Comments, FOAF, templates…

Was about to imple­ment mt-foaf v0.31, then I noticed this good news with a link to an Antip­ixel post on MT com­ments which I really liked, espe­cially after doing yesterday’s tem­plate adjust­ments which actu­ally just proved all the points. So I guess I’ll just wait a cou­ple of weeks before I start tear­ing the code on this site apart. How­ever, I’m really look­ing for­ward to it as I would really like to make the var­i­ous com­ment­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties — the inter­ac­tive and giv­ing part of blog­ging — as smooth as pos­si­ble. The whole idea of weblogs (this one any­way) is the exchange of thoughts, ideas etc. So go on, interact.
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Black Box Magazine

Appa­rantly, the peo­ple from Virus are cook­ing up some­thing new: BLACK BOX MAGAZINE — to be released later this month. Look­ing for­ward to it.

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Creative Commons — you realize what this is?

Burn­ing­bird posts some really impor­tant thoughts on the use of Cre­ative Com­mons licenses. But while proper attri­bu­tion, ‘theft’ of com­plete web­sites etc. could become a prob­lem in some cases, the use of ‘gen­er­ous’ CC licenses shouldn’t stand out as being strange — maybe I do want peo­ple to be able to use design, code and ideas from my weblog with­out hav­ing to ask per­mis­sion, pay me money or what­ever. I post ideas and com­ments because I’d like peo­ple to respond to them, includ­ing the pos­si­bil­ity to develop them fur­ther. If one of them is good enough to start a busi­ness on, fine by me. If I didn’t want any­one to know about it, I wouldn’t have posted it on here in the first place. As what goes for design and code, I myself ben­e­fit from the nice peo­ple at Mov­able­Type pro­vid­ing a plat­form for my blog for free — if I develop any code use­ful for the blog­ging com­mu­nity, it’s only fair I give that free as well. That said, I can’t agree enough, that one should be very care­ful before ‘going with the flow’ and pos­si­bly choose to give it all away with­out real­iz­ing the consequenses.


Comments and TrackBacks — new templates

The great plu­gin, Sim­pleCom­ments, has now been inte­grated into the tem­plates of this site, allow­ing com­ments and track­backs to be listed side by side. So there you have it; “Track­Backs are com­ments. They are com­ments left on some­one elseÂ’s site rather than your own, but they are com­ments nonethe­less”. So true.
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Ping me hard

Doing some tem­plate adjust­ment and need some track­backs. Could some­one please try and ping this post? Thanx.


PHP generated blogroll

Phil Ring­nalda has got a nice PHP script for dis­play­ing a blogroll. [via web­graph­ics]

Web Development
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W.I.P finder

I’ve been doing some think­ing regard­ing an idea about a web­ser­vice lately and have already found exist­ing ser­vices cov­er­ing some — but not all — of the fea­tures. It’s still in plan­ning mode, and I have some notes on it which I’ll prob­a­bly post some­time soon. In the men­time, the W.I.P. Finder would be great.

Web Development
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Feeding customer relations

Just came to think of the time spent on inform­ing clients of project devel­op­ment, usu­ally a triv­ial task of email­ing them that this and that have hap­pened to the beta site, and get them to approve it. How about just putting these infor­ma­tions in RSS feeds and get clients to install desk­top feed read­ers? Of course, it would prob­a­bly be a good idea hav­ing access to this infor­ma­tion from the client area of the devel­oper web­site as well, but the basic idea — more detailed updates along the way — might just save some time recod­ing– and design­ing. They just might feel more part of the process, too… Think I’ll con­sider build­ing it into the com­ing redesign of

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While you were looking at the sky…

While con­cerned with the explo­sion of the Colom­bia space shut­tle, please bear in mind that about 24,000 peo­ple die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. News from our own part of the world will always be rel­e­vant, mak­ing us think of the costs of mod­ern soci­ety. And I am per­fectly aware of the fact that I am more likely to die of a space shut­tle explod­ing or ter­ror­ists tar­get­ing my build­ing than of star­va­tion — strange but true. I am liv­ing in the west and these prob­lems are just all to real here. And, no, I haven’t exactly closed this site down so I could donate the money I spend on host­ing on food for the third world. But I’m really hav­ing trou­ble fig­ur­ing out how train acci­dents killing, say 3 peo­ple in the Nether­lands, can make it to national tele­vi­sion in prime time. Or how the tragic death of 7 astro­nauts can cause thou­sands of blog­gers to go mad with respect and thoughts con­cern­ing loss of lives. On a global scale this just doesn’t make sense.

