reboot8 is over
History and drawings from Tveskov (hope he has something on the cars), reboot8 photogroup (like the 23 feature), good round up by Classy.
My video from the boat lounge on Wednesday — pictures at Flickr (added to the photogroup).
reboot8 was a tough challenge. I guess it was prettty much impossible not to disappoint anyone after last year’s insanely great event. Meeting expectations like that is a bitch. However, I think it was pulled off rather well. It seemed like everyone was busy doing their thing, resulting in a less hectic atmosphere. I attended a second conference earlier in the same week and had to meet some deadlines during the conference, so I was a bit tired, not really capable of talking to a lot of new people which I felt I shared with a lot of the people I know. Nevertheless, people were nice and smart and everyone seemed to have a nice couple of days out. As a few people stated elsewhere, there might not have been that killer keynote that turned everything upside down, but come to think of it, that might be a healthy sign, that all the stuff we’ve talked about for years now…is real.
Noone had to persuade everyone else that blogging / social software is the new black, noone wondered if this and that might happen next year or the year after. It’s already happening — and the reboot attendees is busy building and experimenting. Next year I hope to see someone challenge whatever it is we’re all doing, but for now I’ll just sit back and enjoy the fact that it’s happening. Right now.
The demos made that even more clear. Lots of interesting stuff being made and launched. Really liked the Imity demo — and the list of Bluetooth-partyers; Rust-imity.
The second day did it for me; there was more energy and I catched some really good presentations that made me think.
Also good to note the self-organising going on here and there, pecha-kucha being one.
Ended up at a bar, leaving at 7AM. I headed home, the rest ended up doing a drive-in at 7-eleven.
One last note: I guess I’m not the only one that look forward to the videos from the 2/3 of the conference I couldn’t attend. Trouble is, it’s about 50+ hours of DV-footage that has to get captured in realtime and converted into a format suited for web — which takes even more time. They might have it all figured out, but if that’s not the case, how about a collaborative effort where we split the tapes between us, committing to capture and compress a tape or two. It might be a logistical nightmare and I haven’t talked with the reboot crew about it, but at least I’ll be glad to assist…