Burning feeds

When I’m done mock­ing walk-with-sticks peo­ple, I’m going to look into the magic that is Feed­Burner. Hope­fully noth­ing will break, but if you don’t hear from me in a week or two, please check the site. I’m plan­ning on offer­ing a new mix­ture of feeds, hope­fully mak­ing sub­scrib­ing eas­ier and/or more fun. I have — of course — been bab­bling about this for bloody ages.

(Search­ing for ear­lier posts con­tain­ing ‘feed’ — it’s a lot — I acci­dently dis­cov­ered that I’m the one who invented Base­camp. Why doesn’t any­one tell me any­thing? Gees…)

As it turns out, you can’t splice sev­eral of your own feeds. You can plug in your del.icio.us, Blog­lines clip­pings, Flickr stuff etc. (which is great!) but yu need to go under the MT-hood to deliver a source feed con­tain­ing all the stuff from your own blogs (my blog is made up of three seper­ate blogs). I don’t mind get­ting my hands dirty, but I guess I’ll still need seper­ate feeds any­way, and Feed­burner just might add this fea­ture soon. We’ll see… But: Feed­Burner rocks! Easy setup, great func­tion­al­ity — and if the fea­tures keep com­ing they’re gonna take over that whole feed busi­ness. They even did some stuff with enclo­sures that I’ll take a look at as soon as I find some time and some pod­cast­ing hard­ware I can play with.

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Nordic walking


Update: Media­mac picks it up (late as always). So does net­sum­mary. Btw: If you look closely, you’ll notice some weird opac­ity screw-up in the poor lady’s face. Les­son to be learned: If peo­ple link up your graphic and you’ve already done a rather poor job mak­ing the sil­hou­ette, make sure it’s at least all black.

Update II: i pod my photo/ offers a ser­vice where you can upload a pic­ture and get back an ipod ad.

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[DK] Website i PDF

Nede pÃ¥ Lol­land hvor roerne gror hvor jeg kom­mer fra (og hvor de pÃ¥ mange mÃ¥der man­gler noget action

— det fikser jeg senere, promise) har de styr pÃ¥ teknikken. Hvor­for spilde tid pÃ¥ det hersens hmtl eller hvadde-nu-he’er, nÃ¥r man kan lave et helt web­site i pdf? Ikke artik­ler, ikke enkelte dele til down­load — men hele jule­sitet. Hvabehar!

Du stilles nu videre til Folke­ti­dende og Lions store Jule­spil

(En pdf-fil på 2.5MB)


Og med en heftig load­tid sparer man ogsÃ¥ penge til ani­ma­tions­fyren. ¥dan, der.

Mere om Lol­land senere pÃ¥ sæsonen, hvor regio­nen vil fÃ¥ hidtil uset opmærksomhed.

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[DK] ¦sernes egne ideer

Jeg indrømmer det: Som endnu-ikke-læsende barn undrede jeg mig over, hvad de sjove teg­ninger med tale­bobler i Ide-Nyt mon betød og holdt stædigt ved; tænk hvis jeg en dag kunne læse — nu er jeg endt som en gam­mel, sur mand i lej­lighed (Ide-nyt findes i en om muligt endnu rin­gere “Vi bor i lejlighed”-udgave), der er overor­dentlig glad for sit ‘reklamer nej tak’-skilt.

Ide-nyt er de nævenyttiges medlems­blad, og nÃ¥r de ikke udvek­sler modige fifs med hinan­den er jeg sikker pÃ¥ de mødes i vindblæste car­porte og planlægger hvor­dan de overtager nationen…eller som min­i­mum fÃ¥r fritaget gør-det-selv-produkter for moms.