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Connection status worldwide

Came to think of the giant pos­si­bil­i­ties regard­ing global mobil­ity. If I can afford the plane ticket, the work I do doesn’t really require any­thing else than a plug for my lap­top, mak­ing it pos­si­ble to move prac­ti­cally any­where for a shorter or longer period of time. If it wasn’t for inter­net access, that is. Can’t really do any­thing with­out it. Does any­one know of good ressources for find­ing out how to get con­nected in dif­fer­ent coun­tries around the globe? If pos­si­ble includ­ing aver­age pric­ing, type of con­nec­tion and national cov­er­age. It’s rel­a­tively easy to find hotspot place­ments, but while wi-fi is basi­cally a ques­tion of bring­ing your own per­sonal hard­ware, the need for a decent con­nec­tion is still there. anyone?


Danish OpenOffice

Was just pointed to — Det danske modersmÃ¥lsprojekt. Look­ing for­ward to fol­low the devel­op­ment of the Dan­ish part of the project.

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Syndirella, import OPML from the web

In a pre­vi­ous post I men­tioned the need for feed read­ers like Syn­dirella to be able to save to and/or import from OPML files on the net. Syn­dirella just released a new build with the import option included (with a pre­view and ll) which defi­nately is a step on the way.

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Ooh, looks like and don’t quite agree on the con­tent side of blog­ging (some funny points in there). A pretty clas­sic dis­cus­sion I have given some seri­ous thought myself too (every­one has, I guess). Can’t help to notice, though, that what­ever the con­tent, nobody will be able to find it in about a week’s time as none of them use any form of decent archiving/permalinks. And in my hum­ble opin­ion, the infor­ma­tion has to be proper laid out if any­one is sup­posed to ben­e­fit from it — which is the point I hope.
UPDATE: many points out to me in a com­ment, that has archives. Apologies.



The more feeds I add to my feed reader Syn­dirella, the more I for­get read­ing blogs with­out xml feeds. We defi­nately have quite a chal­lenge ahead, orga­niz­ing the increas­ing amount of blog posts in ways mak­ing it easy to select, search and fil­ter accord­ing to out exact inter­ests. Being stressed out by con­stant feed reader alerts, hov­ever, is the prize we have to pay in order to boost the stan­dards of site syn­di­ca­tion. I’ll try to update my new page about the sub­ject with the lit­tle knowl­edge I have, hop­ing to make some blog­gers switch…

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Blogroll from OPML via XSLT

Since swith­c­ing to Syn­dirella I’ve wanted to gen­er­ate my blogroll from the OPML file hold­ing my sub­scrip­tions. So now there’s a blogroll on the left of the site, still includ­ing some rather poor blogs added dur­ing my feed craze. I’ve used MSXML to trans­form my XML on the server using XSL and haven’t done per­for­mance test­ing yet. I’m still new to the whole XSL thing and actu­ally I’d rather have tested it out using some of the XML parsers for the Apache server as I’m cur­rently work­ing on a project where this could come in handy. But for now my own hosted Microsoft server had to do. Source code (not too pretty) here. So now I just need Syn­dirella to be able to save my sub­scrip­tion file directly on the net (would solve the prob­lems when using another client on the lap­top) — or maybe I could just get the file from my own com­puter using XML-RPC or some­thing… Well, I don’t know — not sure I’ve under­stood every­thing yet.

Oh, and my for­mer blogroll (for some strange rea­son con­sist­ing exclu­sively of blogs with­out

RSS feeds has been removed. If it’s not RSS I don’t need to know… New project: Mak­ing every­one aknowl­edge the impor­tance of feeds. “Feed my RSS addiction”.

Web Development
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Wishes for Syndirella

Hav­ing to sign up with Yahoo to be able to use the Syn­dirella mail­inglist made me for­get about it. But Brad Choate saved me the trou­ble of mail­ing a wish list; very rel­e­vant wishes indeed…

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Iraq war protest posters

Protest Posters! — Tell The World You Oppose The War In Iraq — go down­load your copy. Link via BD4D.

