
Watch the video
Went to Lol­land over the week­end. Was invited aboard a Massey Fer­gu­son com­bine har­vester — it’s a big machine. Learned a thing or two about farming…
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Curry Wurst am Lehrter Bahnhof, Berlin

Watch the video
Put the sausage in the hole and press the ‘destroy’ button…
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Birthday boy

Almost for­got. The day before yes­ter­day marked the 5 year anniver­sary of this blog.

Sev­eral plat­forms, designs and dis­cus­sions later, I still find it nat­ural to have a blog. I might not post words of wis­dom on a daily basis, but when I feel like shar­ing some­thing, it’s there for me. Thanks Also a big thank you to every­one stop­ping by once in a while. I’ve met a lot of you in phys­i­cal space. And met a lot of you through this blog.

Now, onwards — with a lit­tle quote from Birth­day Boy by The Resident’s 1978 clas­sic, Buster & Glen:

Happy, happy birth­day to me,
Happy birth­day to me,
Happy birth­day to me, hee hee…

¸ren Espersen of Dansk Folkeparti thinks this anniver­sary would be a good oppor­tu­nity to check if the owner of is col­lect­ing any social ben­e­fits. Not that Mr. Espersen thinks he is — but just to kill any rumours that his mem­bers may have started by phon­ing Mr. Espersen feel­ing scared and lonely…

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Quote of the day

Ten years ago I had a pen pal that I met through Chan­nel 4 Tele­text. We used to send each other tapes of bands and one day he sent me a copy of a Deftones song and I never lis­tened to Menswear again.

Rus­sell Quinn: a diary of hap­pen­ings — Roskilde

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Tits 2.0

I’ve pre­vi­ously writ­ten about how Dan­ish tabloid Ekstra Bladet never misses an oppur­tu­nity to mix what­ever event — with a tit­tie com­pe­ti­tion and some gal­leries of said titties.

Now, they’ve gone 2.0 on our asses (no pun — or bun — intended). In rela­tion to the soc­cer world cham­pi­onship, they’ve dis­cov­ered body painted fans on Flickr.

What more do you want? Oh, you can do that your­self with­out the EB titie hub? Oh…

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Good enough isn’t good enough

May I sug­gest that we take the notion of ‘good enough’ and turn it into “best pos­si­ble given the avail­able time and resources”?

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Happiness is…

…bor­row­ing an iPod from some­one you like filled with great music, find­ing music you lis­tened to over 10 years ago. And tak­ing it for a walk.

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Berlin trip


Watch the video

Happy new year. Greet­ings from an old car on the Auto­bahn lead­ing to Berlin, includ­ing an album of the year rec­om­men­da­tion. High-speed review­ing and chit-chat get absorbed by tire-noise… And the video is in Dan­ish, sorry.But to wrap it up: If you’re in Berlin for the 22C3, ping me so we can go have coffee.
Also, I’ve been play­ing with my movie export set­tings after watch­ing Ryanne’s post on  iPod H.264 com­pres­sion over at Freevlog. The movies should play nicely on your iPod so you can watch dur­ing your daily com­mute and stop feel­ing like you’re wast­ing your life…
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[DK] ¸r ¸dby-Puttgarden

Life­Suks: ¸r roma­nen ¸dby-Puttgarden af Helle Helle:

DR harfÃ¥et Helle Helles super­ro­man ¸dby-Puttgarden langt online til gratis afspilning som lyd­bog, den er ind­talt af Helle Helle selv. Frem til 17. juli 2006 kan du lytte til Helle Helles ‘¸dby-Puttgarden’ pÃ¥ DR Lit­ter­atur. Den har foreløbig ind­bragt hende Kri­tik­er­prisen 2005 og en 2. plads i P2 romanprisen.


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External XML-data into umbraco

Kasper just did a good intro­duc­tion, com­plete with expla­na­tions, clean code etc.

You won’t find that here, just some of the things I’ve done recently, includ­ing hard­coded URLs, IDs etc. You’ll fig­ure it out, I’m sure.