Alligevel mÃ¥ man respek­tere, at de har formÃ¥et at fæstne sig i min bev­id­s­thed sÃ¥ eftertrykke­ligt, at jeg straks sendte dem en tanke, da min side­mand i mor­gen­bussen — en vindjakke-warrior af guds nÃ¥de — Ã¥benbarede dette koncept:


¥dan lige en lidt fiks mÃ¥de ikke at fÃ¥ ondt i nallerne, nÃ¥r mule­posen bliver for tung. Og en smart krog, sÃ¥ den kan hægtes pÃ¥ den lille vogn han selvfølgelig ogsÃ¥ havde med.

Nu læser jeg jo ikke bladet sÃ¥ meget mere, men — inter­web to the res­cue: ¦sernes egne ideer.

Fra den lidt sære (hvor­dan man deler et æg med en snor) til den lidt lig­e­gyldige (hvor­dan man lige kan have en liste over ting der er gode at have med pÃ¥ en rejse — løbende opdateret forstÃ¥s), det smarte mix af sild og kaffe (vi kan ikke have at kaf­fe­filteret folder sam­men under­vejs), rist­ning af blødt knækbrød (man tror det ikke, det bliver sprødt igen) og et par ideer, der knapt kan siges at være ideer over­hovedet; afmon­ter­ing af gum­mi­handsker og dejf­in­gre i pose under tele­fon­sam­taler.

Og hvis man ikke fanger den første gang og ikke kan over­skue at slÃ¥ det op pÃ¥ net­tet, har Ide-nyt en smuk tra­di­tion for at bringe de samme ideer jævnligt, blot med en ny mod­tager af vingaven.

Og da jeg tydeligvis har alt for meget tid, har jeg ikke vil­let snyde Ide-nyt’s læsere for det lille haveslange-fif, selvom det vist er bragt op til flere gange. Der er lidt uklarhed omkring hvorvidt jeg mod­tager bel­gisk choko­lade eller “2 stk. Piet Hein Mul­ti­stager til en værdi af 795 kr”, men jeg er ikke bleg for at leve i Ã¥ndeløs spænding.

Note to self: Opret kat­e­gori; pupertær tomsnak/branding/spild af tid/tror du selv du er bedre/tÃ¥gehorn.

Update: Ide-nyt svarer, men holder under­teg­nede hen i unødig intens spænding:

Tak for ind­sendte idé. Vi skriver tilbage sÃ¥fremt vi bruger den.

Med ven­lig hilsen
idé-nyt a/s

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Ecamm Net­work releases iGlasses, a lit­tle set­tings app capa­ble of enhanc­ing your iSight image. Flip / mir­ror, brightness/night set­tings. Seems to work like a charm, priced at $8 — should be stan­dard in iChat.

Via macosx­hints — with a review.

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Podcasting ID3 tag inconsistency

Pod­cast­ing ID3 tag incon­sis­tency: Amen! (brief sum­mary: use ID3 tags wisely, remem­ber dates in titles, pod­catch­ers — please don’t make all those playlists.)

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[DK] DIY solar modules

Fra sub­ot­nick:

hvornår: fre26./lør27./søn28.nov.04
fra kl12 til kl24.
hvem: mar­tin kuentz, hanns hol­ger rutz & ralph schreiber
hvor: noishaus stu­dio, liflands­gade 15, inde i går­den, amager.
hvormeget: 50entre + ca 100 kro­ner pr solar modul.

sub­ot­nick tilby­der som noget nyt, en 3 dages work­shop for elek­tronik intresserede, musikere, instal­la­tion­skun­st­nere, per­formere o.l. der delt­agerne under­vises og hjælpes til at udvikle, pro­duc­ere og bruge solar mod­uler af kyn­dige vejledere. solar mod­uler kan kort beskrives som små, lys-følsomme, elek­tro­n­iske instru­menter.

der er få pladser tilgæn­geligt, så der skal rea­geres hur­tig om man er inter­esseret i at delt­age. der er ikke oblig­a­torisk frem­møde. der vil blive serveret safte­vand og lidt at bide i. egen lod­dekolbe ønskes medbragt.