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Who’s around

I’ve been search­ing the net for soft­ware allow­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion between peo­ple shar­ing the same wi-fi con­nec­tion for a cou­ple of days now. Trepia is close — it’s basi­cally an IM client based on access points. What I really want, though, is these fea­tures built into the OS allow­ing the owner of the access point to broad­cast mes­sagges to the peo­ple using it. Imag­ine being greeted by the owner in a lit­tle win­dow explan­ing how he’d like you to behave, inform­ing you of any lim­i­ta­tions, and maybe list­ing other users of the same net­work. Would make those trips to the park so much more pleas­ant. Of course this could in some way be achieved by set­ting up some sort of logon pro­ce­dure, but actu­ally I would rather not.

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What’s mine is yours…sort of…

I have just cho­sen to dis­trib­ute under a Attribution-ShareAlike license. And you’re absoulutely right, this place isn’t flooded with mate­r­ial worth using. I do, how­ever, like the idea of out­lin­ing the terms of use. These deci­sions make infor­ma­tion shar­ing and con­tent syn­di­ca­tion as well as the use of dif­fer­ent mate­r­ial such as code snip­pets and images (soon to come at hope­fully) a whole lot eas­ier. It also addresses the issue of how to main­tain copy­right when work­ing with dig­i­tal media, an issue I find still more inter­est­ing as new tech­nolo­gies emerge. Choose your own license at Cre­ative Com­mons. Infor­ma­tion wants to be free!

Hey, it’s only a game

This game — America’s Army — is bound to get hacked or tam­pered with in some way. (link via Boing­Bo­ing) The setup of game vs. war is so obvi­ously weird it’s hard to come up with any decent com­ment rang­ing beyond, well — the obvi­ous. But hey, it’s just a 314MB down­load, and you’re off to war…

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3G porn

Not a sur­prise at all, rather — think­ing of the pre­vi­ous devel­op­ment story for the web — a rea­son to wish for all the 3G porn you can think of: BizRe­port — Will Porn Lead 3G Mobile Tele­phony Take-Off?. Which on the other hand is quite a strange thought…

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Go Syndirella

I’ve been run­ning Syn­dirella for a cou­ple of days now, and to me it seems a great deal bet­ter than Fee­dreader. The dif­fer­ence in nav­i­gat­ing actu­ally comes out to Syndirella’s advan­tage, and the sup­port of the dif­fer­ent for­mats are bet­ter. So is the built-in browser. Unfor­tu­nately, some of the feeds I used to have in Fee­dreader won’t show up in Syn­dirella — on the other hand; these are prob­a­bly the exact ones caus­ing Fee­dreader to stall on updates and use up 250+ MBs of mem­ory… They are both open source and I’m look­ing for­ward to fol­low devel­op­ment. For the time being, I’ll prob­a­bly keep on run­ning them both side by side.

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DVD-kid retrial

Appa­rantly, the stu­pid­ity never stops. Accord­ing to Aften­posten (link via Slash­Dot), Jon’s legal vic­tory didn’t last long, as Økokrim has decided to appeal. While not a very big sur­prise, it adds to the amount of stu­pid­ity sur­round­ing the busi­ness of major record and movie com­pa­nies, the lat­est being Kim How­ells, the UKÂ’s Cul­ture Min­is­ter, con­demn­ing Rob­bie William’s remark, that “music piracy’s great”. Mr How­ells added that Williams’ com­ments were help­ing “do the work for inter­na­tional gangs involved in drugs and pros­ti­tu­tion who find music piracy an excel­lent way of laun­der­ing prof­its”. Go again … ?!

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On the road

With sev­eral meet­ings com­ing up this week which means spend­ing some time in busses and trains, I just installed iSiloX and the free reader for my Palm in order to read some arti­cles on the way, includ­ing some very nice ones by the always inter­est­ing Joel Spol­sky. The soft­ware works pretty well and was easy to set up… Of course I’m really look­ing for­ward to wire­less access every­where, but for now I enjoy not hav­ing to waste time while on the road because of my Palm and some small nifty applications.

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Confusion — more like this by others…

Oh, goodie — thought I had lost it com­pletely try­ing to get an overview of the dif­fer­ent pos­si­bil­i­ties regard­ing Track­back and vari­ants hereof. Luck­ily Ben Ham­mer­s­ley just made a com­mented list. Thanx — it’s a great help!

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