Thanks to Niels for the intro­duc­tion (he made the one). This is incred­i­bly easy — oth­er­wise I wouldn’t have been able to do it ;-) But you might as well grab the­see now that I’ve made them.

List your recent items: delicious.xslt
Dis­play square thumbs from 23: 23.xslt
List your 5 recent plazes: plazes.xslt
List your Last.FM tracks: lastfm.xslt

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Business and sense 2.0

Just a small follow-up on my pre­vi­ous post, Busi­ness and sense to clear up a few points.

What I intended to do was to let out a lit­tle steam and sug­gest that we take a slightly dif­fer­ent path; I get annoyed when I see bull­shit, espe­cially when it’s unnesse­cary. It’s my right, might be healthy — and I don’t think it’s too anal and fear-driven/arrogant to sug­gest that who­ever think­ing they get it, make sure they do their best.

Gun­nar Lange­mark has posted some related thoughts, stat­ing that there are mul­ti­ple ways of doing things and that it’s the way it is. That’s true. But I don’t see that being a rea­son not to try our best.

Gun­nar sug­gests we pick our fights; bat­tle the big com­pa­nies instead of fight­ing the ant war. I couldn’t agree more. The thing is, I fully believe that the best way of fight­ing every­one else is to make sure we play our own game. A decent game with no sell­ing out and a clear state­ment of the val­ues we believe in. And that’s that, really. I’m not try­ing to cause a fight. Instead I sug­gest that we take it upon our­selves to dis­cuss some of the things out in the open and back our actions with words — and our words with action. We share the objec­tive, I believe. I don’t think there’s any value in being an arro­gant 1%‘er — but that what­ever value’s in there should be made clear.

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DONA — videoblogging


Watch the video
Jon Froda og Andreas Haugstrup on vide­blog­ging and organ­i­sa­tions. A lit­tle report from ITU
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links for 2006-12-24

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Business and sense

Things to con­sider: I have a feel­ing peo­ple work­ing with net tech­nolo­gies and dig­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion are hav­ing fun these days. Com­pa­nies are begin­ning to see social media as real­ity, just as the devel­op­ment of new web tech­nolo­gies in recent years seems to have paved the way for a new way of pro­vid­ing ser­vices etc. But if we are to take our­selves seri­ous, what are we doing to pre­vent things from going dot-com 2.0? For every new breed of tech­nolo­gies and ways of doing things, hype builds and under­ground entre­pre­neurs and devel­op­ers make it into main­stream. What do we think of our ‘indus­try’? Are we doing our best to pro­vide real value? What are the odds that peo­ple won’t be writ­ing books on the web 2.0 bub­ble in 5 years time. Will peo­ple smile when we men­tion ‘social soft­ware’ just as we do now when talk­ing about mid-nineties ad agen­cies enter­ing the world of the web?