Mere udførligt om solar mod­uler: http://www.sciss.de/chromaticfield/texts/modules.html (check video og lyd — good shit!). Lurer pÃ¥, om blitz-fotografering til optrædener er bandlyst eller ej.

Lyder som et opbyggeligt weekend-projekt. Har vist fak­tisk mere end een loddekolbe…

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Powerbook trouble

My Power­book is act­ing strange. It’s been doing it for a cou­ple of weeks now and so far I haven’t been able to google some­thing up.

1) When wak­ing it from sleep mode, it dis­plays the arrow on a black screen for some sec­onds then goes back to sleep. Nor­mally I would log in here — if I turn ‘log in after sleep’ off, I can come back to a func­tion­ing OS fram sleep mode. So can any­one else, though…

2) When using Soft­ware update, press­ing the actual Install-button once I’ve selected what to install…won’t work. Strange thing is, I had a sec­ond pro­file on the machine as a test — when logged into that, I could just give it my admin pass­word and it would install.

I have no idea what’s going on. I’ve been play­ing with extra pro­files, exter­nal hard­drives, typeit4me and other lit­tle exten­sions, updated OS X itself etc. — so it might be one of these things, a com­bi­na­tion hereof — or none of the above…I don’t know.

Any­how, any help or hints would be greatly appre­ci­ated. And no, I’m not send­ing my Power­book to the Nether­lands to get it fixed — I’m not really in the mood for work chaos … it’s messy enough as if at the moment.

Update: Mys­tery seems solved: A friend had bor­rowed my lap­top and installed Pro Tools on it as he was try­ing to fig­ure out whether his own Power­book had been hurt dur­ing a repair or not — and Pro Tools was actu­ally what I myself thought to be the cause of the trou­ble at first as I had just pulled the app to the trash instead of unin­stalling it. But as I couldn’t any­thing with a Pro Tools name on it on my hard drive and had per­formed numer­ous other things just as likely to cause mis­chief I let that thought go. I have now proved myself wrong (or right, if you will) — after try­ing a bunch of dif­fer­ent things, includ­ing a few from the com­ments (thanks guys! I should have done that any­way — it’s now a part of my rou­tine) I came back and did a search for the man­u­fac­turer, DigiDesign, instead. I found a bunch of stuff includ­ing some startup stuff scat­tered around the place. It’s now been removed — so far everything’s back to normal…Fingers crossed.


Podcast apologies

To the wasted crack-whore ges­tur­ing to make me take off my head­phones while I was wait­ing in the street for Indian take-out, smil­ing a tooth­less smile, ask­ing if I was lis­ten­ing to some good music:

I’ve been hav­ing quite some trou­ble recently try­ing to explain peo­ple I know — that to my knowl­edge haven’t even let other peo­ple do unthink­able things to them to finance crack — the won­ders of pod­cast­ing. So accept my apolo­gies for not telling the truth; that I was lis­ten­ing to the Daily Source Code — and just mum­bled a “Mmm, yeah…yeah, totally!”

Explain­ing pod­cast­ing can be hard, mkay?

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Ben Ham­mer­s­ley points to a splen­did ver­sion of his talk at last year’s reboot done by Andre LaRanche — it even comes with a tuto­r­ial.

It’s the slides from the pre­sen­ta­tion on the seman­tic web synced with the slides — pow­er­ful stuff. And the videos from the con­fer­ence shouldn’t be lost. I believe they still exist as Bit­Tor­rents — if not, I’m sure I saw the orig­i­nal cds con­tain­ing all the good stuff on a shelf the other day.

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Comment spam revisited

Ben Ham­mer­s­ley on a new type of com­ment spam with per­sonal domain names and no con­tent:

ItÂ’s not a real per­son, ’m sure of that, and theyÂ’re not grasp­ing for Google-juice yet, as there is no site at the end of the link. Look­ing like peo­ple is a cun­ning move, as it pre­vents generic term black­list­ing, and will get through the less than attentive.

