you think about it, reck­og­niz­ing peo­ple out there in real­ity, only based on knowl­edge of their dig­i­tal iden­tites. As you would expect from read­ing their blogs, they were dressed as fairies, wav­ing and mak­ing funny faces at pass­ing cars…


Mblog on host of evil?

Gotta get mblog­ging, the phone is cho­sen, I’m think­ing of clever ways to beowse posts (try­ing to get some time to actu­ally make the code of this blog just a bit decent as well), but I have a major prob­lem: Due to cir­cum­stances which I don’t really want to com­ment on, this blog (as well as some other sites) is run­ning on a W2k server. My host allowed med to get on their beta server includ­ing some of the dif­fer­ent Perl scripts needed to run MT, but Python isn’t sup­ported and the best camphone-email-to-entry script I’ve found so far is Python. So what to do? I’ve found a few other Perl scripts that will prob­a­bly run with some tweaks but as always the trig­ger­ing of basi­cally any­thing on W2k servers can’t be done very ele­gantly. I’m think­ing of hack­ing some ASP or PHP code together using either Jmail or what­ever works best with PHP, and I sup­pose it’s doable, using every 10th visit or so for a trig­ger… Any good ideas keep­ing me from hav­ing to do just that will be greatly appre­ci­ated, though… can’t fig­ure out whether I should hack together some code or change host…leaning towards the lat­ter, need a proper Unix based host to play on any­way, recom­man­da­tions anyone?

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[DK] Rollo bortført

Indrømmet, da jeg læste over­skriften troede jeg lidt nogen mÃ¥ske blot endelig rea­gerede pÃ¥ util­tal­ende adfærd i plade­branchen.

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Nokia 3650, OSX sync etc

Loud Think­ing has the final argu­ments, per­suad­ing me (although I actu­ally already have it cov­ered) to buy the Nokia3650. OSX sync and to-dos… mmm…

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Camphone dos and don’ts

Mobile (online) cam­eras obvi­ously has a lot of side effects. This arti­cle dis­cusses some of them. Most of it is pretty obvi­ous stuff but I’ll bet cam­phone eti­quette is going to be on everybody’s lips within months. And what goes for voyeur porn: It’s going to be huuuge…

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Zirkel­train­ing has got some fine things in there. Dig around to see for your­self — I like the Spot Trans­porter fake tat­too and the Eth­er­net to ether com­puter jew­el­ery a lot :)

[Lis­ten­ing to: Fresh + Swift @ World of Drum and Bass 20/MAR/03 [300k video] — Fresh & Mampi Swift — (01:01:14)]

Camphone concerns

I gotta get mblog­ging, but I’m hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ties decid­ing what phone to choose. The Nokia 3650 is a smart­phone at a very rea­son­able price, but it’s a bit big and I’m not too sure I like the design. The Sony­Er­ic­s­son is far more ele­gant, way smaller, but it isn’t a real smart­phone and hasn’t got the Sym­bian OS. Its 2 MB of mem­ory isn’t exactly an advan­tage either. But they both take pic­tures and have email clients, which relly is all I need to do pic­ture posts. What to choose? Thoughts appre­ci­ated! My guess is I’m gonna miss the Sym­bian and all the stuff going on devel­op­ing for it.

Update: Did a lousy rescale to show the dif­fer­ence in size.

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News aggregators on different platforms

In my pre­vi­ous post, I com­plained about the dif­fer­ence in OPML for­mat between Net­NewsWire and SharpReader, but claimed to have solved the import prob­lem by doing a lit­tle search and replace. While not exactly not true, it wasn’t the whole truth. As it turned out, Net­NewsWire kept crash­ing, only updat­ing a few man­u­ally entered feeds and basi­cally hog­ging a lot of sys­tem resources (whats with that spin­ning rain­bow wheel any­way?). So now I’ve had to man­u­ally enter my sub­scrip­tions (luck­ily not to much work due to the xml links gen­er­ated by my XSL sheet on my site blogroll) — every­thing is now work­ing just fine. And as far as I remem­ber, SharpReader can import a Net­NewsWire gen­er­ated OPML blogroll with­out trouble…


MT formatting buttons in Mozilla

Stum­bled over this excel­lent solu­tion [Blogzilla/Kur­cula — via Kalsey] to a prob­lem that has been bug­ging me for some time now; the loss of for­mat­ting but­tons in Mov­able­Type when post­ing a new entry. Bril­liant, thanks. Got to check if some­thing sim­i­lar is pos­si­ble for Safari/Camino…

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Japanese toys

Spot­ted Tokyo Sky­walk, a lovely store, dur­ing a sun­day stroll some weeks ago. Now their site is up and they are open­ing another store in the cen­tre of Copen­hagen within a few weeks. Can’t wait to get my hands on some of those lovely, col­or­ful japan­ese thin­gies… Like the (sold­out) VW bus record player a lot.

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The reboot beast is alive

It’s here, the reboot6 site is up, cater­ing for your reboot needs. We still got some nifty lit­tle fea­tures com­ing, but sign up — take part in the dis­cus­sions. This year’s reboot might have the most inter­est­ing speaker lineup ever and has a strong focus on human tech­nol­ogy, inno­va­tion, new (open) stan­dards and the val­ues it’s all based upon. All done in a inspir­ing Open Space for­mat. If you have com­ments or ideas for the site, or if you found a bug, mail me at anders@reboot.dk.