I find too much buzz every­where I look. And already, I’m spend­ing a lot of time jok­ing about a lot of the terms that reflect the things we are doing, just as I find myself explain­ing to clients that “this is not hot air” when they’re curi­ous about some of the new ways of think­ing. I’d like for every­one to think about what they say and write, how they por­tray their own field of work and how and what they sell.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Man­i­fests should only be made, when there’s a rev­o­lu­tion around the cor­ner. This is a list.
  • Words are impor­tant. Sim­pli­fi­ca­tion equally so. but you don’t say ‘beta’ when you mean ‘agile’ — or ‘web 2.0′ when you mean ‘ajax’ — or ‘social soft­ware’ when you mean ‘com­mu­nity’, do you? Don’t worry about miss­ing out on all the good buzz, your cus­tomers will thank you in the end.
  • Words are impor­tant. Be care­ful with terms like ‘econ­omy’, ‘rev­o­lu­tion’ and ‘par­a­digm’. New oppor­tu­ni­ties don’t make a rev­o­lu­tion, some­thing involv­ing money doesn’t con­sti­tute an econ­omy. It sounds cool but these words have a mean­ing already. Maybe your cus­tomers get con­fused when they know the orig­i­nal one. Iook it up — and use with care.
  • When point­ing to tech­nolo­gies mark­ing a new begin­ning, make sure you’re point­ing to the actual one mak­ing the dif­fer­ence. Blog­ging might not mean shit — easy pub­lish­ing in gen­eral might do.
  • Show value. Telling cus­tomers that “it’s new”, “every­one else is doing it” and that they should “jump on the train” remind me of the early dot-com years. You’re sell­ing hot air based on fear.
  • Buzz is bet­ter than hype. Both, how­ever, have a ten­dency to end up as sell­ing points in their own right. They’re not. When you say “web 2.0″, do you know why you do it? Do you think it is a fit­ting con­tainer for a new way of doing things — or a clever mar­ket­ing tool?
  • That something’s ‘new’ isn’t a rea­son for any­one to do any­thing. To refer to the speed of which infor­ma­tion travel and gets gen­er­ated and to claim that ‘things are hap­pen­ing really fast now’ is to ignore how most civ­i­liza­tions evolve. I would be very sur­prised if things didn’t con­tinue to develop this way from here to eter­nity. So that’s not the prob­lem you should say you’re solving.
  • What hap­pens when all your cus­tomers have bought your ser­vices? Does your com­pany name or pro­file imply that what they’re buy­ing is just a way to ‘get up to speed’ or imple­ment ‘that new thing’? Can your see your­self and your com­pany in two year’s time? Are you hon­est about that you can’t?
  • Is it clear from the way you’re com­mu­ni­cat­ing that you didn’t invent all the terms you’re using? Is it clear who did? And what it is you’re adding on top?
  • Fram­ing is impor­tant. In many ways, our core ser­vice is to enable peo­ple to use new tech­nol­ogy and pro­vide new ways of think­ing about a lot of the things they would nor­mally do by giv­ing them a vocab­u­lary; a way to think and talk about things that are new to them. Think hard about how you use terms. Are you draw­ing on known con­cepts to make things clearer where you should make a clear dis­tinc­tion? If you didn’t know what you know, would it make sense? Is there a risk your terms could obscure a good inten­tion? Have you thought about metaphors lately?
  • Net­works are cool. Being in more than one is not bad. Is the foun­da­tion of your net­work based on val­ues you’ve made an effort to explain — or is your pro­file ‘new’; hint­ing that this is the new black with­out fur­ther proof?
  • When you explain the pos­si­bil­i­ties with tech­nol­ogy and the ways we use it, do you attempt to trans­fer indus­try terms to a busi­ness envi­ron­ment uncrit­i­cally? Are you con­fi­dent that term x, known and debated within the indus­try, pro­vides any real value to a cor­po­rate client — or would they be bet­ter off get­ting your take on some of the values?
  • Would you rather not worry about all this hippie-nonsense and force your cus­tomers to swal­low the blue pill — as it is

    good for them?

I might add to this list, i might not. That doesn’t mean it’s in beta. It just means that maybe i find some time and some more input — and maybe i don’t.

Update: Gun­nar Lange­mark posts what I believe is a com­ment to this post. Some dif­fer­ent views…and some of the same conclusions ;-)

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[DK] Alkohol og tatoveringer

Min mor har haft travlt, viser det sig. Hun har sendt et brev til samtlige tatovører i byen, hvor hun min­der dem om at man ikke alene skal sikre sig sine kun­der er min­i­mum 18 Ã¥r, men ogsÃ¥ at de er Ã¦dru.

Hun er sÃ¥ bange for jeg drikker mig fuld og fÃ¥r tatoveret BETA pÃ¥ mine knoer…

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[DK] Pat-ter

¥dan, Ekstra Bladet! Som­merens sødeste stu­dent kan vinde en iPod nano (whoa, that’s orig­i­nal) — hvis hun er total hot og pige opgiver navn, adresse og telefonnummer.

