Author Archives: pollas

Skammens Vogn: Bob

down­load the the kid Watch the video Skam­mens Vogn in their sec­ond music-to-sport event: Bob. At Lit­er­aturHaus, a for­mer church, they did a two-hour set while peo­ple com­peted in the clas­sic game bob. It was a fab­u­lous party; live music not steal­ing … Con­tinue read­ing

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Yes­ter­day launched. Con­tinue read­ing

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Berlin, Berlin

down­load movie the lin­coln lawyer Watch the video A lit­tle some­thing from five days in Berlin. Trans­porta­tion, noise, dif­fer­ent energy lev­els, pulse and relax­ation, diesel and areas of green — and the depraved thing that is Ger­man tele­vi­sion. Didn’t shoot … Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Blogs giver nyt liv på nettet

gnomeo & juliet down­load movie Blogs giver nyt liv pÃ¥ net­tet, orig­i­nally uploaded by Jes­per Bal­slev. This just in: Blogs vigtigere end Michael Lau­drup (vinkel tyvstjÃ¥let fra Thomas Kragh). rører pÃ¥ sig. Go check.

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[DK] Fritz Lang’s “M”

Emer­gens med en intro til Fritz Lang’s “M” fra 1931.M stÃ¥r muligvis for ¶rder, men det stÃ¥r ogsÃ¥ for Must see.Jeg havde fornøjelsen af at se fil­men under Nat­film­fes­ti­valen.… En klas­siker du bør se. Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Viral markedsføring

Lis­beth Klas­trup melder at Insti­tut for Film– og Mediev­i­den­skab pÃ¥ sitet har et afs­nit om viral markedsføring.Om er et under­vis­ning­spro­jekt, der formi­dler forskn­ing om tv. Pro­jek­tet er for over­bygn­ingsstud­erende pÃ¥ Insti­tut for Film-& Mediev­i­den­skab pÃ¥ ¸benhavns Universitet.De stud­erende er ans­varlige for bÃ¥de form og ind­hold pÃ¥ web­sitet, og alle arbe­jder som skrivende jour­nal­is­ter. Con­tinue read­ing

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OS X wifi connection trouble

While catch­ing break­fast at Kreuzberg hang­out Morena, I wanted to use my laptop…online. But con­nect­ing to the AP didn’t work, I just got an error say­ing that I well, couldn’t… Con­tinue read­ing

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New design

As those of you who actu­ally browse sites will already know, I’m doing some design adjust­ments to this site.I wanted to cut things a lit­tle sharper, clean up the side­bar, widen the blog post area to bump the font size up and see if I could get over my fear of color.I’m nowhere near being done woth it, but it’s start­ing to take shape. I still need to style the dif­fer­ent sec­tions, clean up the code and make sure every­thing is aligned and adjusted. Con­tinue read­ing, Web Development , , ,

Lowepro Stealth Reporter D300 AW

Time for another bag review, this time the Lowe­pro Stealth Reporter D300 AW. Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] De stribede fra Pomatas

Det skulle have været en hem­me­lighed, men i dette lukkede forum sker der næppe noget ved at sige det:Jeg er i færd med at købe Matas og fuldende det met­rosek­suelle emperium er.Se frem til en relancer­ing af kæden under navnet Pomatas; stribene bevares, men vil fre­mover bestÃ¥ af web2.0-farver, lige­som pro­duk­terne vil udvikles i beta. Good enough, I ved… Con­tinue read­ing , , ,

Video comparison

Mad­sen, daily provider of bril­liant online music and video stuff, has made a com­par­i­son of Elastica’s ‘Wak­ing Up’ and and The Stran­glers ‘No more heroes’; Elas­tica — “Waking Up” (Live 1995).I won’t go into the argu­ment (he’s right), just note three or four things:Elastica is great.… And Mad­sen is great for remind­ing me.And: YouTube is pretty damn great as well. Con­tinue read­ing