I’m sure you all had your vis­its from the lovely girls and thought some­thing along the lines that Ham­mer­s­ley sug­gests. What I want is nice t-shirts say­ing “Jen­nifer Con­nor fucked me” or “Sarah Ster­ling (heart) me”. Time to give’em a bit of credit.

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Delicious Library

DelmonsterDown­loaded and did a quick test of Deli­cious Library, the much talked-about iPhoto style book/dvd/game/music library software.

First impres­sion: Sweet! Using my iSight I tried to scan the near­est book I had lying around. I pointed it at the bar­code on the back of Defen­sive Design for the Web — voila: A robotic female voice spoke the name of the title I had just scanned and the cover appeared on the dig­i­tal shelf.

I got a lit­tle pile of books and went over their backs with the iSight. You get a lit­tle pre­view win­dow with red scan­ner lines across to help your aim, but actu­ally it’s quite easy. I had the best expe­ri­ence with an angle about 30 degrees at a dis­tance of approx­i­mately two inches. It works the way you expect it to work; it beeps, the robot lady con­firms your entry (which is a bit silly but sort of helps you in keep­ing the books flow­ing as you don’t have to pay too much atten­tion to the screen) and the cover appears if it’s in the data­base. I haven’t checked where they look it all up, but out of the ten books I scanned, three of them came up with no cover. Which still beats the hell out of hav­ing to scan cov­ers and enter the titles by hand.

I did have some trou­ble with a few titles; as far as I can tell because of non-standard bar­codes — some of them small, some of them placed funny. I’ll do some more test­ing soon. Now we just need some data­base of Dan­ish poetry and I’m good to go…

But: Pretty nifty if you ask me — at least it a cool way to use your iSight when you haven’t got any friends you’re not iChatting.

An extra ten min­utes of quick play­ing: Scan­ning books con­tinue to be as easy as scrathing your… Euro­pean DVDs, how­ever, seem to be a bit of a prob­lem. Amazon.co.uk sup­port as an option, please. John Sir­a­cusa over at ArsTech­nica has a thor­ough review with some good points, a wish list — and a lit­tle story about the Apple devel­op­ing com­mu­nity.

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Get yourself stuck

This has been sit­ting in my ‘to-be-blogged’ list for some days (via The Gad­get­Guy):

Every­thing is packed, espe­cially my hard disk. I have down­loaded a whole bunch of pod­casts I have not been able to lis­ten to (this is a big issue with pod­casts) and I’m kinda look­ing for­ward to be stuck at the air­port or on the air­plane in order to be finally able to lis­ten to all this stuff. Paolo Valde­marin

Boy, do I know that feel­ing. Since pod­cast­ing I’ve been lis­ten­ing to more talk radio than ever before. But it’s kind of hard find­ing 4–5 hours every day with just a 10 minute bike ride to work — and plenty of work to keep myself busy. All of a sud­den, meet­ings across coun­try mean pleas­ant hours on trains, lis­ten­ing to the ipod, gig­gling at all the good stuff while sip­ping bad coffee.

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Morning quiz

You’re at your local cof­fee water­ing hole. The cof­fee maker is bro­ken, so you accept drink­ing bad fil­ter cof­fee. But you check your mail, read your favourite hun­dreds of blogs… until some­one cut the power to the access point so they can fix the espresso machine.

Do you:

A) Get pissed because you’re left with noth­ing do to and gal­lons of cold cof­fee already poured

B) Look for­ward to get­ting good cof­fee and enjoy being offline for just a bit

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Recursive fun


The two recur­sive rene­gades Le Danois and Dalager are hav­ing some fun, a recur­sive thursday.