For at være med i læserkonkurrencen skal man være pige, netop have afs­lut­tet en gym­nasial uddan­nelse og være iført studenterhue.

Tidligere har de kÃ¥ret lækreste butik­sas­sis­tent (utroligt nok vandt en blon­dine fra McDonalds).

Jeg har et bedre forslag: Send et billede med bare brys­ter til ¥ kvit­terer jeg med en video-iPod og mulighe­den for at blive fotograferet pÃ¥ en strand af en flok gamle mænd i foto-veste. Du behøver ikke selv at være pÃ¥ billedet, bare pimp dine ven­ner. Og husk at sende mobil­num­meret med, sÃ¥ vi kan aftale noget…

Update: De første er oppe. Som et cadeau til intellek­tet, mÃ¥ man kun mas­turbere til dem med de røde bÃ¥nd.

Update II: Dette billede — og dets fravær pÃ¥ denne liste. Uretfærdighed, justitsmord, you name it. Hvis ikke Se & ¸rs fotograf havde fra­nar­ret mig alle mine penge, ville jeg købe min egen iPod nano…

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A lot of inter­est­ing videoblog­ging stuff happening.

Videoblog­ging sem­i­nar last week at E.A.T rev (pho­tos here). They did a work­shop I unfor­tu­nately couldn’t attend but word on the street points to a col­lab­o­ra­tive project tak­ing place this Sun­day, planned to be the first thing aired on t-vlog. Vide­blog­gers, Café La Suède, bad­minton, Amager — what’s not to like.

Also, Jon Froda and Andreas Haugstrup are doing a videoblog­ging in orga­ni­za­tions sem­i­nar hosted by DONA.

Hope­fully we’ll see a bit of vlog action at reboot as well.

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MIxed news


Those White Plas­tic Chairs Flickr group.

You know the ones. Your uncle has one grow­ing algae on his back porch. You stick to them at your friends\’ bar­be­queues in the sum­mer­time. They hide in sheds and garages every­where. So bring’em out!

Dan­ish female blog­gers are killing each other.

The Nokia N80 seems to be on its way to Den­mark.

And I’ve finally found some­thing to do with my Mac SE.

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Context-providing catching on

Seems like a point made as part of my share of the pre­sen­ta­tion at Berlingske with the Blogtid–crew is catch­ing on: betahq is doing a sem­i­nar enti­tled “Medierev­o­lu­tio­nen 2.0 — fra con­tent til con­text provider o.s.v.”.

And that will be my con­tri­bu­tion. I’m busy else­where mak­ing sure I don’t use ‘rev­o­lu­tion’, ‘2.0′ and ‘beta’ ;-) More on that in a later post.

(Dis­claimer: I’m not claim­ing ‘context-providing’ — surely some­one else must have thought of that too…)

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Me no understand

First in the series “Things I don’t understand”:

Accord­ing to the stats on, this video of Froda and Haugstrup doing a vide­blog­ging sem­i­nar at DONA has been viewed over 3700 times at time of writing.

With­out reveal­ing too much, I think it’s safe to say that DONA’s 200 mem­bers com­bined with the num­ber of vis­i­tors on my blog don’t even come close to 3700.

Videoblog­ging’ in the title prob­a­bly make up for some of it, but I’m going for ‘bug in the stats software’…I think…

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reboot8 boat lounge

Watch the video

The night before the first day of reboot we took a boat around the har­bour of Copen­hagen, drink­ing a few beers and play­ing some old records. Great fun.
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reboot8 is over

reboot8 is over

His­tory and draw­ings from Tveskov (hope he has some­thing on the cars), reboot8 pho­togroup (like the 23 fea­ture), good round up by Classy.