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Mikkel Metal @ berghain

Check­ing out what’s going on in Berlin this week­end music-wise, I dis­cov­ered that Mikkel Metal is play­ing live at berghain Fri­day 12th.Which just reminded me to rec­om­mend his new album Vic­tim­izer — it’s bril­liant! Con­tinue read­ing

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Conversation conference

The day before reboot (mak­ing that par­tic­u­lar week jam-packed with web good­ness), Social Square is host­ing a con­fer­ence enti­tled Sam­talerne (con­ver­sa­tions). Con­tinue read­ing

Social media , , , ,

Schmap: Morena, Berlin

Just as I booked tick­ets for Berlin, I’m informed that my 22C3 (pho­tos here) break­fast at Morena got included in the Schmap Berlin.I’ve being rewarded a free copy, only usable on a PC run­ning Win­dows XP. Yay. Con­tinue read­ing

Photography , ,

Berlin hotel recommendations?

I’m think­ing of get­ting away for a few days, prefer­ably to some­where well-known and cheap. To work on my own projects, catch up on a few things, play with some cam­eras, read and write.Plain tick­ets are dirt cheap, but I’m look­ing for a hotel with wifi. Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Find Ib

I forbindelse med humac-Ã¥bningen i Mag­a­sin, en lille quiz:Find Ib Michael i køtilbudskøen pÃ¥ dette billede (fra Christof­fer Vit­trup Nielsen). Con­tinue read­ing

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Photosharing syndrome

Inspired by a talk with Jon Froda on using ‘sleep­ing’ the­o­ries as a pos­si­ble way to inject dif­fer­ent think­ing into what is believed to be com­mon knowl­edge and the­ory prac­tice when work­ing with social media, I’m sug­gest­ing tak­ing a look at what could be called ‘pho­to­shar­ing syndrome’.It’s a way of describ­ing the rela­tion of power between a pho­tog­ra­pher and the per­son depicted.From Wikipedia on the Stock­holm syn­drome:[…] the ten­dency might well be the result of employ­ing the strat­egy evolved by new­born babies to form an emo­tional attach­ment to the near­est pow­er­ful adult in order to max­i­mize the prob­a­bil­ity that this adult will enable — at the very least — the sur­vival of the child, if not also prove to be a good parental fig­ureOr in other words, you form a Stock­holm syndrome-like rela­tion­ship with the per­son who just posted your pic­ture on the web. Con­tinue read­ing

Photography , ,

While you were sleeping

Watch the video knight and day movies online Time lapse video made using an iSight and Gawker look­ing west on a cloudy morn­ing on Eng­have Plads.

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[DK] — det levende net redesigner — det burde man sikkert mene noget om. Jeg hæfter mig blot ved, at redesignet ikke indebærer et opgør med en prak­sis hos jeg bry­der mig meget lidt om: At his­to­rier fÃ¥r lov at leve i dage og uger pÃ¥ fremtrædende pladser pÃ¥ for­si­den. Con­tinue read­ing

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To my German teacher

After read­ing this, Teacher’s Sug­ges­tive Cell Phone Video Sur­faces, I have this to say to you:You could have had me but you were too scared of tech­nol­ogy. I hope you’re happy. Con­tinue read­ing

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Jaw recording

Watch the video down­load imax: hub­ble 3d film in hd formats

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Listen to: Langelinje

Garage­band let me down, so a lot of the sound I recorded got lost. But just a short sound tour of Lan­gelinje. Pic­tures at Flickr. Down­load audio: langelinje.m4a. film love and other drugs

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Sticker marketing

The site had its 15 days of fame, but I still get a signup once in a while. Most peo­ple don’t take the ques­tions seri­ously (and they shouldn’t) so I have no idea who they are.Until now. Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] En rigtig dejlig cappucino

Watch the video Ras­mus Mor­gen fra Kassen laver en cap­pu­cino. scott pil­grim vs. the world the movie

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