But two three can play that game. In the pic­ture: Yours truly blog­ging the recur­sive post with ecto in a mir­ror while watch­ing a video with Dalager recorded using the same phone that’s in the pic­ture in the mir­ror. How about that? And it’s totally beside the point as it’s not really recur­sive, but it’s sort of the same game… I should sleep more, I know…


Silktide SiteScore

Hooray, yet another ‘val­i­da­tion’ ser­vice; Silk­tide SiteScore. So far, the weblog you’re read­ing right now scores pretty bad — some­thing along the lines “well, you’ve done your tech-homework, your host is cool and you’ve got that whole blogosphere-thing going — but it seems you haven’t got any friends, and you’re not likely to find some any­time soon”. I’ll prob­a­bly sleep fine tonight, but maybe I’ll check back later once I fin­ish my stu­pid blog redesign project.

Note to self: Look into the won­ders that ‘related posts’ plu­g­ins seem to be. Some­times I man­age to post sev­eral time on the same issue.

Pollas.dk, Web Development
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Disruptive Pattern Material

CamoPrint lust: Dis­rup­tive Pat­tern Mate­r­ial: An Ency­clo­pe­dia Of Cam­ou­flage.

Con­tain­ing over 5,000 images, many of which are pre­vi­ously unpub­lished, and draw­ing on the knowl­edge of an exten­sive team of con­sul­tants, DPM is an indis­pens­able ref­er­ence guide for both the novice and sea­soned cam­ou­fleur.

Exclu­sively through dpmhi.com and dpmhi store in London…guess who’s going to Lon­don in a week… Damn, I’ll never get rich this way. Also on the sub­ject: Cam­ou­flage pat­terns — roy­alty free camo EPS from YouWork­ForThem.

[via Cool Hunting]

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MT-Enclosures: A Movable Type Plugin

Did a search and found a nifty plu­gin for mak­ing enclo­sures in feeds for MT.

To start audio blog­ging, you have to do the hard part first — record the audio file. Be inter­est­ing. Let’s say you recorded as an MP3 file. Then upload the MP3 file to your web server so that it is avail­able for down­load. Then cre­ate a new blog entry that announces your post and has a link to the MP3. The link should be a stan­dard tag with the HREF point­ing to the MP3. Save and rebuild your index files. Your RSS 2.0 index will now have an tag in it point­ing to the MP3. You are all done!

Bran­don Fuller | MT-Enclosures: A Mov­able Type Plugin

Hope I find the time to play with pod­cast­ing soon.

Blogging, Syndication
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The Mouse BT

I’ve wanted a wire­less mouse for my Power­book for quite some time now, but since I’m a big scroll wheel fan and MacMice has claimed that their Apple mouse look-a-like was just around the cor­ner for about a year now, I’ve been hold­ing off. Well, The Mouse BT finally arrived. It looks pretty much as the orig­i­nal just with a crack in the cen­ter, split­ting it into a two-button ver­sion around the wheel.

At first it felt a bit plastic’y but when I put in the bat­ter­ies it got a lot bet­ter. So far it works like a charm, though the mouse itself is a bit small for my hand. The wheel has a nice feel to it and doesn’t turn in ‘clicks’ as most other mice which is rather nice.

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Tiger: Content is a beauty queen

AppleIn­sider | New Tiger builds reveal smart font col­lec­tions, secu­rity addi­tions, more:

The Tiger fea­ture list con­tinue to grow. What’s inter­est­ing here is the mic cal­i­bra­tion panel (pod­cast­ers unite) and the xml based screen­saver. What if the stan­dard screen­saver could pull in xml feeds from cam­blogs etc.? Cam­blog feeds them­selves could make nice screen­savers but I reckon you could to spe­cific screen­saver feeds.

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Blog­a­rithms points to a tuto­r­ial on music licens­ing at How­Stuff­Works. Inter­est­ing, but I’m still stuck with my ini­tial thought; it’s just too damn hard to deal with. This, of course, has been the case pretty much for ever. My point is, now that pod­cast­ing is tak­ing off, it will become a much big­ger prob­lem. Once again, peo­ple of the net is play­ing with tools get­ting them what they want how they want it when they want it — and just as with MP3s, I doubt any­one will stop to wait for the major record com­pa­nies to get their act together and give up their old skool approach to licenses. When they don’t want to deliver what peo­ple are ask­ing, I can’t blame any­one for think­ing that…well.… screw ‘em.