My video from the boat lounge on Wednes­daypic­tures at Flickr (added to the photogroup).

reboot8 was a tough chal­lenge. I guess it was prettty much impos­si­ble not to dis­ap­point any­one after last year’s insanely great event. Meet­ing expec­ta­tions like that is a bitch. How­ever, I think it was pulled off rather well. It seemed like every­one was busy doing their thing, result­ing in a less hec­tic atmos­phere. I attended a sec­ond con­fer­ence ear­lier in the same week and had to meet some dead­lines dur­ing the con­fer­ence, so I was a bit tired, not really capa­ble of talk­ing to a lot of new peo­ple which I felt I shared with a lot of the peo­ple I know. Nev­er­the­less, peo­ple were nice and smart and every­one seemed to have a nice cou­ple of days out. As a few peo­ple stated else­where, there might not have been that killer keynote that turned every­thing upside down, but come to think of it, that might be a healthy sign, that all the stuff we’ve talked about for years now…is real.

Noone had to per­suade every­one else that blog­ging / social soft­ware is the new black, noone won­dered if this and that might hap­pen next year or the year after. It’s already hap­pen­ing — and the reboot atten­dees is busy build­ing and exper­i­ment­ing. Next year I hope to see some­one chal­lenge what­ever it is we’re all doing, but for now I’ll just sit back and enjoy the fact that it’s hap­pen­ing. Right now.

The demos made that even more clear. Lots of inter­est­ing stuff being made and launched. Really liked the Imity demo — and the list of Bluetooth-partyers; Rust-imity.

The sec­ond day did it for me; there was more energy and I catched some really good pre­sen­ta­tions that made me think.

Also good to note the self-organising going on here and there, pecha-kucha being one.

Ended up at a bar, leav­ing at 7AM. I headed home, the rest ended up doing a drive-in at 7-eleven.

One last note: I guess I’m not the only one that look for­ward to the videos from the 2/3 of the con­fer­ence I couldn’t attend. Trou­ble is, it’s about 50+ hours of DV-footage that has to get cap­tured in real­time and con­verted into a for­mat suited for web — which takes even more time. They might have it all fig­ured out, but if that’s not the case, how about a col­lab­o­ra­tive effort where we split the tapes between us, com­mit­ting to cap­ture and com­press a tape or two. It might be a logis­ti­cal night­mare and I haven’t talked with the reboot crew about it, but at least I’ll be glad to assist…

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Umbraco CodeGarden 06 is over

CodeGarden06 is over — it was a blast! Nice work, Niels and Kasper.

40+ devel­op­ers from 11 coun­tries made this a won­der­ful event. Met some nice and cool peo­ple, most of them already with their hands dirty from doing sites with umbraco. Sweet.

The venue, Kul­turhuset Islands Brygge, proved to be very well suited for the con­fer­ence — every­thing went well and even the weather turned out ok in the end.

Good pre­sen­ta­tions, lots of talks, ideas, ques­tions, examples.

My pho­tos can be found at Flickr: Umbraco Code­gar­den 06. Also, take a look at the Code­Gar­den blog for more updates — maybe a bit of video one of these days.

Hope to see you next year.

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Videoblogging seminar notes

Fol­low­ing the videoblog­ging sem­i­nar where I did a short pre­sen­ta­tion with Jon Froda, Kristof­fer Gans­ing has now put of some good notes at Net­worked Sto­ry­telling:

The cit­i­zen artist
Vor­spiel, event blog­ging
Your Local Cul­ture Jammers

(pre­vi­ous post)

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Social web media recommendations my a**

Yeah, yeah. Free down­loads, rec­om­men­da­tion sys­tems etc. is the bomb. It exposes peo­ple to music they wouldn’t oth­er­wise have come across. And I believe that. Some­times I even write I believe it. To make it more true.

But so far noth­ing beats hav­ing iTunes run­ning in a crowded cafe. I can browse other people’s music and the per­sonal aspect (remem­ber blog­ging?), hav­ing dif­fer­ent stuff in the same loca­tion with the knowl­edge that this music belongs to the same per­son, is so very useful.

Thanks to Lars Pet­tersen, I’m get­ting a wakeup dose of elec­tron­ica end alectro-clash. Sweet.

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