Just as we saw it with weblogs, the new infra­struc­ture allow­ing for easy dis­tri­b­u­tion will drive the deliv­ery of inter­est­ing con­tent and while we are defi­nately up for some qual­ity indie talk radio, I expect to see quite a lot of good music shows out there too — and a lot of angry let­ters from record companies.

Bot­tom­line: Once again, the major play­ers are going to learn it the hard way, so in short they’ll just have to act pretty damn soon if they want a pice of the action. Right now, most peo­ple out there would love to do this legally. Once they decide to play hard­ball with­out offer­ing any decent alter­na­tives, most peo­ple will just go ahead and to their thing any­way — and they won’t have a hard time explain­ing to the pub­lic why they do what they do event though it’s not legal.

I think I’m going to get myself a radioSHARK. FM timeshift­ing com­ing up. For now I’ll prob­a­bly won’t get in trou­ble as I don’t really have a radio show lined up.

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GUUUI — Card sorting tools

GUUUI points us to a sum­mary on card sort­ing tools. I haven’t read it prop­erly yet but I’m already biased towards Web­Sort as it allows you to do your card sorts over the web. I’m a big fan of pen and paper and while soft­ware defi­nately will make sav­ing your data in a decent for­mat (and not just a desk drawer) a lot eas­ier, I really just need a sim­ple way of not hav­ing to met in per­son with the card sort­ing crew.

I’ve men­tioned this before, but never got round to do an actual search on the sub­ject. I imag­ine a video con­fer­ence in com­bi­na­tion with an online card sort­ing tool could prove quite use­ful (ok, so I got an iSight some time ago and still need to find some­thing use­ful to use it for).

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Gravatar — Globally Recognized Avatar

Maybe we should all get Gra­vatars to help iden­tify us when post­ing comments?

Blogging, Pollas.dk, Web Development
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MileWideBack Firefox extension

Yet another poten­tially use­ful Fire­fox plugin:

<block­quote cite=“http://blog.codefront.net/archives/2004/10/24/milewideback-firefox-extension-saves-you-from-complex-hand-to-eye-coordination/””>

And whad­dya know, it turns out to be yet another essen­tial exten­sion (as far as I’m con­cerned). The premise of MileWide­Back is sim­ple: you use the left-edge of the Fire­fox win­dow to nav­i­gate back and forth in your tab his­tory.

This exten­sion allows you to nav­i­gate back and forth with­out requir­ing com­plex hand-to-eye coordination.

Redemp­tion in a blog:

I’ll have to try it out once I get to my PC. Since upgrad­ing to the lat­est RC on OS X, I’m hav­ing a lot of trou­ble with Fire­fox. It runs, but I can’t open new win­dows, the same goes for pop-ups and once one of these win­dows are ini­ti­ated, the Window-menu gets an empty line for each one; even­tu­ally the browser stops respond­ing. I have tried man­u­ally to remove all plu­g­ins etc., but so far with­out any luck. So I’m using Safari as my pri­mary browser which I though would be a healthy expe­ri­ence any­way. Single-window mode works out of the box which is really con­ve­nient when using an aggre­ga­tor — of course Fire­fox does that in one of the lat­est builds as well…but I guess I’ll have to wait to test that. I don’t mind fid­dling with a few things to get new soft­ware to work but right now I just can’t be arsed.

On a side note, I’m try­ing out doing the BLOCKQUOTE–markup a bit bet­ter, adding ADDRESS at the end. Found the tip over at Anne’s.

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MovableType 3.12

Gemal informs us that MT 3.12 is out.


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